/ / Hemangioma in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and features of treatment

Hemangioma in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and features of treatment

Many parents face the problemlike hemangioma in children. This is a benign education that appears in infancy. You should not panic if the kid has such a red spot. How to behave in such a situation, will be discussed in detail below.

general description

Hemangioma in children under one year is enoughcommon disease. This neoplasm is a benign tumor that can appear at birth or in the first months of a baby’s life. The maximum period when hemangioma may appear is 2 months.

Hemangioma on the face of a child

Every tenth child on the planet hassimilar neoplasm. Scientists still do not agree that this causes a similar anomaly. However, there are several theories about this. Statistics state that in most cases hemangiomas appear in girls. Boys are less susceptible to this disease. For 3 girls there is only 1 boy who has hemangioma.

Presented neoplasm may look likelike a small speck. It is flat and may have a different size. Volumetric hemangiomas are also found. Sometimes they grow in breadth or depth. Moreover, the size of such education can be anything. There are very large hemangiomas. Also, there may be several. If there are more than three such tumors on the body, they are on the internal organs.

Hemangiomas in children have one main feature,which distinguishes them from other similar pathologies. They consist of degenerated cells of the inner surface of the vessels. At the same time, in the overwhelming majority of babies, such formations pass by themselves without outside help.


Hemangioma on the face of a child or other areasbody can cause serious anxiety to parents. The causes of the appearance of such tumors are not known to science. There are a number of hypotheses that have not yet been confirmed. However, they can not be denied.

Hemangioma on the head of a child

It is worth noting that doctors only converge inone. The nature of the occurrence of such pathologies precludes heredity. Scientists have found that the mechanism of hemangioma begins at the stage of development of the vascular system of the fetus. It occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Due to unknown causes of science, endothelium cells (the inner surface of blood vessels) fall into places not intended for them. After birth, they are reborn into benign tumors.

Hemangioma can occur on the skin, mucous membranes andeven on the internal organs. After birth, it develops, increases. However, almost always, by 5–7 years of life, the child does not have similar pathologies. The risk of such a pathology increases if the pregnancy is multiple, the child is born premature, the age of the mother exceeds 38 years. Also, eclampsia during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of hemangioma.

Modern methods of treatment of hemangioma in childrenallow you to get rid of such formations quickly and easily. However, knowing the life cycle of such formations, one can make a decision on the feasibility of surgical intervention.

Development phases

Hemangioma in a child's head, face, areasbody most often located in "safe" places. It is located at a distance from the vital organs and mucous membranes. However, there are exceptions. In some cases, surgery is essential.

Hemangioma treatment in children

In other cases, the neoplasm needswatch. He has several stages of development. First hemangioma appears. This can happen in the womb or in the first few weeks after birth. Next comes the phase of its active growth. It lasts until the moment the child turns one year old. After that, its growth slows down and stops. Further, it stops growing at all.

После этого наступает фаза обратного развития.Hemangioma begins to decrease gradually. The phase of involution and complete disappearance of a neoplasm occurs when the child reaches the age of 5-7 years. In some cases, this process lasts up to 10 years. At the same time, there is not even a trace of hemangioma on the skin.

According to statistics, 50% of these entitiespass when the child reaches the age of five. Of the remaining mass of children with hemangioma, they say goodbye to the age of 7, 70%. Another 28-29% of them will forget about the tumor to 9-10 years of life. Only in 1-2% of children, such structures are reborn into other forms of pathologies and do not pass by themselves. Absolutely excluded the reappearance of hemangioma. It passes without consequences.


Существует несколько разновидностей подобных neoplasms. Cavernous hemangioma in children is a tumor that consists of dilated vessels with cavities. They have venous or arterial blood. Most often, this type of hemangioma spreads over the skin, does not grow deeper.

The formation of this type, which isappears in the liver. It may also be in other organs, which are characterized by abundant blood supply. Identify them extremely hard. Only when complications occur can a similar tumor be diagnosed.

Hemangioma MKB 10 in children

Cavernous hemangiomas in the liver are very dangerous,spleen, brain. In case of accidental injury, a rupture of the tumor may occur. As a result, internal bleeding occurs, which can be fatal.

Hemangioma in a child on the lip, on the face may becapillary. It never affects the inner layers and vessels of the dermis. It is intertwined capillary vessels. Their break is extremely rare. Such a neoplasm in diameter does not exceed 1 cm.

Смешанная гемангиома представляет собой capillary and cavernous tumors that merged together. This education is dangerous because it may look like a simple hemangioma. However, it is likely to break.


In the international classification (ICD-10) hemangiomachildren have a certain code - D18.0. This is the common name for any type of similar neoplasm. They have a number of symptoms that parents need to know. Often these tumors appear in the scalp, as well as on the face (eyelids, cheeks, nose), in the mouth, on the genitals, in the upper body, on the arms, legs, bones and internal organs.

Hemangioma eyes in children

Размер пятна может быть разным.It can be as small as a few millimeters, or take about 15 cm of the surface or even more. The shape of the spot may be different. Its color also varies from pale pinkish to burgundy, with a bluish tinge. This formation is warmer than the surrounding tissue.

In addition to gaps, the danger of such formationsis to infect them. Also hemangioma can grow inland. It can squeeze tissue, affect the internal organs. If such a formation appears on the mucous membranes, in the ears, on the nose, and also it actively develops, it can lead to hearing loss, smell, vision, etc.

