/ / Grapes White miracle: a description of the variety and its features

Grapes White miracle: a description of the variety and its features

Grapes White miracle is an early cultivargrapes. This is a shrub with small bunches that are valued for the extreme juiciness of berries and an extraordinary palette of flavors. Fruits of this variety ripen for 100-120 days, it depends on climatic features of a particular region.

Description of grapes White miracle

Grape bushes are considered to be weakly ormedium height. They form quite large bunches with a pronounced cylindrical shape and average density. One grape brush weighs approximately 700-900 grams.

white grapes

Vine differs excellent ripeness (ripens to 90-100%). Fruit shoots reach a volume of 75%. On each bush formed about 50 eyes. Flowers are both male and female.

Characteristics of the fetus

Grapes of white grapes have a wonderful miracleability - they hang for a long time on the bunch, and at the same time retain their taste. But to abuse this feature is not necessary, since ripe berries are a natural sweet bait for insects.

The berries themselves are large enough and oval in shape. The main color is white, but when the berry fully ripens, from the sunny side it becomes a little yellow.

white grape variety

The fruits of this grape variety with juicy fleshyFlesh and excellent harmonious taste (refreshing and sweet, with a little sourness). The sugar content in the berry is about 20%, the acidity is 6-7 g / l with a tasting rating of 7.9 points.

Advantages and disadvantages of the White miracle

Description of the grapes White wonder will be appreciated by gardeners and professional wine growers. In addition, the variety has many advantages, and is characterized by the following:

  • good transportability and caring;
  • large beautiful bunches;
  • sweet refreshing taste of berries;
  • brushes can hang for a long time on bushes;
  • frost resistance of the kidneys (withstands very low temperatures - up to -25 degrees);
  • stable quality maturation of the vine;
  • good compatibility with rootstocks.

However, the variety has some drawbacks, for example, one-year-old grapevine is quite brittle and fragile.

Rules for planting seedlings

Saplings of grape variety White wonder is desirable to plant, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. When planting this hybrid form of grapes, it is important to choose the right site - the soil must be well-flowing air, and the site itself should be sunny (well warmed up).
  2. Before you begin to prepare a landing pit, the soil must be dug up or deeply rinsed.
  3. Planting pits are filled with nutritious soil mixture, which includes: humus, sand, wood ash (proportions equal).
  4. From the soil mixture on the bottom of the landing pit make a low mound, which then planted the prepared seedlings.
  5. The root system is spread along the landing mound and neatly covered with soil.

After the seedlings are planted, they must be tied to the support and watered abundantly. The landing is recommended to be carried out in the spring period: the second decade of April - the end of May.

grapes white miracle description

Care of grapes

For a beginner gardener White ghost -it's just a find, an excellent variety in growing grapes. All because this variety is completely unpretentious in care, it is enough only to conduct the following activities:

  • Loosen the soil and remove the weeds around the vines.
  • As a prophylaxis against pests and major diseases, spray plants with a Bordeaux mixture.
  • To water moderately (four times during the vegetation period).
  • In time, tie up long shoots.
  • Regularly apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Cover the bushes of grapes, when there is a steady cooling, to protect them from freezing.
  • It is important to monitor the level of loading of the vine - optimal is 30-35 eyes. Crop the vine fruiting should be at 6-8 eyes.


  1. Grapes are fertilized White wonder in the autumn, it is necessary to feed up to the first frosts. This can be done with the help of store tools or humus leaves with horse manure.
  2. Watering begins in late spring, whenthreat of frost. One bush of grapes requires about 4 liters of water. To improve the effect, 0.5 kg of ash can be added to the water. It is important to water the bushes before flowering, the last time watering is done when the flowering is over.
  3. It is necessary to insulate the grapes White miracle onwinter period, since the variety is thermophilic. This is done in the middle of autumn with the help of specially designed polyethylene or other dense material.

Diseases and pests

This variety is distinguished by a high resistance to major diseases: mildew, gray rot and oidium. Osami berries are not damaged badly.

grapes white wonder description of the grade

Preventive measures reduce the risk of grape disease of this variety, ie, you need to regularly spray plants with special preparations.

Useful properties of grapes

Useful properties of grapes are known for a long time - it is a source of a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Today, scientists learn about the new valuable properties of this plant. The last discovery of scientists is the ability of grapes to excrete radionuclides from the body. This is all thanks to the element resveratrol.

But it is important to remember that the medicinal propertiesvary depending on the chemical composition, and it is different for each variety. For example, white grape varieties (to which the White Miracle belongs) have a diuretic effect, removing salts and various toxins from the human body.

grapes white miracle reviews

Specifically, the grade White miracle has a relaxing and calming effect on the body, which relieves the person of stress and nervous tension.

Systematic use of berries of the White miracleimproves digestion. The fruits of this shrub contain organic acids, various minerals (phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, etc.), and also rich in pectin and aromatic substances. Also, daily consumption of berries normalizes pressure, metabolic processes and improves stool.

grapes white miracle in the suburbs

This grape variety is very useful for people with the following diseases: atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, nervous exhaustion, various liver diseases.

The healing effect is not only fruits of the grapes, but also leaves - a decoction of them can be treated or prevent hypertension.

Reviews about grapes White miracle

Grapes of a grade the White miracle has completely justifieddeclared indicators. The sugar set occurs at the end of August, the sugar content and acidity are in a very good ratio, has a noble taste and a beautiful yellowish color that appears when growing grapes on a sunny plot.

Excellent variety of grapes, unpretentious in care,the berries are delicious, not very large. In the first year after planting the seedlings, the buds wake up rather late (do not be afraid of it). In the following years they will wake up in time. If the foliage was affected by late reflux frosts, the upper part of the vine should be cut off, and the vine itself should be covered with a covering material of high quality.

Variety White wonder is a promising hybridform of table grapes, which is easy to cultivate. Of course, the yield in different regions is different, but in the suburbs of Moscow the white miracle is successfully cultivated, and has proved to be unpretentious and stable. The berries are delicious, the grapes hang for a long time, and this grape variety also hibernates well. In general, for our mid-range, the variety is excellent.

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