/ / Sepia (homeopathy): indications for use, description, composition and reviews

"Sepia" (homeopathy): indications for use, description, composition and reviews

Components of drugs that are usedhomeopathy, are taken from nature, no synthetics. Everything that is available to a person becomes the basis of a medicinal substance. There are among such substances and very unusual in origin, for example sepia. Homeopathy indications for the use of this drug is very extensive, and the substance itself is quite interesting.


Lives on the seabed a typical underwater inhabitant witha ridiculous name - cuttlefish. It feeds on small fishes and crustaceans, hiding on the bottom. And people carefully study the same as she, and have already found out that there are about 30 kinds of cuttlefish, some of them can be eaten. And there is cuttlefish, which is used in alternative medicine. It is called - drug cuttlefish. Not so long ago a shell of cuttlefish and the contents of an ink bag were used as a medicine. Today it is ink that has become a substance widely used homeopathy for medicinal purposes. And the scientific name of this sea inhabitant Sepia gave the name to the homeopathic component - sepia.

sepia homeopathy indications for use

Once upon a time there was an artist

An unusual natural component is sepia.Homeopathy indications for the use of it involves extensive, including using ink cuttlefish in the treatment of many conditions. The history of appearance of this natural component in the arsenal of alternative medicine is also interesting.

Once upon a time there lived an artist, his name, toUnfortunately, it is not preserved in history. And his friend was the ancestor of the homeopathy Christian Hahnemann. The artist became very ill, weakness and malaise did not allow him to live a full life, and no matter how he was treated, no matter what means doctors and a Christian friend prescribed, nothing helped. But one day Hahnemann visited the workshop where the patient worked. The homeopath noticed that one of the paints uses cuttlefish ink, and so that they do not wither, the artist constantly rubs a brush with this paint in his mouth. Then such a paint was very common and was considered absolutely harmless. But Hahnemann suddenly realized that perhaps in regular use inside the ink of cuttlefish lies the reason for the artist's indisposition. He advised a friend to rinse a brush in the water so that ink does not get inside the body. The artist followed the advice of a friend and after a while felt much better. And Hahnemann included the contents of an ink bag of cuttlefish into an arsenal of components, giving it the name - Sepia (homeopathy). Indications for the use of this new substance were investigated and received a huge field of activity.

sepia 30 homeopathy indications for use

How does the substance work?

In terms of biological composition, inkcuttlefish - a storehouse of useful substances - vitamins, amino acids, participating in cholesterol metabolism. But in the same product of the life of a marine creature, there is also a poison, which cuttlefish frightens off predators hunting for it. That is why preparations of homeopathy, containing an extract of cuttlefish ink, should be applied with extreme caution. What processes in the body can cause sepia? Homeopathy indications for the use of this substance is the same as that manifested when taking this component in fairly large doses:

  • spasm of blood vessels and sweating;
  • cold feet and fever in the hands;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, manifested by the release of greenish pus;
  • the occurrence of bleeding from the nose, even with a slight mechanical effect;
  • on the skin integuments appear a herpetic appearance of rash and dark spots;
  • joints are weakened, flat feet can develop;
  • depression of mood, then the patient feels fear, passing into emptiness and indifference.

A feature of homeopathic therapyis that it uses those substances that are capable of causing the same reaction of the organism as manifested during the illness. Therefore, knowing how sepia can affect a person in large doses, practicing homeopaths calculate the indications for its use in certain diseases.

sepia 6 homeopathy indications for use

When is "Sepia" appointed?

Like any homeopathic substance, the extractink cuttlefish used in certain concentrations. The calculation is carried out in the number of drops of the preparation per 100 ml of pure water. For example, 200 drops of ink per 100 ml of water will be designated "Sepia 200". Homeopathy testimony to the use of such a high concentration of this substance sees the following:

  • leucorrhea;
  • Gospel Disease (jaundice);
  • stomach ache;
  • inflammation of the nasal sinuses;
  • gonorrhea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • constipation (a long time);
  • fetid runny nose (ozena);
  • toothache;
  • itching (prurit);
  • whooping cough;
  • hemorrhage (apoplexy);
  • violations of defecation (the so-called "sheep stool");
  • nasal bleeding;
  • pleurisy;
  • psoriasis;
  • spasms of the anus;
  • cracks in the anus and rectum;
  • Lip cancer;
  • ozena;
  • Lip cancer;
  • rectal cancer;
  • phimosis.

