/ / Thrombocytopenia - what is it? Causes and symptoms of the disease

Thrombocytopenia - what is it? Causes and symptoms of the disease

Ни для кого не секрет, что тромбоциты выполняют extremely important functions in the human body. But sometimes their level in the blood drops sharply, which is fraught with dangerous complications. So why does thrombocytopenia occur? What it is? What are the symptoms of this disease? These questions will be interesting to many.

Thrombocytopenia - what is it?

thrombocytopenia disease
Platelets - nuclear-free structures, referred to asred blood plates. These blood components have a mass of beneficial properties, in particular, are involved in suppressing the inflammatory process. But their main function is to stop bleeding. It is thanks to these cells that a primary cork is formed and specific factors are produced that contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels and the formation of a fibrin clot. Normally, one microliter of blood contains 150-100 thousand platelets. Thrombocytopenia is a disease that is accompanied by a significant decrease in the number of blood plates. This condition is extremely dangerous, because the mechanism for stopping blood in injuries is violated.

The main causes of thrombocytopenia

In fact, there are many reasons that can cause a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. In modern medicine, they are divided into three main groups:

  • Reducing the number of platelets canbe associated with a decrease in their formation in the red bone marrow. Aplastic anemia, taking some antibiotics, alcohol abuse, viral diseases (mumps, HIV, hepatitis), bacterial and fungal infections, hypoxia, metabolic disorders, some congenital anomalies, and oncological diseases can lead to such a violation.
  • Thrombocytopenia can be caused by accelerateddestruction of platelets in the bloodstream. The reasons in this case are autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, blood transfusion, taking certain medications, atherosclerosis, heart defects, burn disease, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to high atmospheric pressure.
  • Improper redistribution of bloodplates, in particular, their delay in the tissues of the spleen, also lead to premature destruction. The reason in this case may be a cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, some infections.

What are the main symptoms of thrombocytopenia?

thrombocytopenia what is it
A slight decrease in the level of these blood elements may be completely asymptomatic. In addition, different degrees of thrombocytopenia are accompanied by different signs:

  • Mild form of the disease (platelet level inlimits from 30 to 50 thousand / μl) is manifested by frequent nosebleeds, heavy menstruation in women, as well as a tendency to minor subcutaneous hemorrhages, even with the slightest injury.
  • In moderate thrombocytopenia, purpura appears on the skin - this is a characteristic hemorrhagic rash, which is a multiple, but minor hemorrhage on the skin and mucous tissues.
  • Particularly dangerous is severe thrombocytopenia.What it is? With this form of pathology, the platelet level is below 20 thousand / μl, which is fraught with massive bleeding, which is extremely difficult to stop. The most common complications are hemorrhages in the internal organs, in particular, in the digestive tract.

Thrombocytopenia Treatment Methods

At the slightest suspicion of such a disease, you should consult a doctor and donate blood for analysis. Only a specialist can say why

extent of thrombocytopenia
and thrombocytopenia, what it is and what treatments will be effective.

Naturally, first you need to determine the cause.It is necessary to eliminate the primary violation, which provoked this disease. Thrombocytopenia requires symptomatic treatment. In the presence of bleeding, they must be stopped. At the time of therapy, the patient needs rest and strict bed rest, which will reduce the likelihood of new hemorrhages. Immunoglobulins are used as first aid. Treatment includes taking drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Fibrinolysis inhibitors will be effective.

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