/ / Discharge as a snot and other signs of pregnancy

Discharge as a snot and other signs of pregnancy

Many of the women even once in their life met with such a problem as an independent definition of pregnancy. The following methods will help you to understand exactly: whether you become a mother or not.

1.Of course, the most basic symptom is the absence in time of menstruation and discharge as a snot - so women describe it. But when pregnancy is allocated as a snot are almost everyone. By the way, pay attention to other signs. If suddenly the monthly still went, but the signal symptoms are still there, then, most likely, it happens for other reasons, not related to the occurrence of pregnancy. There are, of course, cases when critical days occur during pregnancy, but this, more often than not, is just a small discharge. But if the bleeding started, then it signals that there was a miscarriage.

Since doctors can give a specific answer onlyafter 2-3 weeks of delay, and during this time in the body of a woman there is already much to change fundamentally, for this period it will be possible to draw appropriate conclusions on their own.

2. The most unpleasant moment of this period is toxicosis. It helps to identify pregnancy in the early stages, however, it does not appear in all women.

3.Возникновение боли в груди.Especially the clear signal it is for those who have never had a tendency to mastopathy. The pain can be so strong that any touch to the chest becomes painful. In addition, during this period, the glands are enlarged, and the bust becomes much larger. But, in the case when the pain occurs in some places of the breast, it is worthwhile to think about going to the mammologist.

4.Pain, very similar to those that accompany premenstrual and the first menstrual days. These are pains in the region of the ovaries and uterus. Naturally, when they arise, the ladies initially think that the critical days are coming. But the monthly does not come, but the pain remains. Although, it is not excluded with such symptoms and ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, if any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

5.Transparent discharge from the genitalia, mentioned above. They do not smell. If allocation as a snot is a variant of the norm. Look at how on specialized sites on the network, gynecologists describe discharge as a snot during pregnancy. But another matter is the change in their consistency. When a curdled structure appears, white, you can think of thrush, which is often found in pregnant women. At this point, without qualitative treatment, you can not do without it. Since it is in this period that you need to get rid of the baby as soon as possible from the threat. But for some reason it is the allocation as snot scare women. It's normal, just hormonal changes occur.

6. Increase or decrease of attraction.It, first of all, envy of hormonal changes in a woman. Therefore, men will have to be most sensitive to their beloved, because they will soon become moms.

7.Tearfulness, drowsiness and irritability, the so-called female whims. When tastes change constantly, when you want strawberries in the evening, and in the afternoon - herring. However, everything has its advantages. Each of these signals signals something. For example, it is desirable to get sour with a lack of vitamin C, and if there is a lack of calcium, moms need to chew on the wall.

8. Частые мочеиспускания.Regardless of how much you drank water, you began to walk to the toilet more often. Think cystitis? Like the stomach does not hurt, and when urinating pain is not observed. So, it's time to think about the definition of pregnancy. This phenomenon will accompany you throughout pregnancy, because it is due to hormonal changes.

9. Increase in temperature. Yes, this is one of the symptoms accompanying pregnancy. As a rule, it occurs only in the first month. So, that will have to suffer.

Know that you do not need to be embarrassed to take in a pharmacypregnancy tests and timely contact the gynecologist, tell me that you are disturbed by discharge as a snot, discharge from the mammary glands, odor. Do not be afraid, there is nothing in this shameful one.

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