/ The tongue in tongue. Treatment

A tongue in tongue. Treatment

Taking care of our health, we must not forget about the unique organ that gives us the opportunity to speak and perceive the taste. The main problems of the language are a tumor, a sore-typhoon and plaque.

The cause of the disease.

Non-compliance with simple rules of hygiene leads to diseases of the teeth and gums. At the same time, the number of pathogenic microbes sharply increases in the oral cavity, which contribute to the appearance of a typoon in the tongue.

The appearance of sores on the mucous membraneprovokes the use of spicy food, as well as various injuries during meals that can inflict fish bones, peeled nuts or seeds. This problem can also arise due to improperly installed dental crowns and prostheses. In the damaged tissue gets pathogenic microflora, and there is a mite, which in medicine is called glossitis. The risk factors provoking the occurrence of this problem include nicotine and alcohol, as well as caramel. This growth can arise as a result of an allergy to toothpaste and various fresheners.

Symptoms and treatment of the tympanum

This disease begins with a burning sensation andnumbness of tongue when ingested in hot or spicy food. Then on this organ the plaque forms, it becomes red, soft and swells, increasing in size. With the started form of glossitis, the formation of papillomas is possible.

Tipun in a language that does not require treatmentyou can rinse with soda every three hours. This procedure is possible with broths of St. John's wort or chamomile, celandine or sage. Effective application of applications from oils of sea-buckthorn or dogrose. Traditional healers offer to dissolve honey. Tipun in the language of treatment with this natural product cleans very quickly.

If the above procedures are not followedhas brought about a sufficient effect, the penetration of infection into deeper tissues can cause serious problems requiring the intervention of the dentist. How to treat a tongue in the language in this case the doctor decides. Deep glossitis requires surgeon intervention. In this case, the inflammatory processes take the form of an abscess that can pass to the throat, cheeks and teeth.

Burning on the tip of the tongue is possible and as one of the signs of anemia caused by a deficiency in the body of vitamin B12. In this case, the tongue becomes very smooth, resembling a varnished surface.

A special form of the tippoo is its manifestation ina form of bright red spots that are the centers of destruction of the epithelium, as well as a burning sensation and pain in the oral cavity. The appearance of this type of glossitis is facilitated by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders in the body, blood diseases. Often the manifestations of this type of tippoo are observed in pregnant women. How to treat a tongue in language in this case will be decided by a specialist. In parallel with this, antiseptic and keroplastic agents are applied to the lesions to remove external signs of glossitis within two to three days.

Tipun in a language the treatment of which requiressurface treatment with a 3% solution of copper sulphate, is manifested in the form of a black hair cover. It forms due to keratinization of the threadlike papillae. In this case, the presence of a foreign body is felt in the tongue. The cause of this type of glossitis is candidiasis, which occurs as a result of taking antibiotics, therefore, in parallel with surface treatment, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Tipun in a language, the treatment of which consists in taking drugs that enhance immunity, is eliminated as a result of the activation of the protective properties of the oral cavity.

During treatment of this disease, it is recommendeddo not eat rough food, to prevent the occurrence of trauma to the tongue. Remove from the diet all acute, salty and hot, as well as not drink sweet water and carbonated drinks.

Prevention of the appearance of a tympanum is strengthening of immunity and observance of rules of hygiene of the oral cavity.

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