/ / I always want to sleep, but I do not like it

I always want to sleep, but I do not like it

A person can not always be active - hejust need to rest. Of course, the best rest is just a dream. During it, our brain rests. He who gives sleep enough time is always cheerful, feels well, and his mood is upbeat.

"I constantly want to sleep!"Do you ever hear this phrase from your friends? Maybe you repeat it yourself every day." Those who always want to sleep do not live sweetly, a day is needed to carry out some kind of activity, to do something, The person who is tormented by constant drowsiness, as a rule, feels bad and it is difficult for him to interact with others. Also it should be noted that in such a state it is difficult for him to think and make any decisions.

It's bad if you want to sleep all the time. Worst of all, when a person feels sleep deprivation, having overslept a considerable time. In some cases, this may even be an alarming symptom.

I always want to sleep

The reasons for which we can pull a lot of sleep.In some cases, our eyes begin to stick together after something. For example, after eating. Why is this happening? Yes, because at the moment when the stomach is full, the blood is cast from the brain and is directed to it. Of course, our head organ ceases to be stimulated in due measure.

Many people all the time want to sleep in the winter.The thing is that at this time of year is not enough long light day. It is also worth noting that in winter the stores of vitamins begin to deplete. Without them, we are weakened and feel constantly drowsy. Most avitaminosis is noticeable in the spring.

Someone always wants to sleep in the rain.The fact is that at such times the air becomes very discharged, atmospheric pressure decreases, and oxygen around becomes small. The brain receives little energy and works worse.

Modern people often suffer from chroniclack of sleep. It's not about those who for one reason or another do not sleep at night, but those who sleep enough time, but they still do not have enough. In principle, a healthy person is eight hours in order to fully sleep and wake up with a clear head. There is nothing surprising in the fact that some modern people sleep for ten hours, but still do not get enough sleep. Wrong food, lack of physical activity, bad habits - all this and much more leads to the fact that our body can not recover even during sleep.

Why do you always want to sleep?The cause may be some kind of disease. Agree, even with the most common cold we are constantly sleepy. The body is trying not to waste energy, but to recover. If you always want to sleep, and explain the reasons for this you can not, then be sure to go through a medical examination. It is possible that your drowsiness is a symptom of some latent or beginning disease.

Let's also say that we can become sleepy through faultany medications. It is worth remembering that many of them have a strong effect, and non-observance of the rules prescribed in the instruction can lead to big problems. What to do in this situation? It is recommended to consult a doctor: he will find out what to replace your medication or advise to reduce the dose.

How to deal with drowsiness

First of all I would like to advise to make upfor themselves a mode of the day in which sleep will be given a sufficient amount of time. Remember, it's better to lie early and do important things from the very morning than try to remake everything and at night.

Eat right, go in for sports, walk more, go for walks all the time. Lead an active lifestyle - this will help overcome drowsiness.

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