In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for the tablets "Eufillin".
It should be noted immediately that such a drug is quiteeffectively eliminates spasms when barking dry cough, but does not cure directly cough, only temporarily easing the patient's condition. This time is necessary, until the action of other drugs begins. Thanks to "Eufillina" the patient can breathe and does not feel any pain. The features of the drug's effects, its positive effects and possible side symptoms will be discussed in detail in this article.
According to the instructions to the tablets "Eufillin"due to the pharmacological effect of the drug relaxes the bronchial muscles, increases the mucociliary clearance, stimulates the function of contraction of the diaphragm, and significantly reduces the functionality of not only respiratory, but also intercostal muscles.
In addition, the action of the drug stimulates the respiratory center, increasing its sensitivity to carbon dioxide, and also improving the ventilation of the alveoli.
Respiratory function comes to normal under the influence of the drug, increases the oxygen saturation of blood and thereby reduces the content of carbon dioxide in it.
In addition, the stimulating effect of the drugturns on the activity of the heart, increasing heart rate and increasing coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand. The vascular tone of the skin, brain and kidneys is reduced.
In addition, the scope of the tablets "Eufillin" includes:
When the drug "Eufilin" penetratesInside the patient's body, there is complete and rapid absorption. Bioavailability in percent - 90-100. The rate of absorption can be affected by food, but not by volume. The highest efficiency from taking the drug is achieved for two hours.
The drug is able to penetrate intoThe breast milk of a woman is approximately ten percent of the total dose and through the placental barrier, where its concentration is significantly higher than the concentration in the mother's plasma.
For the appearance of bronchodilating symptomsthe active component of the drug is sufficient for its content of 10-20 micrograms per milliliter. Its higher concentration becomes toxic. Interestingly, the lower the content of the drug in the blood, the better the effect of excitation of the respiratory center.
The drug is metabolized for the most part in the liver, the half-life depends on the general condition of the patient. It is excreted by the kidneys.
The use of tablets "Eufillin" is justified for the treatment of patients suffering from a number of diseases requiring bronchodilator influence:
Tablets "Eufillin" are taken inside.You can drink three times a day for 0.15 grams. The medicine must be taken after meals and washed down with clean water. In childhood, it is allowed to take the remedy four times seven milligrams per kilogram of weight. The therapeutic course with the help of tablets is determined by a specialist. It can last from a few days to two months.
Tablets "Eufillin" can not be prescribed in those situations when the patient shows excessive sensitivity to the substances of the drug, especially to the active component of it.
In addition, the medication is contraindicated if the patient has a number of diagnostic indications:
Caution in the use of "Eufillin" tablets is required in the following cases:
In case the patient drank an excessive amounttablets "Eufillin", there may be dangerous complications. It is necessary to go to the medical institution in a timely manner and wash the stomach. The attending physician should immediately report all negative symptoms. Among them are the following:
Often specialists are coughing up patientstreatment with the help of "Eufillina". Thanks to it, the bronchi rapidly expand, and the breathing as a whole also improves. Attacks and pathological rattles will pass. But to treat a small cough with such a strong drug is not recommended. "Eufillin" is appointed exclusively by the attending physician if there are severe seizures.
If the patient has a painful cough and periodic suffocation, then it is allowed to drink the medicine three times a day. In this case, a six-hour interval between each drug intake should be maintained.
According to the instructions for use of tablets fromcough "Eufillin", if you simultaneously take the drug with mineralocorticosteroids, glucocorticosteroids, beta-adrenostimulants, drugs for general anesthesia, "Xanthine," and the means that contribute to CNS excitement, the risk of side effects may be increased.
The use of antidiarrhoeal agents and enterosorbents will reduce the absorption of the main component of "Eufillina".
Simultaneous therapy with aminoglutethimide,isoniazid, rifampicin, sulfinpyrazone, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin, moracizin and estrogen-containing oral contraceptives increases the clearance of the main active ingredient of the drug, and this may cause a need for an increase in dosage.
Joint use of drugs macrolidegroup, allopurinol, verapamil, lincomycin, ticlopidine, cimetidine, thiabendazole, isoprenaline, propafenone, enoxacinoma, mexiletine, disulfiram, methotrexate, fluoroquinoloneamine, recombinant interferon alfa, alcohol (even in small amounts) and influenza vaccination may require a dose reduction of "Euphyllin" , since these drugs contribute to increasing the intensity of its influence.
Tablets for coughing "Eufillin" with simultaneousthe use of diuretics and beta-adrenostimulants increase the effectiveness of these agents. Decrease in efficacy from consumption is seen when combined with lithium preparations and beta-blockers.
Spasmolytics perfectly combine, which can not be said of other xanthine derivatives, which are not recommended to be used simultaneously with the drug.
This is confirmed by the instruction for pills for coughing "Eufillin".
The agent during therapy can be replaced with drugs that are similar in their active substance and composition. These include the following:
Reviews about the medicinal product "Eufillin" inmore positive. The people who used it are satisfied with the speed of exposure and the effectiveness of the drug in the elimination of shortness of breath and in facilitating breathing. Many patients use it to eliminate edema, and only an impressive list of side effects in some cases prevents the acquisition of this drug. However, the affordable cost of this drug and the possibility of using it by different categories of patients is still of great importance in preference to other drugs of this group.
Thus, "Eufillin" is an ambulancehelp, often saving the lives of those people who are choking on a bronchial spasm. In the same role, he acts in violation of the blood circulation of the brain. The only thing that is not allowed in the treatment of "Eufillin" is self-activity, that is self-medication. It should be treated only under the supervision of doctors.