/ / Brown and white woolly rhinoceros

Brown and white woolly rhinoceros

Today, there are a lot of people on earthanimals that impress with their beauty, uniqueness and appearance. But it is also interesting that in ancient times there were no less interesting animals that could not live up to our days. Thanks to paleontologists and scientists, we have an idea of ​​these unique creatures and can even imagine where they lived, how they looked and what they ate. One of these amazing creatures was a woolly rhinoceros. Now there is enough information about him to find out what he was like, and to suggest why his population disappeared.

General information

woolly rhinoceros
A woolly rhinoceros is a mammal.Although his appearance is very similar to the modern representative of this family, yet they have differences. In addition, to survive in cold territories, the animal was covered with warm wool. It also belonged to herbivores. Meetings with people did not bring anything good to the animal. Often the hunters made traps, in which the rhino fell, after which they pierced him with spears. The main reason why the woolly rhinoceros disappeared is, of course, climate change, but human vampirism has played a significant role in this.


white woolly rhinoceros
In the north, during excavations,the bones of a woolly rhinoceros. Also in places of permafrost, carcasses of this animal were found, which were mummified in ice. Thanks to such findings, scientists were able to thoroughly study the structure and external characteristics of the mammal. The animal found is basically very similar to the current representatives of this family. But still their physiques have differences. The ancient representative had shortened three-toed legs and an elongated trunk. The head also has a more oblong shape. The neck of the beast turned into a big hump, which had several functions. Firstly, it was equipped with good muscles, in order to hold the horn. But in addition, it served as a "reserve" for the winter, in which there was a sufficient fat layer. The teeth of the ancient representative are very similar to the oral cavity of the modern rhinoceros. The animal also lacked fangs, but unlike the current rhinoceros, the other teeth were more protected by dense enamel.

Fitted to frost

Mammal covered with brown long haircover, this is the feature of a woolly rhinoceros. The skeleton, of course, can not give an idea of ​​whether the animal had wool, but the carcasses that were found in the ice were with hair samples. To the animal could tolerate cold, under the main long cover there was a thick undercoat. The neck was wrapped with an additional heater in the form of a mane. Also on the tip of the tail was a hard woolen brush. It is worth noting that the rhinoceros had slightly shortened ears 24 cm high, while his current congenital 30. Also, the tail was shorter, only 45 cm. A small loss of heat occurs through small ears and tail. The skin of the beast was thick, not less than 5 mm. On the shoulders and chest, its thickness reached 15 mm. All these data show that the animal was well adapted to survival in severe areas.

Animal horns

Regardless of whether the male is a female or a female, they bothhad two horns on the bridge of the nose. The structure of these growths is practically the same as that of the present animals. The horns were keratinous fibers. But they had a slightly different shape. If the rhinoceroses habitually used for us wear horns that are more rounded, then they are flattened from the sides of the ancient representatives of the fauna. The length of such a build-up was impressive, and especially long horns had a bent back form. More often the horn was slightly more than one meter, but there were also exceptions, under which the build-up reached 1 m 40 cm. A woolly rhinoceros wore about 15 kilograms on its nose. But to this mass it is worth adding the weight of the second horn, which was half shorter, usually it did not exceed half a meter. To maintain such a load, the nasal septum of the ancient mammal was all ossified. A modern representative of this species does not have such merits.

woolly rhinoceros skeleton

The size of the animal

If you compare the ancient and modern rhino,then in terms of their parameters they practically do not differ from each other. In 1972 a mummified woolly rhinoceros was found in Yakutia. The length of the carcass was 3 m 200 cm long. The height measured along the shoulders was 1 m 50 cm. Both horns remained intact, the main growth was 1 m 25 cm. According to modern estimates, large individuals could weigh 3.5 tonnes. But more often than this figure they did not reach, and therefore the average weight is equated with a black rhinoceros, the larger individuals had a mass the same as a modern white rhinoceros. Woolly rhinoceros at that time in size were inferior only to mammoths, just now these land loses only elephants in dimensions.


woolly rhinoceros sizes
It seems that the manner of the ancient rhinos is nothingdid not differ from the current brethren. They wandered one by one, not grouped in flocks, during the rutry fought for the females and most of the time they lived on pastures. The structure of the upper lip indicates that the animal was mainly fed on grass and cereals. Once in three years the males came to the females. For about a year and a half the female was breeding offspring. Judging by the nipples (there were only two of them), one calf was born at a time. For about two years, the kid kept close to his mother. During its life the female brought about seven cubs. This indicates a weak population growth. Most likely, the mammal lived life in 40 years, after which it grew old and died, unless, of course, the hunters killed it before.

White woolly rhinoceros in computer games

woolly rhinoceros
As this animal remained in deeppast, today they can attribute different abilities to him. For example, his image was decided to be used in the modern entertainment industry, and so he appears in some computer games, where he is awarded additional opportunities and extraordinary strength. So, many know the woolly rhinoceros "BWI", which was added in the update 3.3.5. Here he acts not only as an animal for riding, but also for conducting battles. In this game, he received such recognition due to his large size.

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