Before you start talking about how fastto knock down the temperature by folk and medical means, it is worthwhile to find out, and what is the temperature in general? In principle, the temperature is the conditions created by the body for a negative effect on pathogenic bacteria. In other words, the temperature is necessary for a person to have his body more quickly cope with the disease. If the organism does not provide such conditions, the virus that enters the body will multiply, and the consequences of its activity can be catastrophic.
In that case, when you need to knock down the temperature?In principle, this is usually done if the body temperature exceeds 38 degrees. But the better to knock down the temperature? Tablets or folk remedies? At present, there is no unambiguous answer to this question. all these drugs and preparations are equally good. But only on condition that they are used correctly and moderately. For example, the effect of antipyretic tablets may occur faster, but the effect of such tablets on the body as a whole is not very pleasant. As for broths, wipes and tinctures, they are perceived by the body softer.
So, how can you bring down the temperature?Children for these purposes use antipyretic candles. They are quite comfortable to use and do not have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. If there are no such candles, then you can use paracetamol or ibuprofren in another form. By the way, the last drug has also an analgesic property. Adults can use the same means in any form. As for aspirin, it is strongly recommended as an antipyretic agent. And children are not allowed to give it at all. The fact is that taking this medication can, although in rare cases, but lead to a very unpleasant Reye syndrome with disruption of the brain and liver.
And how quickly to knock down the temperature folkmeans? In this case, we must remember that if a person has a high fever, then, first of all, he needs to sweat very well. Here, cranberry juice, which is considered to be a wonderful diaphoretic, will help him. Of course, such a mors is not always at the right time and in the right place, so it can be replaced with cranberry juice. Going to bed, you should definitely drink a glass of rose hips to strengthen your immune system.
You can give a sick person a hot tea withraspberry jam or honey. If after the "drinking" of tea began profuse sweating, then this can only mean one thing - the process of lowering the temperature has gone. If the temperature did not fall after this procedure, then we can use one more method:
Больного человека надо раздеть и на его тело apply vodka, moonshine or alcohol, after which, a person must lie down for a while for nothing. And, his body should not be covered, otherwise the opposite effect will turn out. I must say that this procedure is not very pleasant for the patient, because The contact of a hot body with cold liquids can cause a slight chill. Nevertheless, when these substances begin to evaporate from the surface of the body, the body temperature will decrease. In principle, this method is often practiced in hospitals in those cases when the body temperature should be reduced quickly, but without the help of medicines. Remember that for children this method carries the danger of intoxication when alcohol penetrates the skin.
And how quickly to knock down the temperature with the help of fruit?That the temperature has decreased all on anything, i.e. at 0.5 degrees, one grapefruit, a couple of oranges or 0.5 lemon will suffice. These citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which can also protect the human body from colds.
If after reading this article you will becomeit is clear and understandable how quickly to knock down the temperature, then we can assume that the course of first aid has been successfully passed. However, it is best not to get sick at all, so that you do not have to resort to all these methods.