/ / Mumps: an illness whose symptoms signal a danger

Mumps: an illness whose symptoms signal danger

Pig is a disease whose symptoms are veryare unpleasant. It affects the salivary glands, as well as the oral cavity. In another way it is called epidemic parotitis. This virus disease is considered to be a group of "childhood" infections, along with pertussis, chickenpox, measles. Let's consider its features. After all, mumps (an illness whose symptoms appear after a certain time) can be quite dangerous for the body.
Especially male.

mumps disease symptoms

Insidious guinea pig: an illness whose symptoms are not immediately apparent

Most often, children suffer from it.Especially those whose age - from three to seven years. Pig (disease, the symptoms of which require the supervision of a doctor) is characterized by inflammatory processes in various glands. Most often in the parotid, less often in the salivary, and in the rarest cases in the pancreas. These processes are accompanied by high body temperature, pain, the appearance of a characteristic tumor in the neck region. The causative agent of mumps is from the same group as the measles virus. It is not subject to mutations and extremely unstable in the external environment, quickly dies when exposed to ultraviolet light, the effects of various disinfectants. However, low temperatures affect it more favorably, without leading to inactivation, - the virus that causes the mumps disease (photo illustrates its structure), is capable of cooling to minus seventy degrees Celsius and retaining its properties. The parotite is passed through contact with the saliva of the infected (toys, clothing, household items), as well as by airborne and intrauterine (which happens rarely).

 pig's disease photo
Заразным больной является в строго определенные terms - in the last days of the incubation period and nine to eleven days after the onset of the acute stage. The biggest risk is from the third to the fifth day after the appearance of the first symptoms. The contagiousness of mumps is not as high as that of chickenpox and measles, and is about fifty percent. In adults, the disease is more severe, complications occur more often. It is in them that the main danger that mumps lies is contained. Disease, whose consequences for men can be very serious, requires close medical attention and careful treatment. After all, the defeat of the glandular tissues of the testicle can lead to infertility.

Complications of mumps

Вероятность возникновения сопутствующих патологий depends not only on the age of the patient, but also on the stability of the protective forces of his body. And also on the state of those systems of organs that are threatened by complications.

mumps disease effects for men
That is why the sex glands of boys in the periodmaturation is under threat. Every tenth male pig diagnosed with mumps subsequently suffers from infertility. It is for them that vaccination against mumps is especially important. Depending on the season, epidemic outbreaks increase. Most often they happen in March or April. After vaccination or the transferred disease, lifelong immunity develops. It is currently found in ninety percent of the adult population. It is necessary to consider also the asymptomatic form of the disease, which occurs in twenty-five percent of infected people.

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