/ / Hibericks vaccine: what to know before vaccination

Hiberica vaccine: what to know before vaccination

In our country, parents tend to fall intoextremes: either to refuse all vaccinations altogether, or to agree to everything the doctor says in the children's polyclinic, without even going into the essence of the manipulations that will be carried out with the child. This is fundamentally wrong! For example, today the vaccine "Hiberix" appeared on the vaccination calendar, so should it be used? It is necessary to understand and take a weighted decision: is it necessary for your child?

Hiberica vaccine

Who produces the Hiberica vaccine?

For those parents who care about healththeir children, an important factor in the decision-making process for vaccination will be the fact that this drug is produced by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals s.a. (on the market since 1715). This British firm is the second in the world in terms of turnover, expressed in monetary terms. Production facilities are located in different countries, including Russia. At purchase it is necessary to specify, where the concrete vaccine "Хиберикс" though the information that vaccines of the given firm are made only in Belgium is declared is made.

What protects the drug from?

Judging by what is written in the instruction, thisthe vaccine will protect the child from the diseases that cause Haemophilus influenzae type b (including meningitis, severe pneumonia, epiglottitis). In addition, it is recorded that this drug can cause a weak immune response to tetanus toxoid, but it should not be considered that the Hibericks vaccine will replace a tetanus vaccination.

vaccine hiberix reviews

At what age is the drug administered, with what can it be combined?

In accordance with WHO recommendations, thisThe vaccine can be used to immunize children who are already 2 months old. The drug "Hiberix" is a vaccine, the instruction to which clearly indicates all important points. There, for example, it is indicated that this inoculation should be done simultaneously with vaccinations against tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria.

hiberic vaccine instructions

In addition, the instructions prescribed schemesvaccination according to the age of the child in which the vaccine was administered for the first time. Vaccination can be one, two or three. If the baby received the first dose of vaccine before six months, then in the future he will receive two more doses with an interval of a month or one and a half. In the event that the vaccination was started after six months, the child will receive two doses. Well, if the vaccine "Hiberici" is introduced to a child whose age is from 1 to 5 years, he will receive it once.

Are there any contraindications?

Absolute contraindication for administrationis a previously recorded severe reaction to the vaccine. In addition, the doctor will not allow vaccination if the baby has a fever, an infectious disease. It is necessary to check very carefully whether the child is healthy before going to the inoculation!

What do they say about the drug?

In most cases, the vaccine "Hibericx" reviewsreceives positive. This is due to the fact that it gives a good effect, but the side effects are fixed quite rarely, and they are not catastrophic (small and short-term increase in body temperature, local irritations in the introduction of the vaccine, which quickly disappear).

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