/ / Can you soak Mantoux?

So can you wet Mantoux?

Наверное, в нашей стране за последние сорок лет there was no person before whom there would not be a question - is it possible to wet Mantoux. Almost every family in which there were children from 1 year to 16 years old has faced this problem every year, because this diagnostic allergological test (rather than vaccination, as most people think) is used in our country for early detection Possible infection of the child with mycobacteria of tuberculosis.

What is Mantoux for?

The answer to this question can be given by severalshort sentences, or you can enter into a discussion that sometimes turns into a real melee battle. And the "evil" medical workers who consider the annual fulfillment of this procedure compulsory and "good" relatives of the baby who believe that they know why Mantoux do it and do not necessarily do it. In fact, everything is not so simple and unambiguous, and every parent whose child should make such a diagnostic test should give a few minutes of his precious time to understand: a little unpleasant procedure will help to detect a dangerous disease in time.

Многие родители ошибочно считают, что туберкулез never touch them, their relatives and friends, and certainly never will their child's contact with mycobacteria tuberculosis. In fact, this most insidious disease can catch the most successful and socially protected person, who can be envied by others, and the organism of a child, whose immune system is not yet fully formed, has an even greater probability of infection. That is why for the timely detection of the moment of infection using diagnostic tests or a massive fluorographic examination of the adult population.

Rules for the implementation of the "button"

But the very question of whether it is possible to wet Mantoux,its roots go back to the first half of the last century, when for the purpose of early detection of tuberculosis Pirke's skin test was used, the water hit on which led to distortion of the result. In the same case, when the Mantoux test is performed, purified tuberculin (an antigen existing in the mycobacterium tuberculosis), when properly performed, is placed between the layers of the skin, as a result of which a characteristic "button" is formed on the surface of the epithelium.

Actually, the Mantoux reaction should be putannually to all children, whose age has already reached 1 year and has not exceeded 16 years, respectively, between the implementation of the BCG vaccination and the performance of the diagnostic test should be at least 12 months. The first inoculation is given to a newborn before discharge from the maternity hospital, so the question of whether Mantou can be wetted can occur before the baby's relatives only after his first birthday.

What can the reaction of Mantoux say?

Talk about how the result of thissample, it is possible only under condition of constant supervision over the child. If a child at the age of 1 does not have a weakly positive reaction, this indicates that the vaccine itself was performed incorrectly and that the desired goal - creating immunity from tuberculosis - was not achieved. Then this reaction (a diagnostic test) is repeated annually. In cases when the child was not made BCG for one reason or another before discharge from the maternity hospital, the first Mantoux reaction should be made at the age of 1 year and repeated at a frequency of once every 6 months.

Для ответа на вопрос о том, можно ли мочить Mantoux, it should be remembered that the reaction will be evaluated on the basis of changes on the skin, so getting water on the vaccine itself is not at all dangerous, although the child can start combing the place of intradermal injection. The result of a diagnostic test can be affected by both mechanical irritation, which inevitably causes redness, as well as any skin diseases. That is why there are absolute and relative contraindications for the Mantoux reaction, which include allergic dermatitis and dermatosis, recently transferred acute infectious diseases, including ARI and ARVI.

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