For the concentration of the preparation "Sepia 30", the homeopathy of indications for use is determined by the following:

  • alcohol abstinence;
  • alopecia;
  • amenorrhea;
  • warts;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • cysts, tumors and ovarian cancer;
  • condyloma
  • omission of the uterus;
  • pitiriasis (pink lichen);
  • ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • seborrhea;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • tonsillitis;
  • tone of the uterus;
  • trichophytosis (ringworm);
  • Chloasma;
  • cold allergy;
  • cystitis;
  • eczema;
  • enuresis.

Sepia helps with so many female problems, ranging from appearance (acne, acne, rashes on the skin, pigmentation) and ending with a toxicosis of pregnant women or the omission of the uterus.

sepia homeopathic indications for use

If the drug can not be used

The lowest dosage (potency) of the drug "Sepia"- 6. Homeopathy indications for the use of such small doses of the drug offers mainly for women who are about to become a mother or for the elderly to improve their well-being in the menopause. But even such a small concentration of the drug has a contraindication to the use - individual intolerance of the drug - extracts from ink cuttlefish. It is possible to enhance the effect of the substance when the dosage is incorrectly selected. Then it is necessary to visit a homeopathist so that he reduces either the dose or the number of receptions of the remedy.

sepia 200 homeopathy indications for use

Some features

One of the women's alternative medicine -sepia. Homeopathy testimony to the use of the product from the sea sees most often in the female sphere - beauty, appearance, hormonal balance - the area of ​​use of cuttlefish ink. But for men, it sometimes becomes an essential ingredient in the treatment of natural medicine. Sometimes this tool is shown to children. But before assigning sepia to a child, the homeopath must make sure that he absolutely does not have contraindications to such a drug. There is a special feature of applying sepia - for half an hour before a meal, the drug should be held for a while in the mouth, then swallowed.

sepia homeopathy indications for use

The psychotype of Sepia

Homeopathy does not work with any particulardisease. The subject of her work is the whole body - the bodily and spiritual essence of it. And for each drug that uses alternative medicine, a psychotype of people is defined. Sepia - is more often a woman, lean, black-haired, with an unhealthy icteric complexion. Although such a psychotype can be found among men and children - lazy, depressed, often angry and dissatisfied with the surrounding world, loving loneliness and paying little attention to others, even to relatives and friends. Such people often suffer from headaches, pathological processes occurring in the genital area, they have an active sweating, unhealthy complexion.

sepia 30 homeopathy indications for use

Feedback on treatment

Definitely a woman's substance - ink cuttlefish- sepia. Homeopathy indications for use (reviews about the drug will be slightly lower) determines most often in the treatment of women's problems. Therefore, the responses about this interesting substance are left mainly by the fair sex. Many women thank "Sepia" for helping with painful menstruation - the pain recedes. Also, there are many reviews that the ink of cuttlefish causes profuse sweating, women complain that they have to change their clothes very often, almost every two to three hours, although many such problems were not known before sepia reception. There are reports that ink cuttlefish helped to get rid of cysts on the ovaries and in the chest. The process, according to the patients taking this remedy, was quite long - at least 3-4 months, the doctors increased the dose gradually, bringing to the potency of 1000. But at the same time, as a side effect, hair falls out very much - this is also a complaint of many women. There are results described by patients that the skin has cleared, acne and pigmentation have disappeared. Based on feedback, it can be concluded that Sepia is an effective homeopathic drug, but it is difficult to find it in the right dosage and it causes problematic side effects.

sepia 6 homeopathy indications for use

Correct, adequately selected treatment with sepia and other means of homeopathy can save many problems with appearance and health.

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