/ / Smecta: instruction

Smecta: instruction

"Smecta" refers to antidiarrhoeal preparations of natural (natural) origin. The medication has an adsorbing effect.

Characterizing the drug "Smecta", instructionindicates the presence of selective sorption properties due to the discoid-crystalline structure of the agent. The medication is able to stabilize the mucous barrier, forming polyvalent bonds with glycoproteins, increasing the amount of mucus and improving its gastroprotective properties. In therapeutic dosages, the agent has no effect on intestinal motility.

From the body the drug is excreted unchanged.

"Smecta". Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for diarrhea of ​​chronic andacute, medicinal, allergic nature, against the background of a violation of the dietary regime and the qualitative composition of the products. In the complex treatment - with diarrhea of ​​infectious nature. Medication "Smecta" instruction allows you to take as a symptomatic for heartburn, discomfort, bloating with gastritis, colitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach.

For adults, one packet is recommended(three grams) three times a day. Take a powder dissolved in water (half a glass). To prepare the contents of the sachet pour into the liquid gradually, evenly stirring.

The daily recommended dosage for the "Smecta" preparation is as follows: up to a year - one packet, from one to two - one or two, after two years - two or three.

The powder dissolves in a bottle (baby),calculated on 50 ml of liquid. The drug is divided into several receptions throughout the day or is thoroughly mixed with any semi-liquid dish: porridge, baby food, compote, soup, puree and others.

Therapeutic course is recommended for three to seven days.

In case of overdose, constipation is possible.

The use of the "Smecta" medication is allowed during the period of gestation and lactation according to the indications and prescription of the doctor.

As adverse events during admissionIn rare cases, constipation may occur. In this case, treatment can be continued after dosage reduction. It is better to consult a doctor. In some cases, allergic reactions may occur. If there are severe symptoms, stop using the drug and visit a doctor. In this case, there may be a sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

Contraindicated in intestinalobstruction, insufficiency of sucrose-isomaltase, intolerance to fructose, with glucose-galactose upset syndrome, hypersensitivity (intolerance) to the components of the agent.

When taking "Smekty" and other medications, the medication interval should not be less than one or two hours.

In many cases, "Smecta" is used when vomiting.In the opinion of many parents who gave the drug to children, the remedy effectively helps to alleviate the condition. However, as is known, vomiting provokes dehydration of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to give the baby a solution of "Regidron", which helps restore the water-electrolyte balance.

The drug should be kept at a temperature of not more than twenty-five degrees in a place inaccessible to children. The medication is good for three years.

The application of "Smekty" can reduce the speed andthe level of absorption of other drugs with simultaneous use. The ability of drugs to enhance or weaken each other's effects should be considered. Otherwise, the desired effect of therapy may not occur or an overdose or poisoning may occur.

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