/ / Can I use Bioparox with breastfeeding?

Can I apply Bioparox with breastfeeding?

An effective treatment for inflammatorydiseases of the respiratory tract is the drug "Bioparox". When breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use it, since when a drug enters the body through the milk, a negative effect is possible. Despite the claims of the manufacturer that this drug is not absorbed into the blood, clinical studies on lactating mothers have not been carried out, so it is better not to breast-feed the baby for the time of application of this drug.

bioparox preparation
What to do if the drug "Bioparox" atbreast-feeding is not recommended, and my mother is sick? During treatment, the baby should be fed with a milk formula. In this case, it is necessary to express the milk, since otherwise it can disappear. Due to the fact that the amount of milk a woman directly depends on how much the child sucks, it is very important to express on a regular basis.

bioparox with lactation

Since the medicine "Bioparox" during feedingbreast is not used, within a week will have to make a break in breastfeeding. If during this period the mother will express the milk correctly, then there will be no problems with its quantity. Do not worry: once you stop taking the drug "Bioparox", when breastfeeding, the amount of milk will quickly increase.

During lactation, you can only takesome antibiotics, and then in special cases. Here one should be very cautious, in addition, it is very important during this period to use exclusively artificial feeding for the baby. Remember: the treatment course should be prescribed only by a doctor - preferably, that it does not exceed one and a half weeks. Otherwise, it is possible to disturb the mucous membranes, their microflora. The medicine "Bioparox" can be prescribed for lactation in the event that as a result of the disease complications appeared in the form of a bacterial infection. Colds in mild form should be treated with rinses, herbal tinctures, which will not harm the baby, but not antibiotics. Do not forget about the cleanliness in the apartment: ventilate the rooms and spend wet cleaning.

bioparox with breastfeeding

Of course, the preparation "Bioparox" is very effective,but still it is worth consulting with a doctor about its use in case you are breastfeeding. This medicine acts locally. It is recommended for such diseases as inflammation of the palatine tonsils or laryngitis, pharyngitis is an effective remedy that will quickly stop the infection. In this list of diseases should be added rhinitis and sinusitis, as well as frontalitis.

Due to effective local effectsInfectious agents of the infection can not spread further, which means that there will be no complications. Do not choose the dosage and duration of treatment yourself. Be sure to consult a doctor - he will determine whether it is possible in a particular case to prescribe a local antibiotic, or it will not be enough. The same applies to the course of treatment: the specialist will not only determine its duration, but also consider a possible transition to other antibiotics, if necessary.

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