Many colds are accompanied bycough, getting rid of which is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Some people try to deal with this unpleasant symptom with the help of modern drugs. And someone prefers to use only folk methods. For example, our grandmothers often used eggnog in such cases. A classic cough recipe will be presented in today's article.
The birthplace of this miracle cure is consideredPoland. His appearance is still shrouded in mystery. According to one of the most plausible versions, he was coined by a Pole named Gogel, who lived in the small town of Mogelev.
Singer periodically suffered from loss of voice.This problem could put an end to his future career. Therefore, he closely engaged in the search for a reliable means of promoting the restoration of damaged vocal cords. As a result of this, a cough-nogger appeared, the recipe of which has survived to our times. In this cocktail, which is based on a chicken egg, you can add nuts, berries, fruit juice, cocoa, honey, rum, brandy or wine.
It should be noted that in addition to excellent tastequalities, the egg yolk which is shaken up with sugar has also curative effect. The composition of this product contains vitamin H, E, A, D and B. It contains a sufficient amount of iodine, chromium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper and beta-carotene. In addition, cog-eggnog, the recipe of which will be presented later, is rich in such macronutrients as sodium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine and sodium.
That is the composition and all medicalproperties of this tool. It not only effectively improves the immune system, but also perfectly contributes to the revitalization of the weakened organism. The use of eggnog has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the throat, eliminates pain in the larynx, reduces inflammation and increases appetite. Plus, whipped with sugar yolk helps to accelerate the discharge of sputum when coughing.
In order for a cough eggnog (the recipe of which can be found just below) was only beneficial, for its creation it is necessary to use only high-quality products.
Eggs should not only be fresh, but alsodietary. For these purposes it is undesirable to use a home product of doubtful quality. Before breaking an egg, it should be thoroughly washed and dried. This will allow to get rid of pathogenic microflora living on the surface of the shell. On request, quail eggs can be taken instead of chicken eggs. The latter are less likely to cause allergic reactions and contain less cholesterol.
It is necessary to take coggy-nog from cough, the recipe of which was successfully used by our great-great-grandmothers once a day. Do it better in the evening.
Eggnog cannot be considered fulldrug. It only helps to significantly accelerate the process of sputum discharge and reduce pain when you cough. Before using it, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. Like any other means, it has several contraindications.
So, eggnog cannot be used by peoplesick with diabetes of any type. In addition, it is strictly contraindicated for children under one year of age and those who have been diagnosed with individual intolerance to egg yolk and other components.
At home you can quickly and without problemscook this miracle cure. Today, in alternative medicine there are many different recipes, but the classic version is still very popular.
To make a similar cocktail you need to take two.or three chicken eggs, separate the egg yolks from the whites and carefully mash them with a couple of teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. It is possible to shake up not only a mixer, but also a usual nimbus. This should be done until such time as the volume does not approximately double.
After that, you need to add a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt to the pre-chilled proteins, and then beat well and combine with the yolk mass.
For the preparation of sweet medicine should prepare in advance the necessary components. In this case, you will need:
Separated from proteins yolks combine with sugarsand and fray carefully. Cocoa, cinnamon, butter and proteins are added to the resulting mass. All well beat with a mixer until a sustainable fluffy foam and poured into a beautiful cup.