Otitis is a disease associated withinflammation of the ear. It can affect one of three departments: external, internal or average. Under the first it is customary to understand the auricle, the tympanic membrane and the auditory canal. Middle ear
This form of the disease is manifested byauditory meatus and auricle. The first symptom of otitis in this situation is itching. At pressing on the inflamed ear can arise unpleasant sensations. Under the influence of bacterial infection or fungus, the skin can become inflamed both on the auricle and inside the ear canal. Such a reaction may be caused by improper hygiene of the ears, for example, using sharp or contaminated objects, as well as skin damaged by insect bites, burns or frostbite. Among all other such form of the disease is considered
This form of the disease is most common.A symptom of otitis in this case is manifested by filling the ear drum with an infected liquid. Such a process can be caused by a recently transferred infectious disease, tonsillitis, measles or influenza, as well as the ingress of dirty water into the Eustachian tube. Symptoms of otitis in adults are slightly less pronounced than in children. The thing is that in a healthy state the fluids from the middle ear are removed through the Eustachian tube, which connects the nasopharynx and the drum cavity. In inflammatory processes, the lumen of this tube narrows, blocking the outflow of fluid. In children, it is initially smaller and shorter, and therefore the disease manifests itself sharply. If there is acute otitis media, the symptoms may include the excretion of pus, succulent, mucus from the ear canal. If the treatment is carried out correctly and on time, the damaged membrane is completely restored, without causing any further deterioration of the hearing. In the case when the otitis was neglected, the pus can not find an outlet and go to the cranial cavity, which causes an abscess of the brain, meningitis or mastoiditis. Pay attention even to a common cold if it is accompanied by discomfort in the ears, so that
This form of the disease is fairlyrarely, but is the most dangerous. In some cases, it causes a complication of otitis media, and sometimes the cause is a common infectious disease. Disease is manifested through tinnitus, dizziness, hearing impairment. Often a symptom of otitis is nausea until vomiting. In some patients, nystagmus is noted - involuntary twitching of the eyeball. It becomes difficult for a person with such a disease to maintain a balance not only in movement, but also at rest. Symptom of otitis with a purulent form is fever. Without proper treatment, the disease can lead to hearing loss, and complications can cause cerebellar abscess or meningitis.