/ / Measuring Roulette: History and Modernity

Measurement Roulette: History and Modernity

Practically in any house there is this measuringadaptation. The usual mechanical measuring tape. It looks so simple that to guess which one is the best does not come to mind.

The roulette meter was invented in the sixteenth centurya scientist from China Cheng Dwei, it was used to measure land allotments. Actually, such a meter became the "forefather" of the measuring roulette. Today, this appliance is used not only by the repair work of the master. For help to this tool resorted even when they are going to buy new furniture, curtains. And even more than not without it in the construction of a garage, cottage, cottage, etc.

What kind of device is measuring roulette? The question that causes a smile. But still.

Это инструмент для измерения больших по величине linear objects and for marking works in the premises. The main element of the roulette is an elastic band. The main material from which these tapes are made is steel calibrated in metric or any other measuring system.

Measuring metal measuring tapes
Roulettes measuring metal representa coil placed in the body on which the steel tape is wound. For its reeling, a spring mechanism is provided. On sale you can find roulettes with two types of winding mechanisms:

  • with a spring of recurrent action;
  • with a mechanically rotating handle that is directly connected to the tape coil.

Measuring roulette of the second type is foundless and less. It can be safely enrolled in a "dying" form. The first are convenient because the masters who work with them do not waste time on twisting them.

Could the Chinese inventor Cheng Dwaysuppose that for fourteen years after its "grandiose" invention, the main element of the measuring tape will not be a metal tape, but a ray? In the current measuring instruments, it is the laser beam that is the "tape" that makes it possible to measure the distances between points with high accuracy. In addition, such a distance can reach several hundred meters. Of course, tape roulettes are not able to perform such a "feat."

Roulette measuring gost
What is a laser measuringroulette? It is a compact device that fits easily in your pocket. It has a processor that reads information, and a display. The information is stored in the device memory. At the first necessity, a specialist working with laser tape measure can "resurrect" in memory the measurements obtained earlier. Working with such a tool is one pleasure, because Measurements are made in seconds. The master puts roulette in one point, fixes the beam at another point and immediately on the monitor reads the necessary information.

This process of calculation looks like this:

  1. the device sends the impulses to the desired point;
  2. The sent out impulses fend off this point;
  3. impulses are processed by the processor;
  4. The information received through the processor is transmitted to the device screen.

Лазерная рулетка, несмотря на свою точность и compactness, remains rather expensive pleasure, therefore at the bulk of the masters in the carpet there is still a measuring tape. GOST with such roulettes also exists, it just regulates everything that allows the master to produce high-quality measurements.

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