/ How to remove kidney stones

How to remove kidney stones

The kidneys of a person are in constant work.They relieve the body of all harmful substances. If there is a violation in the functions of the kidneys, then this has a strong effect on the state of the body. Therefore, people aged 20-50 years often wonder how to remove stones from the kidneys.

The main point in the treatment of kidneys is compliancea certain diet, which will prescribe the attending physician. Accordingly, the removal of stones should be strictly under the supervision of a specialist. If the process does not stop or do something wrong, then the disease will progress, which will lead to irreversible consequences. There are many folk remedies, because our grandmothers knew how to remove stones from the kidneys without resorting to surgical intervention. But modern medicine has gone far ahead, which allows you to quickly and effectively cure the disease.

Transdermal method of excretion of stones

This method is used only in the extremecases where there is already no hope that the stones will come out themselves. Such treatment is used in stationary conditions with the use of anesthesia. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor internally examines the condition of the kidneys and the location of the stones. At the same time, special needles are injected directly into the kidneys through the patient's skin. In this way, stones are crushed. Then they go out in a natural way. After such procedure the patient should stay in the hospital for several days under the supervision of a doctor. One transdermal method is enough to completely rid the kidneys of stones.

Lithotripsy for the removal of stones

How to remove stones from the kidneys cantell the attending physician. This method is now very common, but has the disadvantage that one procedure will not be enough to completely break up large stones. Lithotripsy is performed on an outpatient basis, strictly under local anesthesia. There is a crushing of stones with the help of sound waves. For this procedure, there are a number of contraindications, and before a lithotripsy should be carried out a certain examination of the body.

Medication method

Small stones are derived with the help of suchdrugs like Cyston, Cystenal and others. However, it is worth remembering that taking medications is possible only on the advice of a doctor. First, you need to determine the condition, the number and size of stones, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. After that, the doctor prescribes the appropriate drugs.

Exit stones

The patient needs to be aware of how thekidney stones. After all, sometimes the disease can pass by itself, they just come out naturally. The stones themselves come out only in small sizes. According to statistics, out of 10 cases of stones, only 1-2 patients get treatment.

Kidney stones go through the urinary system for 1-3 weeks. The maximum period is about 4 weeks after the appearance of the first symptoms.

Helping the body

How to remove stones from the kidneys, it is clarified, but alsoyou need to know that the body needs help. The food should be high-grade, with the maintenance of all necessary minerals and vitamins. Do not completely abandon any products, it is enough just to reduce their consumption. Weight loss during the withdrawal of stones should be completely abolished. After a sharp reduction in weight can lead to the omission of the kidney, which will help the stone to move and block the urinary outflow. In this case, without surgical intervention will not do.

In any case, how to remove stones from the kidneys,methods, suitable for the body, the attending physician who has the results of the tests on hand knows. Do not risk your own health and even life, it is better to seek help from specialists.

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