/ / Medical products: a list. Medical products, medicines, consumables

Medical products: a list. Medical products, medicines, consumables

К медицине люди всегда относились как к чему-то Sacredly inaccessible, incomprehensible to ordinary people. Difficult diagnoses, names of active substances in preparations - all this can easily confound an ignorant person. Often in pharmacies there is an inscription “List of“ Medical Products ”, the meaning of which is not always clear. So, what is included in this list and how can its knowledge be useful for an ordinary buyer?

What it is?

Let's start with the fact that the listmedicines and medical products include goods made of glass, polymers, rubber, textiles and other materials, this also includes special reagents and control materials for them, as well as other consumables that are used in medicine.

list of medical products

Чаще всего это однократно используемые предметы, who do not need special maintenance. In the market of medicines, the products included in the list of “Medical Products” account for 20% of the total number of goods. Unfortunately, only one fifth of these products is not made abroad.

Reagents, test strips and other means of preliminary diagnostics

Let us turn to specific examples.The approved list begins with all kinds of reagents, among which you can find stripes for measuring glucose levels, detecting drugs in the blood and various devices for laboratory research (some types of acids, alkalis and other reagents). Indicators that help to test not only the patient, but also medical equipment (for example, a sterilization indicator) can also be attributed to this group.

 list of medicines and medical products

Usually products from this group are not very available.ordinary people, since using them at home is very problematic. The most popular among "civilians" are test strips, which are used in blood glucose meters. You can buy them without a prescription, however, you need to know the model of the specific glucometer.

Detection of dangerous diseases

The next big group that containsApproved list of medical devices are serums that diagnose some dangerous diseases. This includes drugs for the determination of shigellosis, salmonellosis. Here is a set of basic antibiotics, which is used to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms that cause the disease to certain drugs. Such a measure can significantly reduce the likelihood of misuse of the wrong medication.

Gloves, probes and urinals - a list of consumables

Further list of medical products2016, and previous years, contains a number of items used as consumables. Here and gloves (from non-sterile, which is often used during inspections, to very thin gloves, which are used by neurosurgeons - the list includes a dozen different names used in various fields of medicine).

list of drugs for medical products

It also includes different types of probes (stomach,ear, for feeding babies), urinals, oilcloths used in a variety of manipulations. Easier said, this group of products is probably one of the largest in this list.

Catheters, needles and syringes of all shapes and sizes

Then follow the catheters, needles and syringes - thingsvery unpleasant, but still necessary. It is worth noting that the list of “Medical Products” contains several dozen types of catheters, differing not only in diameter but also in their functions: here there are also urological, and feeding, and intramuscular catheters, in other words, for any operation. As for needles, there is a great variety here: besides the usual needles, which are inserted into syringes for injections, there are needles for puncture and for acupuncture, and surgical ones - here the list of goods is also extensive. Syringes differ in their function and size as catheters: from small insulin to special metal syringes for washing the tonsils, in addition to which a whole set of different tubes is provided.

list of medical products and consumables

This group also includes blood transfusion systems, without which it would have been impossible to save a huge number of people.

Dressings, various dressings

We must not forget about the various devicesfor dressings, answering the question that relates to medical devices. The list includes many items, ranging from various types of cotton wool and adhesive plasters to special gypsum bandages, which make life easier for traumatologists. This also includes various wipes: sterile, soaked in medicines, both anti-inflammatory and analgesics. Of course, we should not exclude bandages, which can also be included in this group. In the list there are wound-healing dressings, and those that only cover wounds and burns.

For manipulations and inspections

Перечень «Изделия медицинского назначения» не will be complete without a variety of devices used by physicians during examinations and during various manipulations. This may include masks, both surgical and oxygen, with analgesics and without them. In the same group are surgical glasses, as well as glasses that protect the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The largest group on the list called “Others” includes surgical threads, and electrocardiogram removal paper, and medical mirrors, which are actively used by dentists and otolaryngologists.

list of medical products 2016

Even such seemingly small things as gels forultrasound included in this group. Simply put, this includes almost all consumables and medical instruments.

Used in the necessary procedures and in-depth studies

List of vital medical itemsDestination contains a whole set of tools and consumables used in various manipulations. This may include such procedures as hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, gas chromatographic studies and a fluro-immuno-analyzer (during which the presence of medicinal and narcotic substances in the patient's body is determined). All the necessary items, from needles to reagents, are precisely in this group of the list.

Specialized tools and consumables

Further list of drugs, productsMedical supplies are beginning to be divided into specializations. There are materials for the provision of cardiac surgery (this includes electrodes, vascular prostheses, intraducer - everything that physicians may need in an emergency). Another large group is anesthesiology and resuscitation: here there are also sensors for heart rate monitors, and harnesses to stop bleeding, and an artificial nutrition system. Special attention should be paid to the tools and consumables used by surgeons: suture materials, sewing devices, clips, clips - all that is necessary when performing even the simplest operations.

approved list of medical products

The latter category is also divided into severalsubgroups: neurosurgery, working with the brain (drainage systems, systems for fixing fractures, catheters are needed), thoracic surgery specializing in chest organs (dozens of types of clamping, breathing support, inhalers, oxygen pillows) and some others. Traumatologists and orthopedists may need a variety of pins and screws, metal plates for fixing damaged limbs, as well as plaster cast.

Films and developers, as well as tubes

Перечень «Изделия медицинского назначения» includes a variety of tubes, incubation and drainage, venting and for mechanical ventilation devices. For consumables can also be attributed flasks for reagents used in radiation therapy. This also includes films used in X-ray studies and fluorographic images, as well as developers and fixatives that fix the image on these films.

Consumables - nondescript, but necessary

Последняя и наиболее обширная группа – это Consumables. This includes all those tools and items that are used only once, and then either destroyed or undergo serious processing. Such products are spittoon vessels, flasks, test tubes, cuvettes, pipettes, measuring cylinders, laboratory glasses — without them, medical diagnostics and treatment of patients would be impossible. Such sometimes imperceptible, but still necessary - the last category, which includes a list of medical products and supplies.

Registration Procedure

However, new producers are not so easybe among the suppliers of such products as medical devices. The list, registration certificates are approved and issued by the authorized executive body. Such certificates are required to have all the devices, preparations and materials. All requirements for registration of new products are contained in the “Law on the Basics of Health Protection”. A preparation that is being prepared for release to the market is obliged to undergo numerous tests of effectiveness and quality, the results of which fill a large number of documents.

what is related to medical devices list

Именно поэтому фармацевтические компании чаще in total, registration is entrusted to authorized enterprises that already have experience in communicating with executive bodies and will be able to not only conduct the necessary research, but also prepare all the documents. It is also worth noting that all drugs every five years must undergo a recheck, which again confirms their quality and safety. So be sure that the reagents, devices, instruments and other medical products and consumables from the list approved by the highest government agencies are completely safe for health.

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