Согласно отзывам гемангиома у ребенка проходит до the end of puberty. At the same time in its center appear more pale areas. They gradually spread to the periphery. This process can take several years. If removal of a neoplasm is not recommended, you just have to wait patiently for the stain to pass by itself.


Hemangioma in a child's face, body requirescorrect diagnosis. A medical specialist can advise parents not to resort to surgical treatment, or, conversely, surgery is required. The surgeon controls the patient's condition. You can also contact your pediatrician or dermatologist.

В некоторых случаях требуется дополнительная consultation of other medical specialists. This may be an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a urologist, or a gynecologist. If the education is in the area of ​​the mouth, you will need to contact your dentist.

В процессе диагностики врач проводит осмотр the patient. The neoplasm is palpated, auscultation is performed. Hemangioma is measured in diameter. You will also need to make a coagulogram and test for platelet count.

Чтобы определить, насколько глубоко разрастается hemangioma, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound. This will allow to comprehensively evaluate the features of education and decide on further actions. At the same time, the features of the hemangioma blood supply, its interaction with other vessels are determined.

In some cases, an x-ray is taken. This allows you to assess the condition of surrounding tissues.

When is removal shown?

Removal of hemangiomas in children is carried out in a number ofcases. Surgical intervention is required if the neoplasm is located on the mucous membrane. It can be a larynx or an ear cavity. Also necessarily remove hemangioma of the eye in children. If this is not done, when the new development enters the phase of active growth, it can harm the baby. He may lose his sight, hearing. If the hemangioma is in the larynx, with its growth, the access of oxygen to the lungs can be completely blocked.

Laser hemangioma removal in children

It also removes tumors thatlocated in close proximity to physiological holes, for example, at the mouth, nose, anus, etc. The growth of hemangioma is unpredictable. It can suddenly begin to expand deep into. However, it is able to completely block the hole next to which is located.

It also removes tumors thatare in places of increased risk of injury. For example, on the stomach or side, such an formation can be easily touched with clothing. Particularly high probability of such an outcome on the belt, where pants and skirts are fastened. On the stomach or in other easily accessible places, babies can simply knock off a similar tumor. It will cover a little, like a normal wound. However, infection with hemangioma is very dangerous.

The doctor will also recommend removing the tumor,if the child is already 1.5 years old, but she is still growing. If the child is 10 years old, and the education has not disappeared, surgery is also indicated. This is rare, but in 1-2% of cases this situation occurs.


Today, no modern clinic removeshemangiomas with a scalpel. There are many ways that you can perform a procedure quickly and efficiently. Surgical treatment is an extreme measure when other methods cannot solve the problem.

One of the most modern approaches islaser hemangioma removal in children. Such a laser removes pathological tissues accurately and in layers. The accuracy of the surgeon is very high. At the same time, healthy tissues are not injured.

Removal of hemangiomas in children

Laser removal of hemangiomas in children is performednon-contact. This is a completely sterile procedure. Moreover, the technique is absolutely bloodless. The doctor visually monitors his actions. In this case, the cosmetic effect after laser therapy will be high. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. This is possible if the hemangioma is small.

With a significant tumor size, the treatment will bemuch harder and longer. The operation is done under general anesthesia. If the area of ​​education is large, you will need to take a donor flap from the part of the body that will be under the clothes. This is especially important when performing surgery on the face, eyelid. Such an intervention is carried out only in an exceptional case. In the process, the child is given a blood transfusion.

Conservative treatment

Hemangioma in children can be treated with conservativemethods. One popular approach is cryotherapy. In this case, carbon dioxide snow is used. This method is applicable for hemangiomas with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm.

Carbon dioxide snow is placed on the site of the tumor.At the same time, healthy tissues capture about 0.5 cm. After this, the appearance of a depressed surface can be observed. It swells, turns into a bubble. Then a crust appears. She disappears after 2 weeks.

Another option is the use of injections.They have a sclerosing effect on hemangioma vessels. After this treatment, connective tissue appears in its place. As the active substance, alcohol and a solution of quinine are used.

With the help of injections create an infiltrationroller. It first forms around the tumor. Then this formation is concentrated in its center. Once a week, the procedure is repeated. At this time, the swelling should disappear. If the tumor is on the eyelid or in the mouth, surgical methods will be quite difficult to perform. Therefore, this approach is used. Injections have proven effective.

If the hemangioma is small, the doctor mayadvise to conduct electrocoagulation. The size of the tumor should not exceed 5 mm. It is affected by electric current. As a result, tissue formations coagulate. Then a crust appears. It passes over time on its own.

Radiation therapy is used to treat subcutaneousneoplasms. This is one of the few methods that allows you to remove such tumors on the internal organs. Radiotherapy has a bad effect on the whole body of the patient. Therefore, it is prescribed no earlier than at the 6th month of the child's life.

Parents' comments

Parents whose children were discoveredhemangioma, often insist on surgery or other treatment of the tumor. However, over time, if the doctor does not recommend such interventions, they agree with the statement that hemangioma should not be treated. If she is in a safe place, it is best to let her go on her own. Many procedures, although they are as safe as possible, cannot guarantee that after such exposures there will be no scars. Therefore, parents say that if the doctor does not recommend surgery, the tumor just needs to be observed.

Having considered the features of the occurrence and treatment of hemangiomas in children, parents will be able to make the right decision on subsequent actions.

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