/ The Harm and Benefit of the Eggshell. Egg shell usage

Harm and benefit of egg shell. Egg shell usage

One can hardly meet someone who did not knowwhat that egg shell is. In the form of waste, it periodically appears in every family. But can it be applied? What are the harm and benefits of eggshell for humans?

It is worth saying that this is truly pricelessthe gift of nature people use for different purposes. Apply it and for recovery. The damage and benefit of the egg shell were known to ancient healers. They advised their patients to consume raw eggs directly whole. This allowed us to replenish the body with all the elements necessary for its normal functioning.


harm and benefit of the egg shell

Understand the harm and benefits of eggshell,can only be carefully examined the composition. The value of this natural product lies primarily in the fact that it consists of 93% calcium carbonate. This substance, which is easily absorbed by the human body, strengthens our bones and teeth. In addition, when comparing exposure with those calcium preparations that we can purchase in a pharmacy, eggshell has clear advantages. And above all, they are concluded that the body most effectively gets rid of the deficiency of such an important element for it, like calcium.

Today we can say that the eggshell: the benefits and harm, properties and chemical composition - thoroughly studied by science. It has been established that, in addition to calcium carbonate, this wonderful gift of nature contains twenty-seven trace elements, each of which is important for the normal operation of all body systems.

These include silicon and copper, phosphorus andiron, zinc and manganese, magnesium and aluminum. In addition, the eggshell contains such essential amino acids as isoleucine and methionine, cystine and lysine. These valuable ingredients also give the product many useful properties.

eggshell benefit and harm

Drug preparation

Eating chicken shell requirespreliminary preparation of the product. It is necessary to take fresh eggs. What color they will be - white or brown, is not so important. Next, a wonderful dietary product must be washed with soap, rinse thoroughly, and then cook hard-boiled. In this case, the dishes should be enameled, without any chips. Do not prepare the medicine from the shell, which had contact with the metal.

Next, the eggs are cleaned.The shell, freed from the lining of its film, thoroughly dried. To do this, just sprinkle it on a plate and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature. Do not dry the shells in the oven or under direct sunlight. In this case, it can lose the biological activity given to it by nature. Then already prepared raw materials should be crushed in a porcelain mortar to the consistency of powder.

For the preparation of a medicinal productIt is not necessary to use chicken shells. You can take the eggs of any of the poultry. A medicine made from such a shell will also be quite effective. However, it should be borne in mind that it will bring the maximum benefit only if no chemical additives were added to the bird’s food.

People's healers are familiar with the benefits and propertiesquail eggshells. The medicine made from this raw material ranks first in its value. As part of the quail shell are trace elements such as magnesium and selenium, which are important for our body. In addition, the quail drug is absorbed much better than that prepared using chicken eggs.

How to use?

Высушенную, а затем тщательно измельченную яичную Shells are added to already prepared dishes. However, before this, for greater efficiency, it is desirable to dissolve it in lemon juice. This mixture will allow calcium to be absorbed much better by the body. Prepare it easy. To do this, just put a little shell in a small saucer and add a few drops of lemon juice. This mixture is suitable for soups and salads.

what is the use and harm of taking eggshells
Folk healers who have studied the harm and benefitseggshell, it is recommended not only for adults but also for children. Babies should be given small doses. With age, the dosage gradually increases and can be from one and a half to three grams during the day.

Calcium fortification

According to folk healers, in order tothe organism fully developed and functioned, the eggshell must be present in the diet of each person. The benefits and harms of this truly invaluable gift of nature have been known to people for more than one century. The greatest value of this tool lies in the replenishment of the body with the missing calcium. The metabolic disturbance of this substance, especially in the skeletal system, leads to the occurrence of rickets in children, early tooth damage, curvature of the spine, osteoporosis, weakening of labor activity in women, deterioration of hair and nails, bleeding gums, irritability, etc.

eggshell benefits and harm properties and chemical composition

With a lack of calcium, immunity suffers. A person often begins to suffer from colds, he develops allergies and many other pathologies.

Помимо аптечных препаратов, кальций содержат gypsum, soda and honey. However, this valuable mineral is still absorbed from the eggshell. And this is a simple explanation. The fact is that in its chemical composition it is similar to our teeth and bones. This leads to its maximum absorption. It is recommended to take a healing natural product for women planning to have a baby. Available in the body of calcium reserves will facilitate childbirth.

Eggshell for children

Natural Medicine Made by Ownhands, it is very useful to kids. In the first three years of life, egg shell will be a good help for their body. The benefits and harms of this product should be carefully studied by parents, which folk healers recommend adding natural calcium to baby food. This will avoid such pathologies as rickets, anemia and diathesis.

egg shell fertilizer

The amount of powdered eggshell, which giveBabies are different and depend on their age. From six months to a year a meager dose is enough for the child - literally at the tip of a knife. For babies from one to three years, the volume of the natural preparation should be doubled.

Freedom from various pathologies

In addition to enriching the body with calcium, eggthe shell can stimulate the bone marrow by activating their blood production. Traditional medicine recommends this wonderful natural product to those who suffer from bronchial asthma. The use of the medicinal product will relieve the patient from attacks or at least soften them. Means from the shell of chicken eggs can be used in the treatment of ulcerative processes in the duodenum, gastritis, diarrhea and burns. It is able to grind stones in the kidneys and in the bladder.

chicken shell use
Adverse environmental conditions whichIt has become one of the main problems of our planet, provokes the accumulation in the human body of radioactive elements that contain soil, water and atmosphere. As a result, people suffer from various diseases that significantly impair their health. To remove radioactive elements will help us eggshell. It will not allow harmful substances to accumulate in the bone marrow.

Probability of negative consequences

In order to when trying to heal yourself fromWe have not harmed any disease of the body, we need to give ourselves a serious enough answer to the question: “What are the benefits and what harm from taking eggshells?” Yes, an amazing gift of nature can help a person in solving many health problems. However, it should not be taken by patients suffering from cancer, and those whose pathology is associated with an excess of calcium. In addition, before preparing the medicinal drug, thorough disinfection of egg shells is necessary. The fact is that salmonella often live on their surface. Avoiding the possibility of infection will help wash the eggs with soap and running water.

It should also be borne in mind that it is not recommended to use the eggshell of ducks and geese. In this case, the risk of infection increases significantly.

Other uses

For a long time the natural product is used in many spheres of human life. So, gardeners make fertilizer from eggshells.

benefits and properties of quail egg shells

Farmers feed her chickens.This increases their egg production. Use egg shells and housewives. They add it to the laundry during the wash. This allows you to whiten the fabric no worse than when using chemicals.

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