Many people who have experienced ear diseasewell understood, if diagnosed with otitis media, what it is. The disease is characterized by a rather unpleasant, and often painful symptoms. In addition, even a mild form of pathology can quickly turn into purulent. In this situation, the treatment is much more complicated. After all, it is necessary to destroy the infection localized in the eardrum. Neglect and inadequate treatment very often lead to serious consequences. In this case, chronic otitis media is diagnosed. What is it and how to fight it? Let's figure it out.
The disease is an inflammatory process in the ear, which is manifested under the influence of harmful bacteria and fungi.
In otitis, symptoms such as:
The structure of the ear and the types of the disease:
Самая опасная – последняя форма заболевания.However, for any kind of pathology, it is not worth delaying to see a doctor. It should be clearly understood if otitis media is diagnosed - what it is and how dangerous it is.
According to the course of the disease, the following types of illness are distinguished:
Most often, this pathology develops on averageear. Chronic otitis media is almost never outside. This ear area is less susceptible to pathogenic effects, as it prevents the infection from penetrating deep into the tissue. In addition, otitis externa is easily treatable.
Remember, it is imperative to consult a doctor with such a pathology as otitis. Symptoms and treatment can correctly identify only competent specialist.
About chronic pathology signal the following signs:
Зачастую данная форма заболевания развивается еще in childhood. But over time, the infection provokes the development of the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the auricle. If you do not seek medical attention in time, serious inflammation may occur.
Why does this pathology arise?It is important to understand what provokes ear otitis. Symptoms and treatment of chronic pathology will be discussed below. In the meantime, let us examine what ailments and conditions cause such a serious disease.
The development of the chronic form is preceded by the formation of acute otitis or systematic renewal of inflammatory processes.
The causative agent of the disease is goldenstaphylococcus, the action of which is reinforced by a pyocyanic stick and other types of bacteria. Often, children with weakened immunity can detect various kinds of fungi, which are inhabited by the eardrum.
Also, the development of otitis media can provoke potent medications, such as antibiotics. Under their influence, the risk of chronic otitis media increases.
Causes of the disease:
After acute otitis media is cured,chronic can form within a few years. Such a pathology can develop for many years, during which a person’s hearing will be significantly reduced. It is dangerous that this process occurs slowly, almost imperceptibly for the patient.
One of the main signs of a diseaseis a systematic purulent discharge from the auricle. This process is not accompanied by painful sensations, which is why it does not cause any concern.
A visit to a doctor is often provoked not by purulent discharge, but by a serious complication, such as hearing loss. Unfortunately, this characterizes advanced ear otitis media.
Symptoms that make it possible to suspect a chronic illness:
Depending on the course of the inflammatory process, chronic otitis may be of one kind or another:
With the development of a chronic form of the disease, hearing acuity can significantly deteriorate. This is due to deformation of the membrane.
Chronic otitis media is of two types:
It is the second type of otitis that can cause the most serious complications:
These consequences can be avoided ifseek the help of specialists in a timely manner. They will diagnose and determine otitis media. Symptoms and treatment of pathology are important points that should be considered and described only by ENT.
Initially, the doctor will visually examine the auricle. With otitis media, you can identify conditions such as:
Diagnostic tests:
The first thing you need to do is reorganizationrespiratory tract. To perform this procedure, you may need to remove adenoids and polyps. This will restore breathing. Also, one of the main goals of this procedure can be called the resumption of normal functioning of the ear cavity and stop the development of the infectious process.
Often there is a mini-intervention, inthe process of which is easy to remove granulations that delay the natural outflow of purulent fluid. To achieve this goal, cauterization using acids is recommended.
With the formation of the inflammatory process, it is necessary first of all to clean the ear cavity from pus.
Otitis in adults needs such therapy as:
Antibiotics may cause symptomsallergic reactions and fungal infections of the ear cavity. Such drugs can significantly affect the development of the disease. Their reception should be treated responsibly and follow all the doctor's recommendations.
After otitis media, or rather, after the acute inflammatory process subsides, physiotherapeutic methods will benefit:
As you can see, the treatment is long and sufficientheavy. And in some cases, the only way to eliminate the pathology is surgery. Therefore, be attentive to your health and contact a specialist in a timely manner.