/ / Bleeding gum: causes, treatment

Bleeding gum: causes, treatment

When the gum bleeds, what should I do? This is a common question. We will understand it in more detail.

If you feel pain in the gums and theybleed, then this may be a signal that an inflammatory process has started to develop in the oral cavity, caused by actively multiplying pathogenic bacteria. If there is no treatment during this period, it will lead to further inflammation of the periodontal and other dangerous dental diseases.

bleeding gums what to do


So, for what reasons can the gum bleed?

The body has many reasons for which it reacts with bleeding. The most important reasons include:

  • Incorrect care of the oral cavity.This also includes the use of a very rigid toothbrush and increased brushing of teeth. With such care gums begin to get irritated, often injured and eventually bleed.
  • Неполная, неправильная гигиена полости рта.Many people give the procedure for brushing their teeth for about half a minute. For such a short procedure, toothpaste can not remove the plaque and excess food well, on their basis, then tartar appears. It is recommended to clean your teeth for two minutes, as during this time a good toothpaste is able to split the plaque. The tartar can settle both under the gum and above it. If it is under the gum, the stone will begin to move the gum from the tooth, which is manifested as a bleeding.
  • Часто кровоточит десна по причине сопутствующих diseases. Among them: periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis. The most common disease among them is periodontitis. But there are also cases when such "instigators" are diseases from other areas that are not related to teeth. For example, ARVI, diabetes, hemophilia, blood cancer.
  • Reception of medicines.Some drugs can contribute to the dilution of blood, and the characteristic bleeding gums is in this case one of the side effects. The most popular such drug is Aspirin. Usually, after stopping the use of this drug, bleeding stops.
  • An unbalanced diet. The most common cause of inflammation of the gums is the lack of vitamins K, E, B and C. For what reasons do bleeding gums bleed?
  • Стоматологические процедуры.Provoking factor can also be poor-quality dentures, improperly installed crowns that injure the gums. Sometimes bleeding occurs during the professional cleaning of teeth, but after the procedure, it quickly passes.

It is necessary to discuss your problem with the gums with the attending physician in order to prescribe the appropriate treatment. Because only the doctor will be able to determine the real reason that the gum bleeds.

why bleed gums

Bleeding gums in pregnancy

Pregnant women should not be afraid of bleedinggums. Almost all pregnant women face such troubles. Because it happens for understandable reasons. A woman who is in a position experiences a real hormonal surge, which, of course, affects her health. Vessels of the gums become more sensitive, and the gums themselves are inflamed and friable. Bleeding can come even from a slight touch.

In most cases, after giving birth, a womangradually returns to the usual regime, and the gums are thus restored. Specialists highly recommend that you look around the dentist before planning a pregnancy. The specialist will help to detect possible foci of inflammation in advance and eliminate them in time.

What to do when bleeding gums when brushing your teeth?

Treatment of gums during pregnancy

Unfortunately, such gum bleeding atpregnancy - a very common phenomenon, and it is almost impossible to avoid. Bleeding begins about 3-4 months and lasts until the very birth. If a woman does not have any other diseases of the oral cavity, then usually no special treatment is required. Just follow these recommendations:

  • brush your teeth after each meal;
  • eat balanced;
  • remove food residues with dental floss;
  • rinse your mouth with herbal infusions and decoctions;
  • use anti-inflammatory toothpastes ("Asepta", "Lakalyut", "Paradontax").
    bleeding gums what to do at home

If the provocateur of bleeding gums during cleaning is the presence of tartar, then it should be removed very carefully:

  • The best time to visit a dentist is the second trimester;
  • dental procedures should not be prolonged;
  • The dentist will need to use only those drugs that are specifically designed for pregnant women;
  • It is forbidden to use ultrasound during the removal of tartar.

Treatment of gums

Why bleeding gums, it is now known.However, this can be dangerous because it will lead to tooth loss in a neglected state. If you find blood on your toothbrush or spitting, you should immediately contact your dentist. He can give the necessary recommendations that will allow you to restore and cure the gums. If necessary, he will carry out the sanation of the oral cavity: remove tartar, cure caries and only then go on to treatment of the main disease. For the treatment of patients prescribed physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, in more serious cases - antibiotics. Even insignificant bleeding and almost imperceptible swelling of the gums should be cured. Otherwise, the disease will progress, and then develop into a chronic form.

If bleeding gums, you should adhere to proper nutrition.

bleeding gums cause


Пациентам с кровоточивостью десен рекомендуют adhere to a balanced, vitaminized diet that contains meals and foods with the necessary amount of vitamin C, which can prevent bleeding gums and increase the overall resistance of the body. This vitamin is found in large quantities in greenery, vegetables, fruits and berries.

