/ / Basic methods of treatment of endometriosis

The main methods of treatment of endometriosis

Сегодня эндометриоз занимает третье место по prevalence among female diseases. In general, people of reproductive age suffer from it. It is found in 70 percent of women who consulted doctors about pelvic pain. Therefore, before considering the methods of treatment, let's answer the question: "Endometriosis - what is this disease?"

With this disease, there is an increasethe number of tissues in the internal organs, which are similar in their composition and functions to the uterine endometrium. They appear on the walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes, in the neck and vagina, and also on the ovaries. Ie the endometrial cells begin to attach where they are uncharacteristic.

Endometriosis is what it is
Before you make a diagnosis, your doctor will beIt was suggested to undergo a complex of studies to confirm the diagnosis of "endometriosis." Analyzes and examinations in oneself include ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, laparoscopy / NMR. Due to the fact that this disease can degenerate into a malignant tumor, a biopsy is performed. Do not forget that during a routine examination on a gynecological chair, endometriosis may not be detected.

After the diagnostic activitiesthe doctor chooses the most appropriate methods for treating endometriosis. These include medical, surgical, with the help of laparoscopy, endoscopic. Let's dwell on each one in more detail.

Medical methods of treatment of endometriosis include the use of various

Endometriosis tests
hormonal drugs, the effect of whichis aimed at normalizing the work of the ovaries and excluding the formation of foci of the endometrium. These drugs are similar in their composition to the contraceptive pill. The course of treatment is usually quite long - several months. Simultaneously, anesthetics are used, the action of which is directed to the removal of pain in the pelvis. Despite a large range of hormonal agents, practitioners admit that there is little effect from the application of this method.

Methods of treatment of endometriosis
Surgical methods of treatment of endometriosisin rare cases. This happens, if all other methods did not give the desired effect. The biggest disadvantage is that surgical intervention reduces the woman's further ability to have children.

Laparoscopic treatment is an alternativesurgical. In this case, miniature incisions are made, through which a special device is introduced, giving a multiple increase. Thanks to this, even the smallest foci of tissue are found. Then, through the punctures with the help of a laser or electrocoagulation, the excess endometrium is removed. In severe disease, the diseased organ must be removed - in most modern clinics this is done using laparoscopy.

Endoscopic methods of endometriosis treatmentcan remove almost all foci of the disease on the internal organs, and the prescribed hormonal treatment after the intervention helps to avoid relapses. The use of an endoscope helps to perform multiple increases in sick areas, and thanks to high-precision instruments - to perform their complete removal.

Of course, the earlier the disease was detected, themore chances that it will not return after the treatment. Simultaneous use of innovative technologies, for example, cryoexposure, electrocoagulation, laser, allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

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