/ How to install a stretch ceiling with your own hands?

How to install a stretch ceiling with your own hands?

Даже если в квартире или доме идеальный ремонт, made taking into account all modern trends in interior design, and the ceiling for some reason remained crooked and unevenly colored or whitened, the whole aesthetics of the room is reduced to zero. If you make your own stretch ceilings, you can get rid of the need to whiten or paint them. Also this is a temporary insurance from flooding from above. It is believed that these ceilings should only be installed by professionals. But this is not so. Everything can be done on its own.

What you need to install

Start with tools and appliances, withoutwhich in the process will not work. For the works you will need: a perforator, a gas tank, a stepladder ladder, a heat gun. You also need a level. It is better if it is laser. In addition, you need to stock up with dowels. Still in the process you need a hammer, a screwdriver, a sharp knife.

installation of stretch ceilings

When the instrument is assembled, the necessary materials are purchased. It is important before you do the stretch ceilings with your own hands, all carefully measured. The dimensions are as follows: the perimeter of the room and the area of ​​the ceiling.


For installation you need: a baguette, dowels, and also a cloth. The latter will be stretched on the frame of the profiles.

A baguette is a profile strip.It is made of aluminum or plastic. Aluminum profile is more reliable. But plastic products are more affordable in terms of prices. When buying, it is important to know exactly the size of the room. The profile is acquired around the perimeter of the room. It is better to purchase this material with a small margin.

Further it is also worth mentioning dowels and screws.Ceiling installation experts recommend purchasing these products with a margin. If more dowels are used during installation of stretch ceilings, the design will be more reliable and sturdy.

Cloth and will be the basis of the ceiling, as already noted. The tensioning element can be fabric or film. What to choose? Depends on the taste and style of the room.

Recommendations for choosing the canvas

As already noted above, there are two types of canvases. These are fabric and film solutions. Each material has its own peculiarities, disadvantages and advantages.

The basis of the fabric is polystyrene. This is an excellent option, if the method of installing a stretch ceiling with their own hands is chosen by the cam method.

stretch ceiling

Film material is made ofpolyvinyl chloride. It can be installed by harpoon, glazing, or wedge technology. Harpoon installation is more reliable, but there is a minus of this method - it's its complexity. It is supposed to be welded to the canvas with special fasteners in the form of hooks. Then the latter are mounted in the profile and the web is stretched.

In the modern construction marketa huge variety of fabrics for stretch ceilings. They differ in price, color, structure. It is not worth saving here - it's better not to buy the cheapest options. Picking up the canvas, it is worth making sure that it has no defects.

With the help of stretch ceilings, you canchange the visual perception of the room. So, if you want to make the ceiling higher, then choose products in light colors. If you want to lower the ceilings, then dark shades are suitable. When everything is purchased, it's time to move on to the installation process. The installation consists of several stages.

Installation process

Most apartments feature a ceilingirregularities, as well as wall distortions. Therefore, the very first thing to do is to measure and mark the future location of the installation. With the help of marking it will be possible to fix the profile-baguettes as precisely as possible.


The first step is to measure the height of the walls inroom where the ceiling will be installed. It is important to carry out measurements in all four corners. Labels are placed on the measurement sites. The difference can reach even five centimeters - this is normal. It is important to take into account how far the stretch ceiling will be from the base. The minimum distance is three centimeters. But if they install also lamps, then more space is needed.

installation of stretch ceilings with your own hands

Using a laser level along the perimeter, a line is drawn along which the baguette will be fastened. But here you need to work extremely carefully. The line must be flat.

Unfortunately, stretch ceilings with their own hands is notwill make a harpoon way. To implement this method in life you need to have certain skills. It is better to apply other options - they are simpler, and the result will be of the same quality.

We fix the baguette

When the markup is finished, go to the processfastening the profile to the walls. Installation will be carried out with the help of screws and dowels. It is necessary that the distance between the fasteners is about seven to eight centimeters.

stretch ceiling with your hands step by step instruction

To work it was easier and easier, at firstthe profile is glued to the wall. It should be noted that the dowel should not be mounted on the edge of the baguette - it's better to retreat a little. If the lanterns that attach the baguette are to be mounted, it is recommended to consider the width of the luminaires, the type and their number. When the canvas is already installed, it will be too late to change anything.

Installation of the cloth

We continue to learn how to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands. Apparently, there is nothing complicated in this. Only accuracy and accuracy are needed.

stretch ceiling with your hands step by step

To qualitatively, correctly install andpull the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to raise the temperature in the room. This can be done with a heat gun. It can be bought - this is a useful thing even after the ceiling is installed. It can be heated in the cold season of a variety of rooms.

stretch ceiling step by step instruction

But it's cheaper to rent it or from acquaintances. Specialists recommend taking on work with the linen only after the temperature in the room rises to at least 40 degrees.

Step-by-step instruction

So, it's time to get acquainted with the step-by-step instruction. Stretch ceiling with their own hands to install on it will be able to even those who have never done it. Here is the instruction:

  • At the first stage, you need to unpack the canvas. It is better to do this with clean hands to avoid leaving marks or stains. Then one corner of the canvas is fastened to the baguette. The canvas is preheated with a heat gun.
  • Then tightly fixed from the opposite side to the fixed corner. Fastening is carried out by means of special clamps with a gasket. This is necessary to reduce the risk of damage.
  • Then all the other corners are attached.Together with this, the ceiling is heated up to higher temperatures. Along with the tension elements, there is always an instruction, which shows how to install the stretch ceiling with your own hands. It has useful information about the base angle on the canvas. It is better to get acquainted with it, so as not to make mistakes.
  • Cloth need to warm up a little.During the warm-up process, the clamp is removed from one of the corners. With the help of an angled blade, which is located in the film shell groove, the web is inserted into the profile. Do this slowly. Hold the previous part, fix the next.
  • In the same way, all other corners are attached.It should be remembered that the process will become more complicated as the matter comes to an end. Have to make significant efforts. It is better to invite in advance for the assistant.
  • When all corners are fixed, proceed to installationdirect sites. For this, straight blades are already used. The areas where the seams are located are fastened to two or three locks. Then the distance is divided into two and again fixed with several locks. When this task is completed, proceed to the installation of other sites.
how to set a stretch ceiling to your hands

In the process, it is important to ensure that the panelstretched as evenly and without folds. It must reliably connect to the carrier part. The folds are eliminated by heating the cloth and gently smoothing. Carefully inspect the attachment points. If a defect is noticed, then it must be liquidated before the canvas cools.


That's how the stretch ceiling is set by the hands. A step-by-step instruction will help you to do the work correctly and get a high-quality result.

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