/ / Sublingually - is it like? We understand together

Sublingual is how? We understand together

Sublingual is how?This question is especially of interest to those who have been prescribed a medical product, which must be taken in this way. In this regard, we offer you a definition of the term and a description of the principle of taking medicines.

sublingually it's like

Sublingual is how?

This pharmacological term was formed from twoLatin words "sub" and "lingua", literally meaning "under" and "language" respectively. In other words, the sublingual administration of medications is carried out by placing them under the tongue. With this treatment, the drug enters the bloodstream through its direct absorption with the help of the hyoid area. It is worth noting that today there is a huge number of drugs that are produced for sublingual administration. These include barbiturates, steroids, agents for the cardiovascular system, as well as certain enzymes and certain minerals, vitamins.

Principle of reception and action of the drug

sublingual route of administration
Sublingual is how?Having ascertained the definition of this pharmacological term, the following question arises as to how exactly such a reception of medical devices is carried out. It is worth noting that taking these or other drugs sublingually is quite easy. To do this, the tablet is simply placed in the sublingual region and rassasyvat until it dissolves. By the way, it is during this procedure that the drug comes in contact with the oral mucosa, and the chemical penetrates the epithelium, which is located at the bottom of the tongue. At this point in the oral cavity there is a large number of blood vessels, as a result of which the sublingual route of administration of medical preparations quite quickly and effectively affects the diseased organ. This is explained by the fact that chemical compounds of drugs are instantly introduced into the venous circulation, which in turn returns to the heart muscle, and then through the arteries spreads throughout the body.

Advantages of this method

As medical practice shows,Sublingual method has a number of advantages over oral administration of drugs. After all, this way is much faster, and also it guarantees that the drug will enter the bloodstream, but before that it will inevitably be in contact with the enzymes in the saliva. With regard to the oral method, in this case a high percentage of the drug will be destroyed by acids in the digestive tract, which significantly reduces its effectiveness.

Sublingually or buccally: which way of reception is better?

sublingually or buccally

Along with the sublingual method, there is alsosuch a method of taking medicines as buccal. This word was formed from the Latin "buccalis", meaning "cheek". In other words, this method of tablets presupposes their placement between the gum and upper lip or simply in the oral cavity. In this case, the chemical enters the bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

It is worth noting that the two methods presentedpractically do not differ from each other. But in the sublingual region there is a larger number of blood vessels. In this regard, doctors are more likely to recommend placing the medication there.

Sublingual is how? Now you know the answer to this question, and you can safely take all medications that are intended for resorption.

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