/ / Computed tomography of the brain - features of the conduct, training and recommendations

Computed tomography of the brain - features, preparation and recommendations

Modern diagnostics can reveal differentdiseases in the early stages. In this case, the techniques have become less traumatic for the patient. The appearance of complications in this case is minimal. The result of the survey is as informative as possible. One of these methods is a brain tomography. The features of this type of diagnosis will be discussed further.

general description

MRI and tomography of the brain today arecommon approaches in the diagnosis of various diseases. They use different rays to examine the internal organs and systems. When diagnosing pathologies in the brain, they have no equal in information.

Computed tomography

Компьютерная томография (КТ) представляет собой diagnostic method, which applies during the study of X-rays. They are produced in a special department of the tomograph. With this effect, it is possible to assess the state of the intracranial space at different angles.

The device scans the brain in layers.Sensors receive feedback signals and build the overall picture in three-dimensional projection. The image of the brain, which is obtained during the survey, detailed, very accurate. Brain tomography is the basis for diagnosis.

Previously, for the diagnosis of various pathologiesradiography was used. During this examination, the patient received more x-rays. In this case, the information content of such a survey was lower. Modern computed tomography irradiates the body much less. However, it allows you to look at the object of study from different angles.


What does brain imaging show?This procedure is assigned in some cases. It allows you to diagnose the pathology of blood vessels (blood clots, narrowing, hemorrhage), to determine the presence of hematomas, as well as tumors. This diagnostic method allows to examine in detail the tissues of the head, as well as nerves. There are a number of indications for which a similar procedure is prescribed.

Often computed tomography is prescribed to undergopeople with head injuries. It is necessary to examine the bone tissue, determine the degree of violation of its integrity. It also allows you to find foreign bodies. Computed tomography allows you to find hematomas, hemorrhages and assess their vastness.

Computed tomography price

If a person has been diagnosed with a concussion, this procedure allows you to determine the degree of edema. Also, this technique is designed to identify and analyze the displacement of individual brain structures.

Компьютерная томография головного мозга может be appointed by a physician when suspicion of tumor development appears, as well as assessment of their condition. It can be both benign and malignant neoplasm. If a person does not have contraindications for MRI, choose this diagnostic method. CT is suitable for those patients for whom magnetic resonance imaging is not suitable.

Подробно оценить состояние сосудов, особенности blood circulation in them helps CT. For this purpose, a special substance is used, which is visible in X-rays. It is made on the basis of iodine. This allows you to identify the prerequisites for a stroke or its consequences.

Also, computed tomography is used to diagnose an abscess of the brain, as well as its assessment.


Зная, что показывает томография головного мозга, conclusions can be drawn about the high information content of the procedure. However, it is not always possible to carry it out if there is suspicion of the development of pathology or its presence. There are a number of contraindications to the procedure.

Modern hospitals have equipment installedwhich is designed for patient weight up to 130 kg. In some medical institutions, it can withstand heavy loads. However, such a minority. The maximum weight of the patient, which can withstand even special equipment, is 200 kg.

It is forbidden to conduct a similar procedure forpregnant women. X-rays can adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, in the presence of indications, women can make a tomography of the brain with an MRI. This procedure is not prohibited for them.

If a vascular examination is performed, the procedurecarried out using a contrast agent. It is introduced into the vessels. The patient should not be allergic to iodine or other components of the drug. Also, this procedure is not carried out for people with impaired renal function, diabetes. During the lactation period, the procedure can be carried out, but it is impossible to feed the baby with breast milk during the day.

For children, this procedure is not contraindicated withage 3 years. However, for young patients, examination is performed under general anesthesia. They are not able to stay still during the procedure. Older children (from 6 years old) need to be explained that the procedure is painless.

The difference between CT and MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging of the braindifferent from computed tomography by a number of factors. This procedure has a number of specific contraindications. The survey of this type uses the method of nuclear magnetic resonance. In CT, as already noted, X-rays are used.

Compare these two approaches is not worth it. They are highly informative. But the difference between these two approaches is significant.

Angiography of cerebral vessels

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brainallows you to consider well the organs in which fluid accumulates. However, they can be protected by a dense layer of skeletal tissue. These objects include not only the head. This spinal cord, pelvic organs, joints.

Computed tomography allows detailedexamine and evaluate the structure of the skull. X-rays have high resolution. These two approaches give the same result only when examining the digestive system, kidneys, and endocrine glands.

Magnetic tomography of the brain is performedlonger. At the same time its cost will be higher. CT is much easier. If there are no contraindications to it, the doctor will prescribe this type of examination. If there is an allergy to the dye for blood vessels, during pregnancy only an MRI can be performed.


Многие пациенты спрашивают, где сделать tomography of the brain. This procedure is carried out in public clinics of regional centers, as well as in private medical institutions. Today, all major cities have the appropriate equipment. Insurance can be tested for free. To do this, the doctor issues the appropriate direction.

