/ / Many bacteria cause infectious diseases

Many bacteria cause infectious diseases

Many bacteria are known to cause diseases. Moreover, these diseases have a number of features that distinguish them from other pathological processes. They make them unique.

Bacteria cause disease

Main Features

There are many features of infectiousdiseases. First of all, it is necessary to single out such characteristic feature as the possibility of transfer from one person to another. Because of this, they are considered among the most dangerous for human civilization.

What bacteria cause disease,assumed before the microscope appeared. Then the scientists assumed that some illnesses are transmitted from person to person through very small, invisible to the eye of harmful creatures. With the advent of the microscope, it was possible to prove this assumption.

How do bacteria cause disease?

A lot depends on howthe infection has generally entered the body. Many diseases caused by bacteria in humans manifest in violation of the activity of the organ that is closest to the point of entry. The fact is that in the body there are many barriers and protective agents that can suppress / stop almost any malicious agent. For this reason, respiratory infectious diseases caused by bacteria are perhaps the most common. The fact is that many microorganisms are transmitted by air and airborne droplets. As a result, the respiratory system becomes the first in the path of bacteria. Many infections damage the respiratory tract wall, causing coughing, runny nose, soreness, sputum and many other symptoms. The main illnesses that develop in this way include: pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, tuberculosis, and others.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans

Other bacteria cause disease afterpenetration into the bloodstream. Such infectious processes are extremely dangerous, as often lead to the formation of sepsis. This disease is considered one of the most dangerous among all known modern medicine. If the patient does not provide assistance in the shortest time, it can end very, very badly.

Recently, the number of cases of sexual transmission has increased significantly. Here we should mention such illnesses as chlamydia, vaginitis, salpingo-oophoritis, salpingitis, and many others.

Infectious diseases caused by bacteria

Bacteria cause disease most often byproduction of endotoxins and exotoxins, that is, indirectly. The nature of the further developing ailment depends largely on how active and stable these harmful substances are.

Treatment difficulties

Some bacteria cause diseases that are very difficult to treat. Even the most modern drugs are powerless against certain infectious diseases.

Кроме этого, следует отметить ещё одну feature of bacterial diseases. The fact is that over time, infections get resistant to those antibiotics that are used to destroy them. Especially quickly this process takes place in cases when people no longer follow the recommendations of specialists and arbitrarily change the scheme of antibiotic therapy proposed by doctors. In this case, incorrectly used drugs may no longer work the next time.

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