/ / Chistets woolly - a great decoration at any time of year

Chistets woolly - a great decoration at any time of year

Chistets woolly - a perennial plant belonging to the family of yasnotkovyh. In the wild, it is found in Transcaucasia, Iran, Turkey, and also in southern Russia.

woolly sweeper
This is a plant with a strong root system.Without peduncles its height does not exceed 20 cm. Leaves are gray-green, thickened, oval-oblong, pubescent, tapering towards the base, forming a rather dense rosette. Peduncles in height reach 60 cm, upright, tetrahedral, silvery. It blooms from late May to September. Its flowers are small, lilac, two-lipped, about 1 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences.

Chistets woolly, "sheep ears" - this is folkthe names of the Byzantine stahis are plants of extraordinary beauty. Surprisingly, flower stalks do not adorn it very much, some people cut them off so as not to spoil the decorative look of the flowerbed or composition.

Чистец шерстистый можно вырастить из семян.For this, they need to be sown on seedlings in March. Shoots will appear in about 3-3.5 weeks. At first, young plants do not look like adults at all; their leaves are green and not hairy. It may give the impression that the seeds of some other plant are caught.

woolly sheep
As soon as the seedlings grow a little, theirmust be seated in separate containers. It is desirable to land on a bed in the end of May, without breaking an earthen room. Gradually inconspicuous bushes will become overgrown with barely noticeable fluff and acquire a silvery shade. By the end of the summer, each plant will be a rosette of leaves of medium size, and in general a rug will turn out, as if powdered with silver.

Chistets woolly does not lose its appearance evenin winter, decorating empty beds, if they are not covered with snow. It winters beautifully without any shelter, moreover, without losing the above-ground part. In the spring, the leaves become larger, and in early May, the flower stalks begin to grow, by the end of the month the plant will bloom.

Stachis care is simple.It can grow on any soil (with the exception of wetlands). All its magnificence is shown on a sunny spot by a woolly sweeper. "Sheep ears", the cultivation of which is not difficult, drought-resistant, irrigation requires rare and only at the root. After flowering, flower stalks should be cut as low as possible, remove some of the lower leaves, so that the plant quickly acquires a lush appearance.

chistets woolly sheep ears growing
На одном месте чистец шерстистый может расти some years. However, over time, the middle of the bush grow bald, die off, and the plant itself is shifted to the side. Therefore, it is desirable to replant it every 3-4 years, throwing out the middle and dividing it into sockets. Better to do it in the spring. On fresh, enriched organic soil, stakhis grows especially magnificently.

Чистец шерстистый обладает интересной feature. If you touch the pleasant to the touch of the leaves, the hands for a long time retain some subtle aroma, reminiscent of wild strawberries. It is very attractive in the morning when the leaves are as if studded with diamonds - dew drops shining in the sun.

Chistets woolly - an amazing groundcover.It looks great on the lawn, and on the alpine hill, and on the edge of the walkway or flower beds. Plant this silvery (if you can put it that way) plant in your garden. It is very decorative in the summer, will decorate the empty area in autumn and winter, the first will delight you in the spring.

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