/ / Atherosclerosis - diet is mandatory

Atherosclerosis - diet is mandatory

First of all I would like to say thatis atherosclerosis, in principle. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the walls of arteries thicken and thicken, sedimentation and subsequent proliferation of plasma lipoproteins occur. This entails problems in the circulation, and since the blood does not come in the proper volume to the organs, the whole organism suffers.

what is atherosclerosis
The main cause of atherosclerosisexperts call unbalanced diet and sedentary lifestyle. All those who are obese, who have problems with alcohol and tobacco, subject their vessels to incredible tests in the form of atherosclerosis. Also, the risk group can safely be attributed to those who suffer from diabetes, men over forty and those whose lives can not be called calm.

There are different forms of atherosclerosis, for example,atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta, mesenteric or renal arteries, aneurysms of the upper or lower extremities. Atherosclerosis of carotid arteries can manifest in the early stages of dizziness and memory loss, unsteadiness of gait. Sleepy arteries provide the brain with oxygen, so even a small narrowing has serious consequences. It is also worth noting that any form of atherosclerosis, in neglected form, leads to a fatal outcome.

atherosclerosis of carotid arteries
Experts can not yet name the exact versionthe emergence of problems with the arteries, but the regularity associated with increasing cholesterol in the blood, recognized almost everything. So, you can safely say that increasing cholesterol will inevitably lead to a blockage of blood vessels, ischemic heart disease, stroke. But in our power to prevent atherosclerosis.

Diet can do wonders, especially if speechis about lowering cholesterol in the blood. It is worth mentioning that it is better to be treated under the supervision of a doctor, since this disease requires not only treatment with a diet. We should approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. Be sure to medication, along with which the doctor will prescribe physical exercises and, of course, fat-free, but at the same time a fairly balanced diet.

Стоит отметить, что в наших силах предупреждать atherosclerosis. A diet that contains a reduced amount of fats, an active lifestyle and a positive attitude, can protect you from this insidious disease.

atherosclerosis diet

There are a number of countries where people are exposed to this ailmentless. According to statistics, in the countries of the Mediterranean and Japan, residents are prone to depositing cholesterol plaques less, therefore, they are not at risk of atherosclerosis. Diet, so unusual for residents of the north, for residents of these countries is considered a familiar diet. Their diet is saturated with vegetable proteins, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Due to excessive consumption of fattyproducts develops atherosclerosis. The diet can reduce cholesterol and prevent the disease from progressing. The first requirement for atherosclerosis is a decrease in the intake of animal fats and salt, an increase in the proportion of complex carbohydrates and fiber in the diet. Necessarily presence of vegetable oils, fish, bread from a grain of a rough grinding, vegetable and fruit salads. To products that are contraindicated, you can include fatty meats, butter, strong broths.

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