Everyone knows that smoking is detrimental to the health of our body. However, realizing this, people still continue to smoke.
Should I once again remind you that a drop of nicotinekills a horse. The Ministry of Health of Russia has already warned, and the pictures with terrible diseases were printed on the packs, and the prices were increased, and people still pay money to lose their health.
What can I say, smoking girls buy "the mostexpensive "- it is yellowish teeth, bad breath and rapid aging of the skin. It is probably fashionable now, and invaluable health is equal to the cost of one pack of cigarettes.
It should be noted that one smoked cigaretteaffects the health of the heart, like 50 pounds overweight. It is impossible to deny the fact that smoking is a drug addiction, albeit a light one. Many will disagree with this fact, but then why can't they stop smoking?
This article will help you get rid of smoking once and for all. It contains all the known ways to combat smoking.
So, deciding to quit smoking, the most important thing iscustomize yourself. First, life will not change, and there will be no consequences for the organism, even minimal ones. Prove yourself that quitting is easy. Imagine that you never smoked or smoked at all, but in a past life. This will help you to struggle with the desire to take a cigarette in hand.
Но так как вы уже большой молодец, что решаетесь To quit smoking, you need to find something to reward your beloved for such an act. For example, going to the dentist and doing a professional teeth cleaning is the only pleasant procedure at the dentist. If we are talking about a girl, then go to a beauty salon, make spa treatments for the skin or buy a rejuvenating cream. After such gifts, you just do not want to spend money on cigarettes again. But then many ask the following question: "I quit smoking - what symptoms to expect?" Sometimes nicotine hunger is compared to ordinary hunger. So, imagine that you are on a diet. How to quit smoking and not gain weight, read below.
At the moment, this issue is very acutemany countries of the world. More than half of pregnant women smoke. Studies have shown that smoking during pregnancy causes oxygen starvation in a child, which in the future may affect his intellectual development. Also, smoking makes the placenta very thin, from which smokers often experience self-abortion, and premature babies are born. And newborns have physical disabilities, mental disorders. In addition, giving birth for such a baby becomes a lot of stress.
Last time around this problem appearedmany myths. For example: quitting smoking during pregnancy will be stressful for the body. It's a lie. You can and should quit a bad habit as soon as you learn about pregnancy. Let it be stressful for your body, but it will be stress for your baby that you continue to smoke. Also, the child will have a nicotine addiction and, when he is born, he will have health problems.
The second myth - you can smoke in the early stagesof pregnancy. It's a lie. Smoking in the first weeks is the most dangerous, because the fetus is not yet protected by the placenta, various intrauterine diseases occur from this. If you smoke during pregnancy, you break not only your life, but also the life of your unborn child, and this is very expensive!
At the moment, pills are on the marketto quit smoking. All drugs have a different pattern of action and influence on different senses. Here are some examples that choose the most suitable for you.
Name of the drug | Operating principle |
"Nikorette" (chewing gum, pills, patch) | Interacts with peripheral and centralnicotine-activated receptors (n-holinoretseptory). In some cases, it excites them, in other blocks. It also acts on the central nervous system, affecting the content and release of mediators in the endings of neurons, which helps alleviate the "withdrawal syndrome". |
"Tabex" (tablets of plant origin) | In its composition, these tablets have an alkanoid cytosine, which acts on the same receptors as nicotine, allowing you to block the ability to join them. |
"Brisantin" (homeopathic pills) | This drug does not contain substancessimilar to nicotine. It can be called an antidepressant and antioxidant. If the symptoms show a decrease in appetite, sleep disturbance, malaise, lethargy, then this drug will help to cope with them. |
"Corrida" (tablets) | The drug has in its composition herbs calamus,which cause disgusting sensations even from the thought of smoking. How it works? At the same time smoking a cigarette and taking this drug, nausea, dizziness and heart palpitations occur, and the smoker has to throw out a cigarette, otherwise the body's reaction will increase. |
So, each drug fights with differentsymptoms of smoking cessation. You also need to remember that all pills to quit smoking have different contraindications and practically all are prohibited for pregnant and lactating. Take them should be on the advice of a narcologist.
One more question that interests all smokers is how to stop smoking and not gain weight. Yes, unfortunately, in 85% of cases weight gain occurs when you quit smoking. This happens for several reasons.
Immediately it should be noted that no diet in thiscase will not help. This happens because during the period of refusal the organism is under tremendous stress, and if you also take away the food, the breakdown is ensured.
It turns out that the solution to this problem lies on the surface. First - choose for yourself what you can constantly snack on. It can be dried fruits, honey, any vegetables and fruits, as well as greens.
Second, write down your daily diet. Food should be steamed, boiled or baked, but at the same time you should like it, that is, you need to cook what you like.
Идеальным решением проблемы борьбы с набором веса can become a daily physical education. This may be normal exercise or yoga. Proper breathing and psychological effects of the latter type of physical activity will allow you to quit smoking and not gain weight.
As the great psychoanalyst Freud said, smoking- this is the innate habit of sucking. So sucking reflex will also help with the "withdrawal syndrome". Different candies, sweets, etc., the best - without sugar.
We must try to keep the weight forseveral months. By the way, alcohol is harmful in this difficult time for the body. When a person drinks, he wants to eat and smoke, so try not to tempt fate and forget about alcohol for a while in order to quit smoking and not gain weight.
Как известно, есть сто и один метод бросить to smoke You can talk for a long time and choose which way to quit smoking is the most effective. But there is one secret - it is that there is no secret! The most important thing is to want it yourself. No one except ourselves builds our life.
If you yourself do not want to quit a bad habit, no pills, books, healthy eating or exercise will help you.
И поговорка «Я знаю, как бросить курить, я сам threw ten times "will be exactly about you. It is good if your family or friends support you or stop smoking with you. This support will help you to part with a bad habit. Motivate yourself, decide once and for all that smoking is not for you, and then all the methods to stop smoking will be effective and will definitely help.
After reading this article, you maybe againgo and smoke a cigarette. Use all the tips given in this article and find the most effective way to quit smoking for you. Ask for help from loved ones, let them stop you, helping in this difficult time. Quitting smoking will not prevent you from living, but only decorate life with new impressions!