/ / Means "Griseofulvin": instructions for use

Means "Griseofulvin": instructions for use

The medicine "Griseofulvin" is an oxygen-containing antifungal antibiotic, the main purpose of which is the therapy of fungal skin lesions.

Therapeutic effect of the drug "Griseofulvin"

griseofulvin instruction

The instruction indicates that the agent possessesfungistatic effect, showing activity against fungi containing chitin: microsporum, trichophyton, epidermofitona. Accumulating in the cells of hair, nails and skin, the drug replaces the affected tissue with healthy ones. The drug has no effect on yeast-like fungi, actinomycetes, aspergillus and penicilla. The medicine is produced in the form of bitter-tasting pills and ointments in jars and tubes.

Indications for use of the tool "Griseofulvin"

The instruction explains that the drug is effective fortherapies for nail, hairy, and skin fungus. The drug is prescribed for inguinal and other athlete's disease, ringworm (in particular mustache and beard), trichophytosis, onychomycosis, mycosis, favus.

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Contraindications medication "Griseofulvin"

The instruction says that it is forbidden to takemedicine for malignant neoplasms, cerebral circulatory disorders, leukopenia, porphyria, systemic blood diseases, liver failure, hypersensitivity to the components. It is unacceptable to use the drug for lupus-like syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus, after a stroke, for children up to two years old, pregnant and lactating.

Means "Griseofulvin": instructions for use

The peculiarity of the drug lies in itseffects on mushrooms by oral administration. Tablets use once or break a dose into several receptions. It is recommended to take medication with food while taking a spoonful of vegetable oil. With microsporia, children are given medication based on their weight, adults should take 8 tablets per day. With favus, trichophytosis, onychomycosis, patients up to 50 kg are recommended to take 5 tablets, for people with a greater mass for every ten kilograms of weight, one pill is added. The course of treatment is long, at least eight months. Ointment is used externally, putting on the skin with a thin layer, the daily intake should not be more than 20 grams.

Griseofulvin instructions for use

The tool is used for onychomycosis daily inFor two weeks, after that, the nail is processed in a day, until it grows healthy. When microsporia head smear for a month, with dermatosis of the skin - at least two weeks.

Side effects of the tool "Griseofulvin"

The instruction explains that when usingmedication can cause headache, disorientation, dizziness. In rare situations, there is eosinophilia, leukopenia, urticaria, skin rash, indigestion. The tool reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptive drugs. With the use of primidone or barbiturates at the same time, the antifungal effect of the medication may weaken.

The cost of the drug "Griseofulvin" (tablets)

The price of the drug is approximately 200 rubles.

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