/ / Dyslipidemia - what is this disease?

Dyslipidemia - what is this disease?

Главной причиной развития атеросклероза является dyslipidemia. What it is? This disease, which is characterized by a violation of lipid metabolism in the human body. It is manifested by an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood.

dyslipidemia what is it

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that entersin the composition of all tissues and organs. Thanks to this compound, many hormones are produced. Without cholesterol, harmonious work of the digestive and central nervous system is impossible. Cholesterol is vital to the human body. Its main part is formed in the liver, but the substance enters the body and along with the food. In the blood, cholesterol binds to the protein and forms lipoprotein compounds, different in density (low and high), and in properties.

Lipoproteins with low density ("bad"cholesterol) settle on the walls of the vessels and form atherosclerotic plaques, which hampers blood flow. Lipoproteins with high density ("good" cholesterol) are able to remove "bad" cholesterol from tissues and carry it to the liver for processing. The determining factor for the onset of atherosclerosis is the balance of these two kinds of cholesterol.

Causes of the disease

The main factors provoking the syndrome of dyslipidemia are:

  1. Genetic predisposition.Disruption of lipid metabolism can trigger mutations in genes that are responsible for the production of protein compounds that combine with cholesterol, the production of cell receptors and lipid exchange enzymes.
  2. Lifestyle. Incorrect nutrition, lack of physical activity, bad habits and excess weight have the most negative effect on lipid metabolism.
  3. Stress. When psychoemotional overstrain increases the activity of the nervous system, which leads to a violation of fat metabolism.

dyslipidemia syndrome

Types of dyslipidemia

Заболевание классифицируется в зависимости от increase in the size of lipoproteins and lipids (classification by Fredrickson). Allocate primary and secondary dyslipidemia. Depending on the increase in one type of cholesterol, isolated or pure hyperlipidemia may occur. If both cholesterol and triglycerides are increased, hyperlipidemia can be mixed or combined.

Dyslipidemia: what is it and what are the symptoms of the disease?

With this disease, there are no specific signs, but the symptoms of the underlying disease can manifest. Symptoms that indicate the possible presence of dyslipidemia may be as follows:

  • diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • body mass index above 30;
  • early ischemic heart disease in parents;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • the level of high density lipoproteins is less than 0.9 mol / l for men and less than 1 mol / l for women.

types of dyslipidemia

Dyslipidemia: what is this disease and what is its treatment?

Therapy of the disease consists in the correctionlifestyle. If lipid metabolism is disturbed, the patient should adhere to a strict diet with limited intake of animal fats. With this diagnosis, you should limit physical activity, observe the regime of work and rest, avoid stressful situations, get enough sleep.

Если вышеуказанные методы не дают желаемого result, then medication is prescribed. For treatment, anion-exchange resins, fibrates, hyparins, fish oil, nicotinic acid and other drugs are used.

From this article you learned about a condition such as dyslipidemia: what kind of illness, its causes, symptoms and principles of treatment.

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