/ / Tablets "Phenotropil": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Tablets "Phenotropil": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Fenotropil" instructions for usedescribes as a very effective drug belonging to the group of nootropic drugs. In this article, we consider the features of the use of this pharmaceutical medication, indications and contraindications to its use, as well as analogues and the opinion of patients about it. Carefully read the information provided in this article in order to arm yourself as much as possible. Only then decide on the appropriateness of the use of this drug. Do not forget to consult with reliable experts.

A few words about the composition and form of release

Drug "Fenotropil" instructions for usedescribes as tablets intended for oral administration. In the pharmacy, you can find this drug, in the name of which will also be mentioned the number 50 or 100. This is the amount of active substance that contains this medicine. The tablets are packaged in blisters, each containing ten pills. But the blisters themselves are placed in a cardboard box containing ten or twenty tablets.

Blister of Phenotropil tablets

The active substance of the drug isphenyloxypyrrolidine acetamide. As mentioned above, tablets can contain 50 or 100 mg of this component. In addition, auxiliary components such as calcium stearate, potato starch and lactose are also included. Each tablet has a round cylindrical shape and a whitish shell. At the same time, the contents of the tablet are also white.

Effects of the drug on the body

In fact, tablets "Fenotropil" instructions forapplication describes as a means of a wide range of effects. The active ingredients that make up this medicine can improve memory, uptake, and also help to improve concentration. This tool is able to stimulate good thinking processes during the transfer of high mental loads. The tool contributes to the rapid learning of the new, since, against the background of its application, new information will be quickly assimilated, and a person will be able to gain new skills without any difficulty.

Instructions for use "Fenotropil" alsoreports that this tool is able to protect the patient from oxygen starvation, have an anticonvulsant effect on the body, and also eliminate depressive syndrome. Against the background of its use, physical indicators are also improved, therefore this drug can also be taken by persons performing serious physical work.

Such an effect on the body the drug is ableexert due to the acceleration of the level of metabolic processes in the structures of the brain. In addition, phenyloxypyrrolidine acetamide normalizes the work of the central nervous system, which contributes to an increase in working capacity, improving mood, eliminating depression and increasing the amount of happiness hormones.

Pill packaging

In addition, tablets "Fenotropil", instructions forapplication and reviews are described in this article, also have a sedative effect. This suggests that a person taking this drug can work a lot and productively, but at the same time remain calm and balanced. Also, active substances make the patient's nervous system more resistant to sudden temperature changes, oxygen deficiency and fatigue.

However, note that this medicine suppressesappetite, which can lead to anorexia and other equally dangerous diseases. It is therefore very important against the background of the use of the means to eat right and monitor their well-being.

Using tablets is not addictive.so you can not worry about the appearance of withdrawal syndrome. The drug can be used as a long course, and if necessary. It all depends on the evidence, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

In which cases can I apply

Instructions for use and reviews of "Fenotropil" report that the tool has a very wide range of applications. Doctors prescribe it quite often in such cases:

- in the presence of various mental diseases, as well as during the rehabilitation period in case of injuries of the central nervous system;

- the drug will also help to cope with depressive state and insomnia, as well as help to quickly adapt to the change of time zones. The drug will help cope with the violation of biorhythms;

- the drug may be administered to personsforced to perform large amounts of mental or physical activity. The drug perfectly improves all thought processes and fills the body with energy;

- also pills help to overcome the hangover syndrome;

- The medicine helps to fight obesity.However, in this case, the result will depend on the type of obesity itself. For example, in the presence of diseases associated with the endocrine system, treatment can be carried out only under the strict supervision of the attending physician;

Concentration of attention

- tablets "Fenotropil" (instructions forapplication, analogues, reviews of doctors described in this article) have a very good preventive effect on the body. The tool minimizes the risk of stressful situations, as well as helps to quickly adapt to new working conditions.

"Phenotropil": instructions for use

Отзывы врачей свидетельствуют, что данное The pharmaceutical agent really has a very high efficacy and safety. However, it can have a positive effect on the human body only if it is taken, guided by the recommendations of doctors and instructions. The dosage should be selected by the attending physician individually, based on the patient’s current status. The tool is taken orally, immediately after a meal. It is necessary to wash down a tablet with a moderate amount of liquid.

On average, the daily dosage of the drug isabout 200-300 mg. However, if necessary, the amount of active substance can be increased to 750 mg per day. In this case, it is best to carry out two doses of the agent per day - in the morning and in the evening.

The drug "Fenotropil 100 mg" instructions forRecommended for use from two weeks to three months. However, most often, experts recommend to undergo a course of treatment for a period of one month. If there is a need, then after thirty days the course of treatment can be repeated.

