/ How is Giardia transmitted from person to person? Possible causes of infection with giardiasis and ways of treatment

How is lamblia passed from person to person? Possible causes of infection with giardiasis and ways of treatment

Giardiasis is a common disease amongall categories of the population. It causes parasites - Giardia. At its core, this pathology does not refer to serious diseases, but it causes a number of complications. Before you know how lamblia is transmitted, you need to understand that getting this disease is very easy. This is its main danger.

Больше всего зараженных выявлено среди детей, but in the adult environment the disease is also common. People who are faced with this problem, are wondering about how lamblias are passed from person to person, because they could not find other reasons for the development of pathology. In fact, the main prerequisite for infection is the neglect of the rules of personal hygiene.

How are Giardia

Causes of giardiasis

The answer to the question of whether lamblia are transmitted fromperson to person, positive, but with some clarification. You will not be infected by direct contact with a carrier of parasites. Ways of lamblia penetration into the body are as follows:

  • Through contaminated water.This is the main route of lamblia penetration into the body. Cysts can be in water for a very long time, after which they can settle in the human body. If you use raw water that is not treated with a filter, you can assume that you picked up the disease almost immediately. Water needs to be cleaned. The best option is to boil it. High temperatures completely destroy Giardia cysts.
  • Giardia can be picked up if you eat unwashed vegetables and fruits, poorly heat-treated meat.
  • Contact infection is the answer to the question abouthow lamblia are transmitted from person to person. You can become a carrier of parasites, if you use someone else's dishes, linens and other items. In addition, the rare washing of hands - a direct way to infection. Scientists have shown that children who are used to biting their nails are much more likely to suffer from giardiasis.

There are also myths about the transmission of Giardia. They need to know.

How lamblia are transmitted from person to person

Myths about giardiasis

There is an opinion that lamblia from catstransmitted to man. There is some truth in this statement. However, the animal can not infect you. Parasites whose carrier is a cat can get into the water, after which a person will become infected. Moreover, Giardia can be transmitted to the animal from its owner. Follow the rules of personal hygiene in contact with the cat tray, so as not to fear infection.

Also often people do not know whether lamblia are transmittedwith kisses. The answer to this question is positive, if we are talking about kisses with animals. It is advisable to avoid such manifestations of feelings. But if you think that lamblia are transmitted with a kiss between people, you are mistaken. In human saliva cysts are not ways to survive, so do not be afraid of infection.

You need to know that when ingested Giardia does not immediately begin to full-fledged livelihoods. Their development goes through several stages.

Are lamblia transmitted from person to person

Stages of development of giardiasis

Infection occurs in this way:

  • Giardia cysts from the outside world enter the body.
  • Parasites begin to feed. They usually consume decay products.
  • Giardia from the small intestine pass into the fat.
  • When the parasites find a profitable place to live, they stay there, feeding on their carrier.

If the lamblia accidentally gets into the external environment, it can live without a host for no more than two months.

In the state of cysts, this parasite is able to exist for several decades, while maintaining the ability to live. Therefore, there are so many of these organisms in the environment.

Whether Giardia is transmitted

Signs of infection

How are Giardia transmitted, should know andadults, and children, if possible, to protect themselves from infection. However, if, by coincidence, Giardia still managed to penetrate the body, you need to know by what signs this can be determined.

It is easiest to identify giardiasis in the first week after infection. During this period, signs have a bright character. These include:

  • Diarrhea and indigestion.
  • Body temperature rises slightly.
  • Flaccidity and weakness.
  • Constant feeling of fatigue.
  • A sharp drop in immunity.
  • Sleep cycle problems.
  • Sharp loss of appetite.
  • Permanent migraine.

These symptoms are characteristic of the acute form of the disease. There is also a chronic stage of pathology, in which there are such signs:

  • The skin becomes pale, loses its tone, elasticity and elasticity. This happens because the body loses many of the nutrients needed to maintain healthy skin.
  • The oral cavity changes in color, becomes lighter.
  • The skin of the face becomes uneven, it is also possible the appearance of spots.
  • The skin begins to peel off. Other dermatological problems are possible.

The acute stage is accompanied by frequent changes of mood, loss of working capacity, irritability and nervousness.

Chronic disease is much more difficult to detect. This can be done by signs such as skin problems and weight loss.

Vomiting and frustration may also occur.stomach, constipation and bloating. Pay special attention to the condition of the liver. If the area where this organ is located is slightly pressed by hand, then in the presence of Giardia in the body, pain or discomfort may arise.

Giardia transmitted with a kiss

Diagnosis of the disease

If you figured out how lamblia are transmitted, thenyou probably already realized that a routine examination will not help in making a diagnosis. Here laboratory research is necessary. To identify this disease, a special analysis on Giardia has been developed. It helps to find out if antibodies to cysts of these parasites are present in the body. If they are found in the blood, the diagnosis is confirmed, if their absence is revealed, giardiasis is not the correct verdict.

In severe or controversial cases, doctorsprescribe duodenoscopy. This study provides a more accurate result. It is based on the fact that the internal structure of the intestine is studied together with all the organisms living in it.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Whether Giardia is transmitted with kisses

Treatment of giardiasis

Нельзя принимать спонтанные решения при лечении giardiasis. Many people immediately after the diagnosis begin to take drugs that fight parasites. This can not be done categorically, because Giardia dies en masse, as a result of which the body overflows with toxic substances.

Usually, doctors prescribe drugs to improve immunity, eliminate intoxication and normalize the functioning of the intestine. This treatment lasts about 14 days.

After that, the patient begins to take medication against parasites. At the same time, doctors often prescribe drugs that prevent the occurrence of possible allergies.

During the course of treatment, the doctor also prescribes a special diet, which must be followed strictly, otherwise all measures may be in vain.

Giardia from cats are transmitted to humans

The consequences of giardiasis

If you self-medicate or do nothing at all, the following consequences are possible:

  • Problems with the small intestine.
  • Violations of the digestive organs.
  • Significant dermatological problems.

To avoid this, you need to follow the recommendations of the doctor. But the best treatment is prevention.

Infection prevention

Меры профилактики лямблиоза выполнить очень легко.To do this, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene, process meat well, discard raw water and thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before consumption. We answered the question of whether lamblia are transmitted from person to person. Now you know that with the right approach to lifestyle there is nothing to be afraid of.

But even with the observance of the above rules, once a year it is necessary to undergo an examination at the hospital in order to start treatment if necessary.

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