Features of computed tomography

Often patients have to undergo a similarthe procedure is paid. This is due to some of the subtleties of the conclusion of health insurance. The price of brain tomography depends on the region, as well as staff qualifications and type of equipment. The cost of the procedure also depends on the policy of the clinic itself. Some of the services that physicians perform during the examination are not included in the price. It is necessary to find out what is included in the specified price.

In the capital, the average cost of brain CTranges from 4.5 to 6 thousand rubles. This procedure is carried out qualitatively in such clinics as Medskan RF, Center of Endosurgery and Lithotripsy, ABC-Medicine and others.

Магнитно-резонансная томография головного мозга worth about 5-12 thousand rubles. Positive reviews are received by such clinics as “SM-Clinic”, “Diagnostic center MRI”, “Best Clinics”, “MedicalCity” and others.


Computed tomography of the brain in St. Petersburg,Moscow or other cities of the country is performed according to the same methodology. The procedure does not take much time. It is quite simple. Special preparation for its implementation is not necessary (with the exception of vascular contrast angiography).

Examination does not harm the body, if notcontraindications. Before the procedure, the doctor will recommend not to eat or drink for several hours. Before the procedure, you need to remove all the jewelry, hairpins. You also need to warn the doctor about the presence of metal implants in the head.

Indications for computed tomography

The examination is absolutely painless. Therefore, in the course of its implementation, there are practically no difficulties. It is necessary to prepare a number of documents that the doctor will require before the examination.

With a need to take the direction of a doctor.At the request of the patient, this procedure is not carried out. You also need to have with you the history of the disease, history in writing. The card must contain conclusions from the doctors who the patient has passed before.

For angiography requires serioustraining. It starts 2 weeks before the procedure. It will be necessary to pass a blood clotting test, to abandon the use of any alcohol. Also make tests on the body's reaction with the introduction of a contrast agent. A general and biochemical blood test is taken.

Reviews of the procedure

Computed tomography of the braincarried out quickly enough. The doctor puts the patient on a special table. When you press a button, the equipment will smoothly move it forward. The head of the patient enters the tunnel. However, the body remains outside the confined space. This is especially important for people who are claustrophobic.

Computed tomography of the brain

The procedure lasts from 30 minutes. up to one hour.Pictures are taken in different positions (there are 360 ​​of them). They enter a computer program that builds a three-dimensional image. During the procedure, the person must lie motionless all the time. This is especially problematic for children. For them to be even half an hour without moving is a real punishment. For this reason, for small patients, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

A special procedure is tomography withby contrast. In this case, a special substance is injected into a specific vein. Usually, a catheter is used for this. It is introduced into the femoral artery and advanced through the vessel to the desired level. This is a completely painless procedure. Inside the vessels there are no nerve endings.

A substance that enters the body can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. Also, the patient may feel heat in the face. It's quite normal. Symptoms pass themselves.

What does the examination show?

The procedure presented to datestill improving today. With the help of computed tomography, the doctor can evaluate the structure of the brain in fine detail. You can also see the metabolic processes that occur in the brain, its blood flow. Tomography of cerebral vessels allows to determine their structure, state and interaction.

CT scan result

Процедуру также назначают для исследования individual brain lobes, as well as their functioning. If the procedure is performed with contrast, this greatly increases the effectiveness. However, not all patients can be assigned this type of examination.

In the image that was taken withCT, you can see the structure of soft tissue. This allows you to identify hematomas and tumors. You can also assess the condition of the skull, bone tissue.

На КТ хорошо просматриваются тромбы или hemorrhage, hematoma. Aneurysms, malignant, benign neoplasms are also visible. Using the data from this examination, the doctor can diagnose the presence of acute meningitis, as well as a number of other dangerous pathologies.


Brain tomography provides the result in black and white images. They are recorded on electronic media.

The pictures are clearly visible bones, blood vessels. If there are hemorrhages, foreign bodies or fluid accumulations in the brain, they will have a darker color than the tissues nearby.

Современная аппаратура позволяет получить three-dimensional image of different brain tissues. The doctor can look at the area of ​​interest from all sides. Also the message of vessels with this or that area, type of its blood supply is estimated. In this case, the doctor can evaluate both venous and arterial blood circulation, as well as blood circulation in the capillaries.

How often can a survey be done?

The procedure presented, although carried out onmodern equipment, irradiates the human body. X-rays pass through its tissues, affecting new cells. Therefore, it is not necessary to undergo this examination because of their own whims. The dose of radiation during computed tomography will be even higher than during the passage of x-rays of the lungs.

Эта процедура не назначается просто из-за наличия dizziness, tinnitus, or headaches. There should be characteristic symptoms that indicate the presence of significant abnormalities in the brain. Only in this case, the doctor prescribes CT. It will be expedient only if it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis without this diagnosis.

In some cases, the patient appearscomplications. This can be a malaise, headache, allergy to drugs, etc. Therefore, the technology of the examination should be performed exactly to the smallest detail. For some procedures (angiography of blood vessels) you need to carefully prepare. This will reduce the risk of complications.

The frequency of examination, permissible for the year, corresponds to the dose of radiation that a person receives, the characteristics of his body.

Considering what constitutes a tomography of the brain, you can understand the features of its implementation and appointment.

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