/ / Strengthening health by taking vitamin A in foods

Strengthening health by taking vitamin A in foods

Since the alphabet begins with the letter A, so does theuseful from vitamins is indicated by this symbol is not accidental. All the functions of the body are connected with it. Taking vitamin A in foods, we provide ourselves with good eyesight, strong immunity, beautiful skin and a stable nervous system. If you have problems with the above symptoms, then there is a shortage of vitamin A in the body. And this is fraught with more dangerous ailments, like cancer, impotence in men and infertility in women, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and even anemia.

You can, of course, advise to take vitamin Ain tablets, capsules or dragees. But this is already a remedy. And to maintain the balance necessary for the body, the products that contain vitamin A. are the best. The most rich in this respect are apricots (in any form: fresh, dried or canned), carrots, watercress, potatoes, plums, all kinds of greens, fruits and vegetables of orange and yellow color, pumpkin and its seeds, sunflower and cabbage broccoli.

Knowing where vitamin A is, it seemsit is easy to form the right diet. But which of us adheres to it, until the problems become so prominent that they will affect our appearance! Acne, dandruff, hair loss and myopia are only "flowers" that will soon turn into "berries", if you do not pay attention to replenishing the missing amount of vitamin A.

So, if vitamin A in foods is the mostsimple and effective way to avoid many health troubles, then how much do we need to eat one or another food to preserve our precious health ?. Scientists estimated that the daily optimal portion of vitamin A is measured at 5000 milligrams. 1/3 part of this amount should enter the body through animal foods containing vitamin A, and the remaining 2/3 - through the intake of natural vegetables and fruits. If severe symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are not observed, then this is a normal diet of a normal person who leads a healthy lifestyle and who is following his diet.

But everything is good in moderation.and it often happens that after being carried away by products containing vitamin A, we forget that the redundancy of this trace element is no less dangerous than its shortage. Vitamin A is excreted very slowly. And if he lingers there for a long time, then the blow, in the first place, is subjected to the liver. So, let's say a few words about what to do to avoid such problems.

What are the signs that your bodyneed a break from taking vitamin A? There are several of them and they are usually pronounced. It is dry skin, reaching up to the cracks on the lips and itching on the body, fragility and active hair loss, swelling under the eyes and, as a result, nervous excitability. We take immediate measures, but we do not stop eating vitamin A in foods, but we cut it in the diet and eat less of the animal's liver, fatty dairy products and fish, and from vegetables and greens, for a time we exclude foods containing a lot of carrots, cabbage and for a while we refuse citrus fruits.

We repeat that all this is only for a while.Do not overdo the stick, because the lack of vitamin A is no less dangerous, as already mentioned above. Be afraid of "night blindness", which is expressed in a long visual adaptation of a person in the dark or in the process, when he just gets from a more illuminated room to a dark room and feels a pain in his eyes. If you dramatically reduce vitamin A in foods that are part of the children's diet, then the delay in child growth will be difficult to compensate in the future.

The one who, after reading this article, does not consider itunnecessarily harsh and will draw the right conclusions, in a very short time on his experience will be convinced of that. how much vitamin A is needed for the human body at any age.

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