Dishes that have B vitamins will helpstrengthen tooth enamel, gums, quickly heal wounds and sores in the mouth. Such products include: oatmeal, buckwheat, apples, almonds, garlic, milk, meat dishes from beef and mutton.

Vitamins K, E, PP cope with stomatitis, gingivitis, also have a soothing and wound-healing effect, prevent bleeding gums.

Patients who suffer from bleeding,recommend to remove from the diet acidic and salty foods that promote irritation of the oral mucosa. Minimize carbohydrate intake and include in the daily diet of high calcium and vitamin B, E, PP, C. If you follow this diet, it will increase the effectiveness of therapy.

What drugs will help when bleeding gums when brushing your teeth?

bleeding gums in the child


Dental gels are the best tools in the fightwith bleeding gums. Their ingredients quickly and easily enter the mucosa and have a curative effect: decongestant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory. The most common among them: "Asepta", "Dental", "Solcoseril", "Kholisal." They have analgesic, cooling and bactericidal effects and act solely on the surface of the gum. These drugs do not irritate the mucosa and begin to act immediately after use.

When the gum bleeds, treatment should be comprehensive.

Dental ointments - "Metrogil Denta", "Apident-active", "Kamistad".

During severe forms of the disease, antibiotics from the group of macrolides, cephalosporins, penicillins - "Amoxicillin", "Erythromycin", "Cephalexin", "Ampicillin" are used.

With severe pain in the gums use painkillers.

When the gum bleeds, what to do at home?

To strengthen immunity

Patients are advised to use multivitamins andimmunomodulators that can improve the condition of the gums. The lack of vitamins E, A, Group B, C is expressed in pallor, weakness and looseness of the gums. Vitaminotherapy is a necessary part of the systematic therapy of periodontitis, gingivitis and other dental diseases. Immunostimulants - "Immunal", tincture of magnolia vine.

bleeding gums when brushing teeth

For the therapy of periodontal disease and other diseases of the oral cavity, you can use complexes of Calcinov, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Dentovitus, Vitrum, and Alphabet.

The drug "Ascorutin" will strengthen the walls of the vessels and reduce the bleeding of the gums.

Гомеопатические препараты — «Вокара», «Беплекс», "Poliminerol". They will significantly improve the metabolism, fill the lack of necessary vitamins and minerals in the body, will have immunostimulating, disinfecting and antimicrobial effect.

Elimination of tartar occurs in the wallsclinics with a dentist. The doctor touches the surface of the deposits with a special tip of the ultrasonic device, and ultrasound waves destroy the interactions between the stones and the enamel of the teeth.

Rinse the mouth after eating can be "Tantum Verde", Miramistinom "," Chlorhexidine "," Chlorophylliptom "or some other antiseptic.

When the child’s gums bleed, act immediately.

"Rotokan" - an antiseptic for localapplication, which regenerates the damaged areas of the oral mucosa and stops bleeding. Gauze turunda must be moistened in the solution and enter the gingival pockets. It can also be used as a mouthwash.

bleeding gums when cleaning


Why gums bleed, not everyone knows. We will understand what is prevention?

Thorough tooth brushing.Without proper hygiene of the oral cavity, it is impossible to get rid of the problem with bleeding gums. Therefore, brush your teeth twice a day, using a brush of medium hardness. In order to prevent gum disease, you need to change your toothbrush once every 3 months, and from time to time replace the toothpaste. Toothpaste must be selected with different contents of calcium, fluoride and other useful substances. Use dental floss after meals. This tool can remove food particles from the gaps between the teeth. And in order to make the effect even better, you should clean the tongue with a special brush. Since the language reproduces the majority of pathogens that cause inflammation of the gums.

If gum bleeds, what to do at home?


Another effective way to preventbleeding gums - rinsing the mouth after eating. Means for these purposes in a large selection can be found in pharmacies. You can also use regular boiled water or special medications. Such a mouth rinse helps to remove excess food from the teeth and mucous membranes, and can also reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Such rinsing liquids contain substances that help to remove plaque and freshen breath. But this does not mean that they can replace toothpaste, a rinse is all just an addition to prevention.

Removal of plaque

In order to get rid of bleedinggum, you need to eliminate the very cause of this disease. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate dental plaque, which contribute to the emergence of pathogenic bacteria. Dentists remove tartar in various ways (ultrasound, AirFlow method, chemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide and acid, and others). This procedure should be carried out twice a year.

Change in diet

To prevent bleeding and treatmentoral cavity, you need to exclude from your diet salty, sour, spicy foods that can irritate the mucous. For effective treatment of gums, it is recommended to follow a diet with a minimum intake of carbohydrates. Include in the diet more foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin C.

When the gums bleed, what to do now we know.

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