/ / Daily diuresis - the most important indicator of kidney function

Daily diuresis - the most important indicator of kidney function

In medicine, urine output is called diuresis.certain period of time. Accordingly, daily diuresis - urine excretion during the day. The amount of diuresis in healthy people normally ranges from 500 to 2000 ml. Daily diuresis allows you to judge the intensity of the kidneys during the day. Its quantity depends on several internal and external factors. The volume of daily diuresis is influenced by the amount of fluid consumed, the intensity of sweat excretion, air temperature, and kidney function. Daily diuresis less than 500 ml is called oliguria, less than 100 ml is called oligoanuria, and the total absence of urine is called anuria.

Oliguria - reduced daily diuresis

Oliguria can be physiological andpathological. Physiological decrease in the volume of urine is observed with restriction of fluid intake, in the hot season, when a significant amount of fluid is lost with sweat. Pathological oliguria occurs when fluid is lost from the body in other ways, bypassing the kidneys. This can be with repeated vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, as well as the rapid formation of edema. Symptom oliguria occurs in chronic renal failure. Oligoanuria is a transitional state between oliguria and anuria, it happens in the pathology of the urinary system.


Anuria always indicates severe damage.the kidneys. It happens with the development of acute kidney failure, with chronic kidney failure in the severe stage, as well as with blockage of the urinary tract with a stone or squeezing with a tumor. The development of anuria requires emergency care, otherwise the patient dies from uraemia. Emergency care is to hardware blood purification by hemodialysis, that is, connecting the patient to the "artificial kidney".


The term polyuria is called the increase in dailyvolume of urine over two liters. Like oliguria, polyuria can be physiological, that is, it is observed in practically healthy people, and pathological. Physiological polyuria occurs when consuming large amounts of liquid, juicy fruits. For example, the occurrence of polyuria is often observed in the season of ripe watermelons. Polyuria is one of the symptoms detected in the initial stage of chronic kidney failure or in the stage of recovery in chronic failure. The appearance of polyuria is observed in the appointment of diuretic drugs and the rapid convergence of edema.

The value of daily diuresis during pregnancy

Daily diuresis during pregnancy - especiallyimportant indicator. With the help of this study, it is possible to control the correct course of pregnancy, at early stages to identify the development of possible complications. Daily diuresis of pregnant women is monitored for early detection of gestosis, the development of which provokes the pathology of the urinary system in a pregnant woman until the development of acute kidney failure.

The technique for determining the daily diuresis

The definition of daily diuresis is one of the mostcommon and simple methods of research, is assigned to patients with chronic heart disease, as well as in acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system. To determine the daily diuresis for one day, the patient is offered to collect all the urine into one graduated tank, with the help of which the amount of urine released during the day is determined.

Суточный диурез тесно связан с водным балансом, which is determined by comparing the amount of fluid consumed and urine output. When counting the amount of fluid consumed, juicy fruits and vegetables and the liquid administered to the patient are also taken into account.

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