/ How long does the guinea pig live with due care?

How long does the guinea pig live with due care?

Guinea Pig is an easy, cute animal.It is larger than some other rodents, such as hamsters or mice. And yet these little animals are quiet, they can sit for a long time in one place, so they are comfortable to hold on their hands. In the care and nutrition of guinea pigs will not bring much trouble. Over the long years of keeping at home, a large number of different species have been hatched, which differ both in length of hair and in color. Therefore, you can find an animal that everyone will like. But, of course, the owners always have some questions. For example, how long does the guinea pig live?

how long does the guinea pig live
Guinea pigs

In fact, this animal is called kavia(Cavia porcellus). Their pigs were dubbed because of the peculiar sounds reminiscent of grunting, which they publish. And the name "sea" is a reminder that these animals got to us from behind the sea. More precisely - from a distant America. There till now among wild bushes and grasses in valleys of mountains, marshy lowlands, plateaus live wild relatives of domestic guinea pigs. These animals live in small flocks, including from 10 to 20 individuals. Their food is made up of plants, or more precisely - those parts of them to which the animal can reach. How long live the guinea pig in nature, depends on its lightness and ability to hide. Therefore, they need shelters. Some of them dig mink, others hide in natural shelters, for example, in crevices of rocks. All this should be taken into account by those who decided to have a pet at home, as the domestic guinea pigs appeared as a result of hybridization of wild species.

how many live guinea pigs

In order for the guinea pig at home was convenient,You need a cell of this size so that you can move freely inside. Best of all, if in a cage there will be a high pallet with a friable litter, in which the mumps will dig. Need, of course, a cozy house (best of all - wooden), a feeder and a drinking bowl. Do not forget that these animals are vegetarians. How much the guinea pig lives depends on its diet. She does not need animal feed, even dairy products. But you need hay, fresh grass, juicy vegetables, for example lettuce, cabbage, carrots. Do not offer them citrus, because they contain too much vitamin C, which these animals are not used to. They also need a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements. It is best to use store feeds, in which these components already enter into the right proportions. But even fresh leaves and grass should not be neglected! How long does the guinea pig live? Usually from 5 to 8 years. But there are cases when the age of these animals reached 15 years. So with good care this little animal can become a real long-liver.

how many live guinea pigs rosette

Благодаря своему уживчивому характеру, sociability and simplicity of content, guinea pigs are very popular as pets. People like to talk with them and play with them. They do not just run and play, like hamsters for example, but they can respond to the owner's words with a loud merry sound. Therefore, over the long years of keeping these animals at home, many different breeds have been identified. This - Abyssinian, merino, rex, skinny, rosette. Among them there are both very common and exclusive. Skinny is a special breed of guinea pigs, whose representatives are practically devoid of wool. In fact, they are not completely naked, on the legs and head there is residual hair. For rosette (or rosetti), on the contrary, rosettes are characteristic of wool, which are located throughout the body of the animal. Often, owners are interested in how many guinea pigs of skinnels or other breeds live. They are worried that artificially bred specimens can not last long. In fact, the life expectancy of different guinea pigs does not depend on the breed, but is largely determined by the habitat conditions.

How many live guinea pigs (rosette,angora, royal), depends on their owners. We need to communicate with our pets, feed them properly, regularly walk around so they can run a lot. And then the guinea pig will live for many years.

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