/ / Candles with belladonna before birth

Candles with belladonna before birth

You should know that there are completely differentpoint of view on whether to use candles with belladonna before delivery or not. Some instructions to this drug indicate that it is not recommended to apply it before such a responsible event. Pregnancy is a contraindication to their use (there are doctors who explain this by simple reinsurance of pharmacists). In other annotations, there is no mention at all of whether it is possible to lay candles with belladonna before delivery.

The medicament in question has the form of rectalsuppositories containing belladonna extract. It is designed to get rid of hemorrhoids and cracks in the anus. This is the purpose of the means and is the main one. But do not forget that the bellies preparations not only eliminate this ailment, but also have a relaxing effect on the cervix.

However, not all physicians advocate the appointmentdescribed drug because of the fact that the reaction of each female body to the components of the drug is individual. Indications for use of this drug are constipation. In this case, it will help the pregnant woman not to push with painful defecations (as this can cause premature contractions).

If, with a woman's chair, everything is in order,medicine should not be taken, because because of its laxative effect, diarrhea can occur, which is extremely undesirable and causes a woman discomfort.

So, with what purposes are candles appointed with belladonna before delivery?

The main ones are anesthesia and weakeningtension of the cervix. In the first case, candles are also prescribed "No-shpa". But none of these means is not able to relieve pain in the period of labor, because the effect of their action is not strong enough for this, besides, it is short-lived. Moreover, these drugs may introduce confusion into the picture of the course of the process of delivery.

If the goal is to relax the cervix,candles with belladonna before birth can really help. But still, they are not that saving tool, which completely removes the pain when opening the uterine throat. This drug does not guarantee sufficient softening of the cervix, ensuring the absence of ruptures and injuries, and it is not able to accelerate labor activity. Nevertheless, some experts appoint him to prevent prolonged labor, as well as possible complications in this process and after it.

The drug can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription.When hemorrhoids, it should be administered rectally one candle two or three times a day. Do this after the enema or spontaneous bowel movement. Up to ten suppositories are allowed per day.

Candles with belladonna, reviews this confirm,act individually. So, in one case they can really help, in the other case they have no effect whatsoever (some doctors noted that the cervix of the uterus was opened rather tight and not fast at all).

Among the possible side effects are:diarrhea, heart palpitations, dry mouth, thirst, impaired vision. If any of the above or other negative reactions of the body to this medication occur, its use should be discontinued and consult a physician. In this case, experts, as a rule, recommend to replace this medicine with suppositories with papaverine.

Contraindication to the use of the drug is zakratougolnaya glaucoma, individual intolerance of the components of the drug.

Do not use candles with a belladonna withoutappointment of a specialist. The drug is used only if the patient has appropriate indications for this - if it is at risk for hemorrhoids and slow opening of the cervix during delivery.

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