/ / Prostatitis and bath: is it possible to steam with prostatitis

Prostatitis and bath: is it possible to steam with prostatitis

Prostatitis and bath - are these concepts compatible?Is it possible to bathe in inflammation of the prostate gland, which affects almost every 10th male representative? Can I go to the bath for prostate?

Prostatitis: description and causes

The prostate gland is essentiallythe secondary part of the reproductive male organs produces a secret that, when mixed with seminal fluid, has a positive effect on sperm activity and their resistance to various influences. This organ is located under the bladder, around the urinary tube. With its increase, the urinary canal is squeezed, preventing the normal passage of urine. The more prostate gland increases, the greater the amount of urine is blocked, which leads to poisoning of the body with this fluid.

Is it possible to have a bath with prostatitis?

Основной причиной простатита является нарушение blood circulation, most often due to overweight. Also, the disease can occur with injuries of organs, frequent hypothermia, chronic diseases of the genitourinary tract, low physical activity, irregular sex life, ingestion of infection. Prostatitis and bath - are these concepts compatible?

Signs of prostatitis

The first harbingers of the disease arediscomfort in the groin, genitals and testicles, as well as the release of urine droplets in the newly emptied bladder during sitting on the chair. Such symptoms may go unnoticed, until the disease becomes acute, which is accompanied by:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • feeling of insufficient bladder discharge;
  • pain in the groin, perineum, above the pubis, as well as in the process of urination and defecation;
  • increased body temperature (up to 39 aboutWITH);
  • weak erection;
  • lack of orgasm;
  • increased anxiety and nervousness, due to the concentration of the patient's attention on his condition;
  • feeling bad in general.
    you can go to the bath for prostate

In chronic prostatitis, the above symptoms are complemented by a significant decrease in sexual activity.

You should know that the lack of competent treatmentcan cause infertility, because the prostate gland can no longer produce the amount of secretion needed to ensure sperm motility.

Bath against prostatitis or to help?

Returning to the bath procedures ... Is it possible to bathe in the bath with prostatitis?

For a long time, it is believed that a steam room is able to save a person from ailments, because:

  • significantly improves immunity;
  • cleans the skin from old and dead cells;
  • enhances the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • relieves tension and muscle spasms;
  • removes slags and toxins;
  • improves blood flow in the veins and arteries;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • eliminates stagnation;
  • improves the psychological state.
    prostate bath is good or bad

Bath relaxes:a floating person gradually eliminates the need to rush somewhere, pressing problems recede into the background, feeling tiredness disappears. The body rejuvenates, restores its functions, and diseases, including prostatitis, recede. And yet: is it possible to go to the bath with prostatitis?

Bath as one of the methods of treatment of prostatitis

Bath procedures effectively warm up every part of the body, including the prostate.

is it possible to bathe in the bath with prostatitis

Therefore, prostatitis and bath are successful.a combination aimed at improving the condition of the body and its beneficial healing. In the presence of this disease, the bath has a positive effect, if used in conjunction with other therapeutic measures, that is, it is not the main treatment, but part of it. By warming the prostate gland should be treated without excesses: overheating is dangerous because it carries the threat of edema.

How to steam?

Properly soared - this is a whole science, gradually mastered personal practice. Basic rules when visiting the bath:

  • before the procedure, it is required to remove a very hot metal from the body: watches, jewelry, glasses;
  • it is necessary to enter the steam room for 10-15 minutes several times;
  • it is necessary to refuse procedures if you feel unwell;
  • unhealthy to bathe on a full stomach and intoxicated;
  • Be sure to cool down after a steam room for at least 25 minutes. During this period, it is recommended to take a shower.

Against prostatitis herbal

Prostatitis and bath will be the best combination.when using various herbal preparations with components such as sage, mint, yarrow, lavender, characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Medicinal decoctions of linden, willow tea, cumin seeds, thyme, hawthorn are also useful for healing the body. In the process of bath procedures it is very useful to eat 3-4 spoons of natural honey. There is an opinion that the composition of a tablespoon of finely ground coal of burnt lime, diluted in 0.5 cups of water, helps prostatitis well.

bath against prostatitis

Oak and birch brooms desirable to replaceaspen or linked from medicinal herbs. The essential oils contained in them under the influence of steam are activated, help to relieve inflammation and reduce pain. After visiting the steam room, it is advisable to treat yourself to a cup of broth from yarrow, hawthorn fruit, thyme, and currant leaves.

Cold and hot shower

Effectively increases blood circulationa shower applied to the entire body, and in particular to the perineal area. Water should be warm for 30 seconds and cold (but not below room temperature) for 15 seconds. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. In the acute form of prostatitis, contrast procedures are contraindicated.

Hydrotherapy for prostatitis

So, is a prostatitis bath good or bad?Is it allowed to warm the prostate with warm baths? The answer is positive, since such hydrotherapy increases blood flow to the diseased organ, which helps in restoring health.

prostatitis and bath
The course of therapy should begin with a temperature of 36.6 aboutC, with a gradual increase to 43 aboutWITH.The duration of the procedure should not be more than 15-20 minutes. In order to increase the effectiveness of the hydroprocessing procedure, it is recommended to enrich the bath with medicinal herbs characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. This juniper, St. John's wort, calendula or chamomile pharmacy. For the preparation of a therapeutic agent in 4 liters of hot water you need to brew 100 grams of herbal mixture. Strain the cooled solution and pour it into a bath filled with water. With prostatitis, the therapeutic bath should reach the umbilical level, otherwise the result of such hydrotherapy will be very low.

Bath for chronic prostatitis

With chronic prostatitis before bathsprocedures recommended microclysters. To prepare the solution should be boiled in 100 ml of boiling water 10 g of chamomile (sage, yarrow), insist for half an hour, drain. For enema you need to use 70-80 ml of the finished infusion.

chronic prostatitis bath

For men suffering from chronic prostatitis, a bath can only be visited during periods of remission.

What can not be done?

When bathing procedures should not dive into the snowor jump into the ice pool. It is not recommended to visit the bath during periods of acute illness. If after visiting the bath there was a burning sensation or pain during urination, there are uncharacteristic discharges, there is a decrease in potency, you should immediately contact your urologist. Early treatment will minimize the occurrence of relapses.

Reasonableness and moderation

Prostate bath has a healing effect.with a moderate number of visits and reasonable application of procedures, but as an independent means of prostatitis will not cure. When prostate visiting the bath is desirable to discuss with your doctor, remembering that each organism is individual, and in some cases, thermal procedures can harm.

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