One of the most common methodsExamination of the body in modern alternative medicine, causing hot debate, - bioresonance diagnostics. Reviews of doctors and patients about this procedure differ in the predominance of negative opinions. Positive, despite the fact that they are smaller, successfully complete the picture of consumer attitudes towards this diagnostic invention.
It should be noted that most reviewsbased on personal experience of patients and doctors, which can not be verified. This raises doubts about the reliability of the estimates, especially in the case of absolutely positive responses without analyzing the unsuccessful sides of the method.
For these reasons, bioresonance diagnosis (DU) should at least be discussed comprehensively. It is important that both its advocates and opponents can speak.
This article attempts to present the reader to both points of view.
Defenders of the BRD talk about the method
Bioresonance research is an accurate diagnostic tool. He helps the doctor to solve a number of tasks:
Every living organism - a fungus, a bacterium, a virus,as well as the cell and tissue of any human organ, emits electromagnetic oscillations, the spectrum of which is characteristic only of a given biological object. At the same time, in the normal and in the disease state of each biological unit, these spectra are significantly different.
To make a diagnosis, it is necessary through biologicallythe active point (usually on the hand or on the fingers) to catch the painful vibration spectra with a special device. For this purpose, pathological specimens of the spectra for each organ, as well as for pathogens, are sent to the body known to the doctor. Outgoing signals from the body (if they exist) come into resonance with incoming signals, and then pathology is recorded.
The basis for the treatment of electromagneticThe effect is a carefully conducted bioresonance diagnosis. Reviews of treatment, in its positive part, relate to diseases that are mainly psychosomatic in nature. Such are, for example, allergic reactions, skin diseases, etc. This suggests that for the success of treatment the patient must be inspired to believe what the doctor tells him. When preparing doctors for BRD and BRT, they are taught psychological effects on the patient in order to convince him of a successful diagnosis and treatment.
The treatment itself can be carried out in two different ways: endogenous and exogenous.
При эндогенном лечении диагностический прибор reads out electromagnetic oscillations of the body. Then the equipment separates the signals of normal and painful conditions and sends them back. At the same time, “health signals” are amplified, and “disease signals” are reduced to a minimum, i.e. they are suppressed. The body resonates at “healthy” frequencies and starts working on them.
In the exogenous method, a specialweak signal generator that is transmitted to the body. Their frequency is chosen in such a way as to cause a strong protective response. In this case, the mode of the body is rebuilt to the resonant "frequency of health."
Bioresonance is actively promoteddiagnosis of parasites in the body. The authors of the technique believe that parasitic worms, lamblia, etc., can be found even at the stage of their origin. In particular, and this is largely strong bioresonance diagnostics. Reviews of doctors, however, do not confirm the guarantee of early detection of parasites.
Opponents of the BDU criticize the method
Not everyone seems to be a good bioresonancediagnostics. Reviews that express a negative opinion about her are harshly criticized. In order to preserve the objectivity of the stated content in this article, it is necessary to provide a scheme of these objections.
Bioresonance diagnosis of the body -a little-studied area of alternative medicine. It is obvious that its creators know not everything about the nature and application of this method. It remains to hope that there will be serious research on the possibilities of integrating this technique into classical medicine.
At the same time, already now people who are disappointed in the traditional diagnosis and treatment have the opportunity to make an alternative choice. If only he was not dangerous.