/ / In the throat of the papilloma: causes, methods of treatment

In the throat of the papilloma: the causes, the method of treatment

In the throat of papilloma.This is a fairly common complaint, with which patients are referred to the otolaryngologist. This pathological formation in the form of a papilla on the mucous membrane of the throat causes severe discomfort.

in the throat of papilloma

Seldom there is a plural proliferation, as a rule, education occurs in a single variant.

First signs

It spreads to the lips, tonsils, trachea. A person infected with papilloma can complain about the presence of such symptoms:

  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • severe sore throat;
  • discomfort due to the sensation of a foreign body.

Если не принимать меры, папилломы начнут expand and there will be complications in the form of rapid, shortness of breath. Papilloma in the throat is soft or hard. The first have a more tender stroma, many vessels, they are covered with an epithelial layer. Solid formations with a flat epithelium can occur both on the mucous membrane and on the skin.


In the throat of the papilloma is the formationbenign character. Most of the disease affects children from 2 to 5 years and women from 20 to 40 years. The main reason for the appearance is human papillomavirus (HPV), mainly due to non-observance of personal hygiene. It is important to understand: if a pregnant woman is infected with a virus, she will give it to even an unborn baby. It is not possible to completely cure the disease in medicine, but it will not be difficult to control it.

Also, the causes that caused the disease can be:

  • infectious childhood diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • smoking, drugs;
  • uncontrolled and unprotected sex;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • unbalanced nutrition.

papilloma in the throat

Frequent visits to swimming pools, public saunas and baths can lead to the appearance of papillomas. If the dimensions are too large, this can cause suffocation.

Congenital and acquired papilloma

The adolescent may be congenital if during the period of bearing the child the woman suffered an infectious disease:

  • rubella;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • measles;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • HIV;
  • syphilis.

And also if the pregnant woman underwent radiation exposure or took embryotoxic drugs.

Get into the body after birth oran adult human virus can with a weak immune system, the presence of some infectious and chronic diseases. The influence of tobacco smoke and poor working conditions, voice loads also have a negative effect.

Treatment and Diagnosis

To establish an accurate diagnosis,visual inspection in the doctor's office. The neoplasm is covered with a mucous membrane and it develops rather slowly, without disturbing the patient in particular. To confuse the papilloma can be with enlarged tonsils. A biopsy with such a virus is not required.

papilloma in throat photo

A good result can be achieved only fromtimely and comprehensive treatment. Removal of outgrowths in the mouth is an obligatory procedure, which is carried out at the first stage of treatment. Medication to cope with the problem does not work, only surgical measures will be required. Even one such tumor can spread throughout the body. At home, it is not worth trying to cope with the disease. Do this only a specialist with experience.

Drugs for treatment

To combat the virus and prevent its growth, such drugs are prescribed:

  • "Interferon";
  • Famvir;
  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Ribavirin";
  • "Panavir";
  • "Amiksin";
  • immunomodulating agents.

Treatment with folk methods can become dangerous and lead to unforeseen consequences. Means such as potassium iodide, arsenic and burnt magnesia do not affect the virus in any way.

There are two types of surgical treatment:

  • extra-orlateral;
  • intertortal.

The first is carried out in more severe cases, ifthere is a risk of asphyxiation. When a person can not breathe, a tracheotomy or laryngophyssa is done. Tracheotomy is performed when the issue is not only about recovery, but also the life of the patient.

Laryngosuria procedure is necessary to open the larynx well. The removal of papilloma in the throat is performed, if necessary, the epidermis is transplanted and the vocal cord is ejected.

removal of papilloma in the throat

Intra-oral treatment means removal of the built-up edge by a special instrument using a mirror. Methods of excising viral education:

  • radio wave destruction;
  • loop excision;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • moxibustion with special acidic agents;
  • ultrasonic disintegration.

Types and methods of treatment

If there is a papilloma in the throat, what treatment should it be? For each patient, individual tactics is selected. The most suitable and safe way is chosen by the doctor:

  • Electrodevelopment is the most popular and accurate procedure. The risk of damage to adjacent tissues is zero, the growth is eliminated by a scalpel and by an electric current.
  • Cryodestruction is carried out with liquid nitrogen. This process is very painless, safe, but does not allow you to completely remove the virus. There is a chance of damaging adjacent tissues.
  • The laser removes the papilloma, stops the bleeding. Outgrowths are small and large.

Papilloma in children

The actual problem today is papilloma in the throat of achild under 7-10 years of age. Each type of virus manifests itself differently in the human body, it can for a long time not make itself felt, but any change (color, size) should alert, because it poses a serious threat to life.

У детей заболевание носит название папилломатоз larynx, it grows very quickly. Inflammation causes severe swelling, which quickly overtakes the vocal cords. This can lead to complete loss of voice and bouts of difficulty breathing. In young children, the symptoms are pronounced, and the disease is much more severe.

papilloma throat treatment

Complications can result in virus proliferation.on the tonsils. To determine them is quite simple by external examination. Education looks like a soft, mobile, uniform color structure. The papilloma in the throat is different from the color of the tonsils, the photos show us its pink or white color.

Papilloma and tonsils

The papilloma in the throat (the symptoms of which we will now describe), located on the amygdala, is recognized by the following symptoms:

  • perching;
  • cough;
  • pain in the neck, submandibular part.

После постановки диагноза проверяется наличие stenosis and the degree of narrowing of the glottis. When excessive coughing, the growth can separate on its own and in the worst case get into the trachea. What a dangerous blockage of lumen and suffocation. With frequent relapses, continuous surgery is required, and the resulting scars gradually reduce the lumen.

papilloma throat symptoms

In young children throat papillomaextends to the lungs and bronchi. It is important that the examination was conducted by a specialist with experience. Papillomatosis can be confused with tuberculosis, diphtheria and inflammatory processes of the respiratory system.

Where does the virus come from?

Children who go to childrengarden, preschool, school facilities and sports sections. Pools, baths are also a hotbed of viral infection. The more contact the child has in high humidity, the more likely it is to get papilloma. HPV is ingested if children bite their nails, burrs and rarely wash their hands.

From the moment of infection before the papilloma appears in the throat, it can take a long time from several weeks to several years. Basically, the first signs are observed in six months.

Opinions of experts regarding the treatment of childrenpapillomatosis diverge. Some say that education cannot be touched, but it is necessary to closely monitor its development, increase in the size and number of growths. And excision is required only for multiple growths. Other doctors argue that it is worth eliminating the tumor immediately after its detection.

papilloma in the throat of a child

The need for immediate interventiondue to the fact that papillomas are easily injured, which can cause bleeding. For single growths, conservative treatment is recommended, which consists in taking immunomodulators and vitamins.

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