/ / Premature aging of the placenta: causes, consequences and ways of treatment

Premature aging of the placenta: causes, consequences and ways of treatment

Плацента (детское место) – это уникальный орган, which exists an incomplete nine months. The fact is that it is formed only by the 12th day of development of the embryo. Through the placenta for the intrauterine period is the amount of nutrients that are sufficient to form a new life.

Конечно же, детское место выполняет великое a lot of functions that are very important for the development of the child and for the mother's organism. Our task is to describe the most important and stop at such a threatening pathology as premature aging of the placenta.

The primary function of this body is the role ofThe link between the mother and child. The placenta carries out transportation of all useful substances (amino acids, proteins, fatty acids, fats, carbohydrates), oxygen, vitamins and microelements. The mother also gets some useful items to replenish her stock. So, through the placenta, hormones enter the woman, which stimulate the normal course of pregnancy.

In addition to transporting oxygen, it alsoperforms the opposite function - removes carbon dioxide and metabolic products from the body of the baby. However, the placenta also acts as a barrier to toxins and harmful substances. They can not easily penetrate the children's place. The barrier function still stimulates the protection of the maternal organism from fetal antigens.

Старение плаценты, то есть ее закономерное development, occurs gradually. After all, it is formed on the twelfth day, mutating with the development of the fetus: it develops, changes its structural features, grows with the baby. According to this, four degrees of maturity of the placenta are distinguished, the presence of which can be determined by performing an ultrasound study. Each of them must correspond to a certain period of pregnancy.

However, sometimes premature aging occursplacenta, which is characterized by its rapid development, which does not correspond to the timing of gestation. For example, sometimes the second degree of its maturation begins before the 32nd week, and the third - before the 36th.

As you know, there are a number of reasons that stimulate the development of this pathology:

- if a woman has made abortions in the past;

- complications during past births;

- the aging of the placenta can develop in the presence of diseases of the endocrine system (for example, diabetes mellitus);

- chronic pathologies in the work and development of the cardiovascular system;

- liver disease (hepatitis and others);

- diseases of the genitourinary system, chronic inflammation.

Often premature aging of the placenta canarise in the presence of intrauterine infection, Rh-conflict (when the mother and child have different Rh factors), HIV infection, epilepsy, and those women who lead unhealthy lifestyles: drink, smoke, and use drugs.

An old placenta can lead to:

- the fact that a woman does not endure a child or does not bring it to the due date;

- premature discharge of amniotic fluid;

- fetal hypotrophy;

- premature detachment of the placenta.

However, do not panic if you putdiagnosis of "premature aging of the placenta". The treatment of this problem has been developed very effectively, and doctors have several of its possible options, the choice of which depends on the specific situation. A woman with such a pathology should regularly visit a gynecologist and carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to go to hospital to save pregnancy. Before giving birth, a woman with such a pathology is hospitalized ahead of time. If all the recommendations are followed, the woman continues to wear the baby and gives birth to a healthy baby.

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