Rhinitis is considered the most commonailment among adults and children. Abundant discharge from the nose - a natural defensive reaction of the body, developing against the background of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. For symptomatic treatment, topical preparations should be used. One such means is "Tizin Xylo." Let's consider in more detail, at what kinds of rhinitis this medication will be effective, how to use it correctly and what can be replaced.
If the infection is on the nasal mucosadevelops rhinitis. The inflammatory process is characterized by increased production of secreted secretion, swelling of the nasal mucosa and difficulty in normal breathing. In most cases, this condition is a symptom of others, most often infectious and viral pathologies.
Drug treatment is selected according tofrom the etiology of the common cold. Usually, to remove nasal congestion, it is recommended to use local medications with vasoconstrictive effect (as part of complex therapy). Among the huge variety of drugs in this category is to pay attention to the popular tool "Tizin Xylot." Instructions for use details the composition and effect of this drug. With this information it is necessary to familiarize before the beginning of treatment.
The drug is produced by several import pharmaceutical companies from France, Germany and Spain. The average cost of a nasal product is 95-110 rubles per package.
The drug is produced in the form of a spray with differentconcentration of the active ingredient. This is the most convenient form of release of medicines intended to eliminate the symptoms of the common cold. Unlike drops, the spray can has a special dispenser with a dispenser. This design allows you to evenly process the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity suspension, consisting of particles of the drug drug. Due to the fact that the aerosol covers a large area of mucous membranes and even penetrates into distant foci of inflammation, it is possible to achieve the most pronounced therapeutic effect.
In vials contains 10 ml of a medicinal colorless solution, which has a slightly pronounced odor.
The active ingredient providing a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect is xylometazoline. The substance is an imidazole derivative and has only a symptomatic effect.
In an adult spray, the active substance concentration is 0.1% (1 mg), which is calculated at 70 doses. In the children's version of the drug contains 0.05% xylometazoline (140 doses, respectively).
The auxiliary components include sodium chloride, edetate disodium, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate and purified water.
Hydrochloride xylometazoline, as reportedthe instruction "Tizina Xylo", has alpha-adrenergic properties and has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect. This allows you to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, speed up the removal of a viscous secretion and restore nasal breathing. Observe the therapeutic effectiveness of the medication can be as early as 5-7 minutes after spraying the spray.
The manufacturer of the nasal agent Tizin Xylo recommends the use of the drug when:
Unpleasant sensations associated with stuffinessnose, after applying the spray pass almost instantly. The drug has a fairly long action and allows you to breathe freely through your nose for 6-8 hours.
How correctly to use a nasal drug?Drugs of this kind are decongestants, which means they can cause addiction and other side effects. To use a spray on a long-term basis is highly undesirable, because this can negatively affect the state of the cardiovascular system and lead to a disruption in the functionality of the nasal mucosa.
"Tisin Xylo" with the concentration of active substance0.1% is allowed to be used in pediatric practice in the treatment of a cold in children older than 6 years. The drug also helps to eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis and can use in the period of treatment of otitis (contributes to reducing swelling in the nasopharynx). The dosage and the frequency of application of the nasal preparation are selected individually.
Babies under the age of six are allowed to use"Tizin Xylo Bio." The drug is also available in the form of a spray. The composition, in addition to xylometazoline, contains sodium hyaluronate. Hyaluronic acid has a powerful moisturizing effect. The substance allows to maintain the mucous surface of the nasal cavity in a moistened state, thereby creating suitable conditions for the recovery processes.
Spray with active ingredient dosage 0.1%should be applied no more than three times a day. Each nostril is allowed to administer only one dose of the medication. The drug with a lower dosage of xylometazoline is used no more than twice a day. In case of cold illnesses, the doctor can prescribe to the child an individual scheme for the use of the medicinal product.
After the first opening of the vial, it is necessaryPress the sprayer several times, pointing the tip upward, and wait for the spray to spray evenly. Each nasal passage is allowed to administer one dose of the drug. After handling, the tip should be washed, dried and covered with a protective cap.
Vasoconstrictive medication for the treatment of rhinitisdifferent etiology is prohibited for more than 7 consecutive days. If it is necessary to prolong the therapy, you need to take a break for several days, after which you can restore further use of the spray. Otherwise, atrophy of the mucous surface may occur. In this condition, it ceases to function properly, which causes the development of a chronic inflammatory process.
The use of "Tysin Xylo" in the form of a spray must be agreed with the doctor. It is forbidden to prescribe a vasoconstrictor in the following cases:
Categorically it is contraindicated to use a sprayfor the treatment of babies up to two years, pregnant and lactating women. Do not prescribe the drug to patients who have undergone surgery on the meninges.
Usually the spray "Tizin Xylo" is well toleratedpatients of all age categories. In rare cases, complaints about the appearance of irritation on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity are recorded. Reactions in the form of itching and burning sometimes develop due to increased sensitivity to xylometazoline. A strong puffiness in the mucosa occurs after the active component of the spray has ceased to function.
From the cardiovascular system alsothere may be some symptoms of the side effect of the medication. These include tachycardia, increased blood pressure. With prolonged use, there may be headache, depression, insomnia.
In certain cases, it may be necessary to replacemedicament. To choose an analogue of "Tizin Xylolo Bio" for children or adults will not be difficult, because the pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of various kinds of products that have a local curative effect in the common cold. You can buy both a spray and a drop with vasoconstrictive properties. However, the first option is still preferable. Although the preparations for the youngest children (up to two years old) are only in the form of drops.
Some drugs contain the same active substance as the spray "Tizin Xylo." Such means include "Rinostop", "Xylen", "Galazolin", "Rinomaris", "Otryvin", "Meralis", "Ximelin".
A lot of positive recommendations from doctorsreceives the drug "Otrivin". In its composition, xylometazoline is present in concentrations of 0.05 and 0.1%. Means with a lower content of the active ingredient is intended for use in pediatrics in the treatment of babies from one year. For the youngest (from three months), the drug is available in droplets and contains sodium chloride. From the age of 12, it is permitted to use "Otrivin" in the form of a spray, which contains 1 mg xylometazoline (per 1 ml of the drug).
Препарат быстро устраняет заложенность носовых moves that occurred against the background of viral and infectious ailments. Just like the spray "Tizin Xylot", the analogue can be used for allergic rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis. The cost of the nasal drug from the common cold "Otrivin" is 210-240 rubles.
Spray "Tizin Xylo" has proven itself as aEffective medication, whose action is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the common cold. Those who used this tool in their reviews note that you can feel the therapeutic effect of the spray within a few minutes after application. For a more pronounced effect, the preparation must be sprayed only after a preliminary wash of the nasal cavity.
If the remedy is used more than 7 daysthere is a huge risk of dependence and addiction of the nasal mucosa to the active substance. Children are usually advised not to use a vasoconstrictor spray for more than 5 days.