Healthy sleep

If there is a need to increase mental andphysical performance, in this case, doctors recommend drinking Phenotropil tablets for fourteen days. In this case, the daily dosage should be one or two tablets per day, depending on the individual characteristics of the person.

In the presence of non-work related obesityendocrine system, take tablets "Fenotropil" instructions for use recommends within one to two months. In this case, the dosage should be 100-200 mg of active substance per day. The tool must be taken one-time, in the morning.

Experts do not recommend taking pills inthe afternoons, since the active substance in their composition increases the level of energy in the body and affects the central nervous system. This can lead to insomnia.

High efficiency

It is very important to familiarize yourself with what is said aboutdrug "Fenotropil" in the instructions for use. At what pressure can you take? This question interests many people who want to undergo a course of treatment with this medicine. In fact, the drug can increase blood pressure, so it is not recommended to take it to people who are faced with such a problem, since their condition can only worsen.

Are there any contraindications

According to the instructions for use,Pharmaceutical agent "Fenotropil" is a safe medicine, since it has practically no contraindications. However, there are still some caveats. In no case should tablets be taken for those patients who suffer from allergic reactions to any of the components that make up this medicine.

The tool with extreme caution can be taken by people with high blood pressure, as this can aggravate the problem.

Is it possible the occurrence of side effects

Remember, the drug can lead topsychomotor agitation, so taking it, carefully monitor your health. Do not take a pill in the afternoon, as such a late intake can lead to insomnia. Sometimes during the use of the medication, patients complain of a feeling of heat in the whole body, as well as an excessive increase in blood pressure. Well, do not forget about the possibility of allergic reactions.

Is it possible to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Tablets "Phenotropil" (instructions for use,analogues are described in this article) are not prescribed by doctors to pregnant and lactating women. Despite the fact that the active substances that make up the medication do not adversely affect the development of the embryo, a large number of clinical studies have not yet been conducted to confirm their safety.

Game of chess

Также не стоит давать лекарство и лицам, не reached the age of eighteen due to the absence of any data on the effect of the active substance in the composition of the tablets on this group of patients.

Important instructions

If a person is very exhausted emotionally,also suffers from chronic insomnia, the drug may cause a strong need for sleep on the first day of treatment. Be ready for this, and do not risk driving a vehicle. It’s best to start using the medicine on your day off so you can go to bed when you need it.

Features of interaction with other medicines

Despite the fact that the drug "Fenotropil"The instructions for use are described as a safe tool, yet it can only be used on the advice of a doctor. Do not self-medicate, as you can only harm your health.

Typically, Fenotropil is well combined with all types of drugs, except for sedatives, nootropics and medicines that can stimulate the central nervous system.

Are there analogues

Tablets "Phenotropil", instructions for use,reviews and analogs to which are indicated in this article do not have synonyms (drugs with exactly the same composition). However, there are a huge number of medicines that have on the body exactly the same effect. The main thing is not to assign them yourself. Only an experienced specialist can do this, and only if the treatment with Fenotropil simply did not work for you.

So, pay attention to the drugs, which, if necessary, will be able to replace the tablets "Fenotropil":

- "Glycine";

- “mexicin”;

- “Noopept”;

- “Idebenone”;

- “Pantogam”;

- "Holitilin";

- "Enebrol."

In addition to the above drugs existalso a great many other similar medicines. All of them do an excellent job with their purpose, but they can only be used on the advice of a doctor. Each tool has its own contraindications, so you need to carry out the treatment with extreme caution.

Reviews of patients and doctors

Quite often, doctors prescribe to their patients.is a nootropic agent like Fenotropil. The drug perfectly copes with its purpose, as it significantly improves performance, activates thought processes, improves cerebral circulation and removes a depressive state. Also, the drug helps to cope with obesity by reducing appetite.

Hike to the doctor

Пациенты довольны результатами лечения лекарством "Phenotropil". After a few days of regular use, according to the patients, the psychoemotional state improves, anxiety goes away and the efficiency increases.

This drug is often taken by students during the preparation for the sessions, as well as by people engaged in excessive mental and physical activity.

Only in some cases, the use of medication leads to side effects. Most often this is due to its improper use.

In general, patients are satisfied with the effect.Memory, concentration and other thought processes are indeed improving. Also increased and power performance, which is very important for athletes during the preparation for the competition.


Resort to nootropics as well as to othersdrugs need extra care in extreme cases. Nevertheless, the active components that are part of this medicine are of synthetic origin, therefore they are not so useful for your body. The drug "Fenotropil", instructions for use, analogs of which are described in detail in this article, has a positive effect on the human body, but only if you use it wisely. If you do decide to try it yourself, be sure to consult with your doctor before. Take care of your health today. Begin to lead a correct lifestyle, and you will not need ancillary drugs at all. Take care of yourself!

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