/ / Tips: how to save bulbs of tulips before spring

Tips: how to keep bulbs of tulips before spring

Proper storage of tubers, bulbs and rhizomesa variety of flower crops - the main condition for obtaining abundant and bright flowering in the new season. If you do not adhere to it, some of the material will die, and the remaining specimens will give small stems and ugly, often modified flowers. Soviets on how to preserve the bulbs of tulips before spring, share the experienced gardeners of our country.

how to keep bulbs of tulips until spring

Optimal conditions for proper storage

The main factors affecting the contentbulbs in winter, are considered temperature and humidity. The room is chosen for a cool and slightly moist, so gardeners usually prefer cellars, glazed balconies or tiny cellars for storage of planting material. If you have flower roots on the loggia, it is highly recommended that they be sprayed with water from the spray gun.

How to keep bulbs of tulips in winter?In what it is necessary to hold planting material? For maintenance in the cold season use strong cardboard boxes without glossy coating and drawings or ordinary garden boxes. From above, the containers must be covered with moss or covered with a layer of dry peat and river sand. Summer storage of tulips provides for their timely extraction and maintenance of bulbs in suitable temperature conditions and humidity.

how to keep bulbs of tulips

When it's time to dig flowers for the winter

Deciding how to keep bulbs of tulips incold time, it is necessary to take into account the timing of their collection. The traditional time of extracting them from the soil is the end of June and the first 20 days of July. The leaves by this time are already starting to turn yellow, which means that they are ready to give the plant all the stored nutrients. The extracted bulbs are thoroughly washed from all the adhering soil and remove any remains of foliage and the old bulb base. If the soil remains, the plant can rot or get sick. How to keep bulbs of tulips till the spring, if they were wet with water? Everything is simple - you need to thoroughly dry the planting material for several hours under an artificial or natural canopy. According to the rules of floriculture bulbs can not be excavated immediately after the end of flowering. But to save the decorative appearance of the whole site use a little trick. Tulips are extracted with a clod of earth and put to ripen in a dry and slightly shaded place.

The harvested harvest must be sorted, according tothe size of the bulbs. All tiny specimens - babies - should also not be thrown out, they quickly grow to the desired "condition" or can be used for a one-off outing. The main condition of how to keep the bulbs of tulips until the spring healthy and strong, is to preserve untouched small scales rootlets. All sorted materials are placed in separate boxes and transferred to storage in a garden shed.

how to keep bulbs of tulips in winter

The temperature should be about 20 aboutWith, and the termination of the term of summer maintenance of the futureTulips fall at the end of August, when they need to be moved to the basement or planted for wintering in the open ground. Compliance with these simple conditions and requirements and is the answer to the question of newcomers on how to keep the bulbs of tulips until the spring.

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