Odetectosis in cats is quitea common parasitic disease. Statistics confirm that diseases are more susceptible to young animals, although the likelihood of developing so-called "earwax" is not excluded in an adult. So, with what symptoms is it accompanied and how dangerous?
Otodektoz in cats: the causes
The causative agent of the disease is a tick of smallsizes Otodectes cynotis, living on the skin of the auricle of an animal. This parasite has a roundish, yellowish body and developed limbs. Its dimensions do not exceed 0.3 mm.
Tongs affect the skin of the auricle, the outerauditory canal and often damage the tympanic membrane. Parasites feed on exfoliated epithelial cells. As a rule, the cycle of microorganism development lasts no more than 20-40 days, depending on environmental conditions.
The only source of pathogenic ticks is the infected animal. But it should be noted that this disease is found not only in cats, but also in dogs, foxes and other domestic and wild animals.
Similar parasites can be called "permanent inhabitants", because their entire breeding cycle takes place in the skin tissues of a sick animal. Therefore, without treatment here can hardly be dispensed with.
Otdetectosis: symptoms
Of course, parasites injure the skin and secretetissue toxins are products of their own vital activity. This causes severe itching and burning in the auricle, which can not but affect the behavior of the animal.
As a rule, odeotectosis in cats begins preciselywith these symptoms. A sick animal often shakes his head, rubs his ear against hard objects, trying to reduce the itching. In this case, you can observe the increased nervousness of pets, and sometimes some kind of aggression. Often the activity of parasites leads to a deterioration in appetite and an increase in body temperature.
In addition, you can see a cluster of brownish discharge in the external auditory canal, which is a mixture of exudate and pus.
If there are such symptoms, the animalit is necessary to show the vet. Gradually, the parasites spread deep into the ear canal. Often during the disease affects the structure of the middle and inner ear, in the most severe cases, the infection reaches the meninges.
Otodektoz in cats: methods of diagnosis
In order to suspect the presence of the disease, the doctorit is enough only to examine the external ear and notice the presence of brownish crusts - this is the reason for further examinations. In such cases, scraping from the skin is necessary. Under a microscope, it is often possible to notice adult pathogens, their eggs or larvae.
Otodectosis in cats: treatment
Modern veterinary medicine offers a lot of moneytreatment of such a disease. As a rule, at first the doctor carefully clears the auditory canal, removing the excretions and crusts from it. After that, antiparasitic drops are regularly injected into the ear, for example, preparations Amitrazine or Akromectin. In addition, special gels are used to treat the skin with an anti-cell effect, including the ode-adaptin agent. In some cases, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is indicated. If otodecosis is complicated by a secondary bacterial infection, antibiotics may be needed.