/ / When planting tulip bulbs: gardening tips

When planting tulip bulbs: gardeners tips

when planting tulip bulbs
Tulips are perennial bulbous plants,which are the very first among all the flora begin to bloom, and therefore serve as an excellent decoration of any garden. They have soft lanceolate leaves, and the shape of tulip flowers can be very different - for this, they appreciate the fans to cross different varieties of flowers to get new hybrids.

Novice gardeners are often tormented by the question:when to plant tulip bulbs and how to do it right? Usually these flowers are planted in the middle of autumn. It is extremely important to choose the right time, because the root system must take root before the onset of the first cold weather. Under good conditions, this process usually takes from 20 days to 1 month. If the planting of tulip bulbs was late, then in spring they can lag far behind in development and growth, which can lead to late flowering and the appearance of very small bulbs. However, too early planting is not less dangerous, because the flowers can germinate too early and simply freeze during the winter. Experts believe that the best time to plant tulip bulbs begins when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is about 10 aboutS. That is why the best time for carrying out this operation is considered to be mid-autumn: the end of September and the beginning of October.

when to plant tulip bulbs

At the onset of the first frost should be carefullyMulch planted flowers. Such materials as straw, compost, needles, peat, dry leaves are excellent as mulch. They will not only provide the plant with the necessary heat and access to oxygen, but will also become fertile by the beginning of spring, ideal for the development and growth of the plant.

When to plant tulip bulbs

Novice gardeners are often interested in:Is it possible to plant these flowers in spring? Of course, it is possible, but it will be necessary to apply a certain technology during planting. To do this, put the bulbs in the refrigerator overnight, and then rinse thoroughly with a weak solution of manganese. At the end of these procedures, plant the tulips as close as possible to each other to a depth of about 5 cm. It should be remembered that flowering with this method of planting begins much later.

planting tulip bulbs

How to properly land

Anyone who is interested when planting bulbstulips, you should know that choosing the right place is just as important as choosing the right time. Best of all for these plants are well-lit areas with protection from strong winds. Tulips planted best on sandy soil. Very favorable for the development, flowering and growth of these flowers affects the timely introduction of wood ash and rotted compost. However, it should be remembered that you should not fertilize tulips with fresh manure, as there are a lot of fungal infections in it that can simply kill a young plant.

Кроме вопроса о том, когда высаживать луковицы tulips, no less important is the following: how should this be done? It is necessary to plant flowers deep enough. Large bulbs are usually placed at a depth of 10 to 15 cm, and small ones up to 10 cm. After planting, the plant must be watered with hot water and potassium permanganate to prevent the development of various diseases.

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