/ / Sports vitamins and their positive impact on the life of athletes

Sports vitamins and their positive impact on the life of athletes

Everyone needs a whole complexvitamins. Urban residents can not get the amount of vitamins they need, because the main factors that affect our health: poor nutrition, dirty air, heredity and bad ecology. People who play sports especially need these substances. Sports vitamins are the best assistants to a person who leads an active lifestyle.

sports vitamins

Constant physical exertion, which peopleundergo, they make their body work in an intensive mode, therefore, the intake of vitaminized preparations is necessary here. If our body is perfectly prepared, then sport will serve as a real source of health, vigor and youth.

What effect do vitamins have on the body?

Человек сам выбирает, каким спортом он будет to be engaged. You can visit the pool, go to the gym, do gymnastics in the morning, do fitness or body building. But in any case, you need a certain vitamin complex. There are sports vitamins for women and for men. For each organism you can choose your own complex and dosage.

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In the modern world in vegetables and fruits there is no necessarycomposition of vitamins, as they are grown artificially and with various additives. Additional use of vitamins will help maintain the vitality of the body and spirit.

It should be noted that not all vitamin-mineral substances are compatible with each other.

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Ascorbic acid and its effect on humans

Ascorbic, as it is called children, can be called the best sports vitamin. Vitamin C has a great influence on the human body. The main factors of its influence:

  • improves blood characteristics;
  • maintains normal cholesterol levels;
  • helps the absorption of iron in the blood;
  • forms "with assistants" collagen;
  • is a strong antioxidant.

best sports vitamins

Sports vitamins containing ascorbicacid, help athletes to quickly return to normal and reduce the number of injuries during training. It is highly soluble in water and is rapidly excreted from the body, not accumulating in the tissues. It should be taken only after a meal, drinking plenty of water. When consuming vitamin C, you can not smoke, as one cigarette burns about 100 mg of ascorbinka.

The positive effects of vitamins B12 and B1

All athletes are well aware of the effects of vitamin B12 on their organisms. Its main functions are:

  • helps blood formation process;
  • improves digestion;
  • improves nerve conduction;
  • carbohydrate metabolism does not pass without this substance.

If the body lacks this vitamin, thenthe nervous system is disturbed, constant fatigue is felt and the muscle response becomes weak. His colleagues are vitamins A and C, which help the most important processes in the body. But it is worth knowing that these sports vitamins for women can lose the effect if she takes contraceptive drugs.

Vitamin B1 is very useful for bodybuilders and bodybuilders. This substance contributes to the excellent absorption of carbohydrates in the body, which help the athlete save energy. Properties of this vitamin:

  • it helps build muscle;
  • excellent effect on brain activity and nerve conduction;
  • with its wealth, the metabolic processes in the body are correct.

Even if there is an overdose, the vitamin perfectly leaves the body and quickly dissolves in water.

Vitamin B6 and its properties

When vitamin B6 is not in the human body,it does not grow muscle mass and weight. Children and athletes should be grateful for this substance for a positive effect on their height and biceps. Sports vitamins B6 and their effects:

  • under its influence neurotransmitters are formed;
  • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • amino acids and proteins are exchanged with it.

When people have vitamin B6 deficiency, their heart muscle is weakened, toxic substances accumulate and pressure rises, which has a bad effect on a sports career.

The use of vitamins A and D in sports life

The keen eye and the all-seeing eye are needed by athletes who are engaged in such sports where they need to shoot and see far. Sports vitamins of group A have the following properties:

  • increase immunity;
  • restore blood sugar levels;
  • help in the formation of collagen.

Do not use this drug in large quantities. Athletes must calculate the dosage depending on the load.

sports vitamins rating

Вещества D – это лучшие спортивные витамины для men. Thanks to them, bone tissue becomes stronger, which has a positive effect on the quality of training. If at sports loads a person gets injured, then the additional use of this vitamin will help to recover faster. Properties of the substance:

  • it is independently synthesized;
  • helps vitamin A to digest properly.

Proper use of vitamins

That rating of sports vitamins, whichThe above will help each athlete choose the right set for his use. Of course, it is better to use natural products familiar to our organisms, but athletes need to use additional substances. There is a significant difference in the use of water-soluble and fat-soluble components. The first are removed from the body in 2-4 hours, while others can be in us the whole day.

Sports vitamins for men and women always contain detailed instructions in which you can learn how to properly take these complexes.

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