/ What is computed tomography of the lung?

What is a computer tomography of the lung?

Computer tomography of the lungs is a layeredX-ray mapping of structures and organs of the chest. Ordinary radiography is a snapshot of the whole organ or part of it. Due to superposition of one layer of tissue on another (superposition), small pathological formations in such a picture may be poorly visible or not visualized at all. To eliminate such disturbances, the spiral tomography method is used all over the world today, it makes it possible to obtain a separate image of the transverse layers of the organ.

What is a computed tomography?

Computed tomography of the lung, likecomputed tomography of the sinuses, is an x-ray examination, in which using a computer image to create transverse images of the entire organ. The images are produced by an annular x-ray apparatus, which takes pictures of the lung from different angles. The main advantage of computed tomography over conventional X-ray examination is its high sensitivity to the detection of pulmonary pathology. In some cases, the scan is performed in parallel with the introduction of a contrast agent (intravenously), which helps to see the position of the lungs much better.

Computed tomography is performed in two modes

Computed tomography of the lung is performed inlung mode and in the mode of mediastinal organs. In the first case, the images can clearly track the distribution of intersegmental partitions and cracks between the lobes, the condition of all bronchi and almost all pulmonary vessels. When examining in the mediastinum mode, the trachea, both parts of the aorta, the heart and its chambers, the trunk and branches of the pulmonary artery, and hilar lymph nodes can be examined. Computed tomography of the lung does not require anything special from the patient, except to be in a horizontal position for several minutes and, at the request of the doctor, hold the breath for a while.

In what cases is CT scan of lungs indicated?

Computed tomography of the lung distinctlyshows the bronchi, trachea, pulmonary vessels, thoracic lymph nodes, segments and lobes of the lung. It allows you to diagnose the damage to the soft tissues of the organ, as well as the condition of the large blood vessels - the pulmonary artery and aorta. Computed tomography of the lung is indicated for the following conditions or for suspicion of them:

  • Bronchiectasis, neoplasms in the lung and pleural cavity, the presence of foreign bodies.
  • Pathology of the thymus gland, the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity, inflammation of the thoracic lymph nodes, changes in the pericardium, diseases of the ribs and sternum.
  • Changes in the structure of the lung tissue.

Computed tomography of the lung helps to identify these diseases:

  • Pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleurisy.
  • Lung cancer or lung metastases from other organs.
  • The presence of pleural effusion.
  • Aortic aneurysm and pulmonary embolism.
  • Emphysema.
  • Pathology of the mediastinum.

Lung CT scan - safe procedure

The uniqueness of the study lies in the fact thatthe dose of radiation is negligible, so it is difficult to distinguish counters. This fact allows you to apply the study in infants, and the procedure time can be from one to seven minutes. In this case, the lung tomography of the child can be carried out during sleep, and at this time a mother or another close person may be near him. The presence of metal prostheses, pacemakers and other implants are not contraindicated for tomography. This technique does not cause any inconvenience to patients with claustrophobia, as it takes very little time.

Lung tomography is a modern study that allows for the early diagnosis of diseases and at the same time to preserve the patient's health and, in some cases, life.

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