When the leg starts to grow dumb from the hip to the knee, thendo not panic. Usually this condition arises because of excessive physical exertion and passes by itself. However, one should be alerted if the leg is numb enough often and it happens for a long time. This is the reason for going to the doctor and undergoing a survey. So why does the leg grow numb from the hip to the knee? Let's try to find out the reasons for this.
Approximately 70% of patients' complaints are relatedwith numbness of the anterior part of the thigh. In severe cases, when the musculoskeletal system is affected, patients note that not only does the leg from the hip to the knee go numb, but pain occurs in the perineum, groin, buttocks, abdomen and lumbar region. Usually this condition is characteristic of the intervertebral hernia.
Medical terminology refers to numbnessthe term "paresthesia". This is a violation of sensitivity, accompanied by a feeling of numbness, running creepy, burning. Paresthesia usually occurs as a result of prolonged mechanical compression or irritation of the superficial nerve bundle, as well as due to temporary disruption of the blood supply to a specific area of the body. Such a numbness is called passing, because it passes quickly enough. For example, if a person is very long in the sitting position, then the leg begins to grow dull and tingle.
Chronic paresthesia is already a pathology and quite often points to the defeat of any department of the nervous system.
If the leg grows numb from the hip to the knee, the reasons can be as follows:
In addition to these common causes, there are other:
Depending on which leg section has lost sensitivity, the doctor is able to determine the disease that caused this pathological condition.
If the left leg grows numb from the hip to the knee, alsoas well as the right one, this is usually observed with polyneuropathy. If such a pathological condition has swallowed the inguinal region, this is a clear symptom of the symptom of Bernhardt-Roth or radiculopathy. Both these diseases are hereditary.
If one leg is numb, this indicatesproblems with the spine, and usually the lesion is observed on the part of the patient's leg. There may also be pain in the lumbar region. The pathological condition in the knee region or slightly below it indicates that the sciatic nerve is restrained.
Also, if the right leg grows numb from the hip to the knee, then this may be due to the peculiarities of professional activity. This also applies to the left leg.
Numbness and pain occurring in the upper parthips, may indicate tunnel syndrome. It is characterized by the fact that the neurovascular bundle passes through a very narrow channel and its compression occurs. The outer and back surfaces of the thigh are usually numb with radiculopathy and intervertebral hernias. There may also be pain in the gluteus muscle.
If the leg grows numb from the hip to the knee while walking, there is lameness, a sense of running goosebumps, then problems with the cardiovascular system are likely.
Despite the pronounced symptoms, which indicate the cause of numbness of the legs, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures. They include the following survey methods:
If the leg is getting numb from the hip to the knee, what should I do?It is necessary to consult a doctor. Only the treatment started on time is able to bring a positive result and guarantee a complete cure for this ailment. If numbness in the leg disturbs a person for a long time, then in neglected cases, atrophy of nerve fibers and roots develops. The disease takes on a chronic form, and chances are that the feeling of numbness will periodically arise throughout life.
In addition, weakness and feelings may increasepain in the leg. It is possible to rebuild the musculoskeletal system, and then the body weight is transferred to a healthy leg, which leads to a curvature of the spine. Also, there is a high probability of disorders from the nervous system, manifested in the form of depression.
Thus, if the leg from the hip grows numbknee, treatment should begin with getting rid of the factor that is causing this pathological condition. In diseases of the spine, the entire musculoskeletal system is carefully examined and corrected to prevent the development of new symptoms.
Treatment includes the use of the following drugs and activities:
In addition, surgical intervention is possible to eliminate compression of the nerve roots in hernia or protrusion of the discs, as well as osteochondrosis.
If after a survey there was norevealed a serious disease, and the cause of numbness of the leg is insufficient physical activity, it is recommended that more time be given to walking walking. Time of walking should be increased gradually so that your legs do not become overextended. It is desirable to have orthopedic shoes, so that the pressure during walking is distributed evenly not only on the muscles of the legs, but also on the entire spine.
Thus, if the leg from the hip grows numbof the knee, then the earlier treatment is carried out, the greater the probability of getting rid of such a pathological condition without any consequences. Early diagnosis of a serious disease, the symptom of which is numbness of the lower limbs, helps to stop the development of a disorder in the body. Do not neglect your health, but rather use prevention measures to prevent diseases.